Alpine Small Grants Program REmember the Vic Alps Relief Auction, held in November 2020? Over $18,000 was raised and you can now apply for one of the grants via Into Our Hands. Each grant is worth up to $2500 and they are open for applications now until February 1. Individuals and organisations can apply for support for projects that focus on community recovery. Grants are expected to support the alpine communities, boost the town and help rebuild community life. The specific communities targeted in the grants round include: Mansfield, Mount Buller, Bright, Harrietville, Hotham, Dinner Plain, Beechworth, Mount Buffalo, Porepunkah, Wandiligong, Rose River, Walhalla, Mount Baw Baw, Marysville, Lake Mountain, Mount Beauty, Falls Creek and close townships and surrounds. Road works over the summer period Over summer 2020–2021 Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) will continue planned maintenance works on the Great Alpine Road. Preparation and asphalting of eight sites between Harrietville and Hotham Heights is in progress. Works on the final site, in Mount Hotham Village between the tunnel and the CFA shed have resumed this month. RRV anticipates final sealing work will take place in February and take approximately four weeks to complete, weather permitting. Road surface during heat It’s not unusual for hot weather and increased tourist traffic to result in some bleeding of the road surface, where the surface becomes soft and sticky. Regional Roads Victoria is aware that this is currently occurring at various locations between Harrietville and Dinner Plain and will continue to monitor the situation over the summer period. Should it be required, speed will be reduced and gritting will be undertaken at these sites. These sites are separate to the planned maintenance work sites. To report a road hazard call the RRV customer service centre on 133 RRV (133 778). ![]() Alpine Resorts Support Program Stream 2 GuidelinesThe Victorian Government has released the guidelines for the Alpine Resorts Support Program - Stream 2. The Victorian Government has established an Alpine Resorts Support Program to assist businesses in the Alpine Resorts manage the impacts of COVID-19. The announcement includes $5 million to provide grants to non-head lessee commercial operators within the Alpine Resorts and Dinner Plain. The Program is delivered by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (the Department). The Guidelines set out the eligibility criteria for support under Stream 2 of the Program. Please ensure that you read this document and the grant terms and conditions carefully before completing the application form. The Alpine Resorts Support Program has the following objectives:
Alpine Classic this weekend The Alpine Classic cycling event is on this Australia Day weekend so keep an eye out for cyclists doing the climb this Saturday and Sunday. There won't be any road closures but please warn your guests to take extra care. For more information on where they'll be riding and when, check our link and keep an eye on our socials for updates. ![]() Mt Hotham Tracks and Trails map update The Mt Hotham Tracks and Trails map has been updated and will be available for collection from the MHARMB office and the Dinner Plain Info Centre this Australia Day weekend. Copies of the maps will also be available from all our tourism info centre partners soon. The updated map is now available for donwload from the Hotham website. Mt Hotham Summer Guide 2020/2021 Please click on the button below to access the Summer Guide information, which includes bushfire preparedness information. We require all property owners to complete your emergency contacts for this summer period by completing the online form here by 17 December 2020. Any changes to your committee or ownership contacts can be updated here at any time. ![]() Free ATDW listings until 31 January Tourism North East (TNE), along with your local and state governments, recognises the significant economic impact bushfire and COVID-19 are having on the sector. Providing free ATDW listings saves tourism businesses $290 and importantly ensures businesses continue to be promoted on the tourism websites that will maximise their exposure as part of recovery marketing campaign activity. Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) listings provide an online presence at national, state, regional and destination levels through the key online tourism marketing platforms of,, Victoria’s High Country and the relevant High Country destination websites around the region. To apply: New listings: New businesses should apply for a code here. Applications are open until 31 January 2021. Your code will be generated once your form is complete, submitted and approved. Once you receive your code you can go to ATDW to create your free listing. To find out more click here. ![]() Small Business Bushfire Support Grants closing soonApplications for the Business Victoria ‘Small Business Bushfire Support’ grants close on Sunday 31 January. Grants of up to $10,000 are available to support small businesses that experienced a significant loss of income due to the Victorian bushfires that commenced on 21 November 2019. Businesses in the local council areas of Alpine, East Gippsland, Indigo, Mansfield, Towong, Wellington and the Rural City of Wangaratta are eligible. Tripadvisor Masterclass Destination Gippsland has a number of useful resources for small business on their website, including:
Destination Gippsland's role is to grow and serve the Gippsland tourism sector and work in partnership with the industry and government to deliver rewarding and lasting economic, environmental and social outcomes. |