Changing the way we ‘do’ biosecurity in New Zealand: A message from the Biosecurity 2025 Steering Group
Imagine a unified biosecurity system where everyone – communities, iwi, hapū, businesses, government and councils – works together to protect our lifestyles, our livelihoods and our unique environment against pests and diseases.
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SAVE THE DATE: Biosecurity New Zealand Forum, 12-13 November, Auckland
Lock this date into your calendar so you don’t miss out on the opportunity to be engaged, inspired, challenged and connected to delegates from across New Zealand.
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Understanding how Kiwi’s perceive biosecurity
To get an understanding of how the New Zealand public and businesses see biosecurity in their lives or within their work, the Ministry for Primary Industries has undertaken research to provide a baseline to track progress against the targets set out in the Biosecurity 2025 strategy.
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Kōtuitui Kōrero Pūtaiao - Biosecurity Communication Network update
The number of communicators connecting across the biosecurity system continues to grow with 330 communicators a part of the network. Over 70 met for the second time, for a Kōtuitui Kōrero Pūtaiao, forum on 19 June 2018 in Christchurch with the aim of building on and cementing the relationships started in Wellington in March.
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New weapons in the battle for urban biosecurity
With over 10,000 reports of suspected new pests and diseases in New Zealand every year it’s no surprise that our urban environments are being impacted.
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Citizens report on myrtle rust
The day myrtle rust was discovered on the mainland, a biosecurity battle erupted.
Biosecurity officials and volunteers have done everything possible to stop the fungus from taking hold, and in April the Ministry for Primary Industries conceded that we need to focus on long-term management options.
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Statement of Priorities for biosecurity research, science and technology in its final stages
The Biosecurity Science Working Group, has been working on developing a Statement of Priorities for biosecurity research, science and technology. The group has developed an initial draft drawing on previously identified research and innovation needs from relevant documents. This draft has been discussed with key people across the across the biosecurity system and the Biosecurity 2025 Steering Group.
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PROFILE: Keen student takes on the challenge to spot wilding pines from space
Drive around the beautiful wide landscapes of the Mackenzie Country and you’re bound to spot some wilding pines.
Because they mature early and produce a large number of relatively small seeds, wilding pines have invaded an estimated 1.8 million hectares across New Zealand, ranging from tussock grasslands and high-country farmland to native forests.
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Scientists hone in on where pests come from
A team of scientists at the Bio-Protection Research Centre is working to make Biosecurity New Zealand’s (BNZ) pest incursion investigators jobs much easier.
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Summer border stats show we’ve been busy
The Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) border biosecurity defenders have just been through their busiest summer on record.
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One stop shop for New Zealand biosecurity information now live!
Bionet, the online biosecurity portal, is now live, providing a home for best practice biosecurity information. Head to www.bionet.nz where you’ll find resources, links and useful information about biosecurity practices in New Zealand.
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New Zealand Biosecurity Awards 2018: Entries open 30 July
The New Zealand Biosecurity Awards recognise and celebrate people and organisations across New Zealand who are contributing to New Zealand’s biosecurity – in our communities, businesses, science organisations, iwi and hapū, and local and central government.
Entries are now open and close on Friday 31 August.
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World class National Biocontainment Laboratory opening 2019
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is currently building the new National Biocontainment Laboratory at Wallaceville in Upper Hutt.
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B3: Better Border Biosecurity
B3: Better Border Biosecurity aims to develop approaches and tools to ensure harmful organisms are kept out of New Zealand, or, if they do manage to enter, are eradicated before establishing permanent populations. B3 members have been fully engaged at various forum and working groups to ensure the success of Biosecurity 2025.
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Biosecurity New Zealand launched
The end of April saw the Minister for Biosecurity Damien O’Connor launch Biosecurity New Zealand at the Zealandia Eco-Sanctuary in Wellington.
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What's going on?
We'd love to hear from you
If you’ve got any stories or updates you’d like to share in our next issue, please email us. Although the newsletter is published by MPI, it’s a collaborative effort.
Gourmet peanut butter a favourite for Wellington rats
When Predator Free Wellington told peanut butter artisans Fix & Fogg that their peanut butter was a hit with rats, they came to the party.
Crack squad of Hens to eradicate Aussies
Auckland Council has unleashed a crack squad of 200 biosecurity-warranted chickens to help get rid of Aussie rainbow skinks. Chickens vs Skinks.
Using drones to tackle trees with a chainsaw
Check out these crazy Finnish farmers using a chainsaw drone to tackle trees on their land.
Pest Detective interactive website helps identify pests
If you’d like to be able to identify pests in your garden, this website is the place to go.
Plant & Food Research five-part podcast series
The series explores how innovative science is pushing boundaries to protect borders, getting pests to push off, and dealing with disease. Check it out.
Bioheritage Science Challenge Update
The National Science Challenge 2017 Highlights Report is now available. This report outlines the Challenge’s progress towards enhancing and restoring New Zealand’s natural and primary production environments.Take a look. It’s a great read.
Bug-busting board game teaches kids how to keep pests out of NZ
In a previous issue of this newsletter we talked about a new board game called Invasion Busters that's designed to teach kiwi kids about biosecurity. Here's a recent stuff.co.nz story all about it.