The High School Weekly Newsletter 
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Vol 21 No 16-18          3 February 2016


Keeping in Touch on Social Media 


Whether you like Twitter or Tumblr, Facebook or Instagram, Blogger or Pinterest, The High School has a social media platform to suit you.  Find out if that hockey match has been cancelled or learn the score of the latest badminton match.  Whatever is happening at The High School, you can read about it online and enjoy pictures and videos too.  This month read about semi-final matches in rugby and hockey,  a Leinster badminton final, county wins in badminton and Maths and more cross-country and debating success. There have been cultural trips to Belfast and the theatre too.  Just click on the images below to read more.  
And why not let your friends and family know what is going on at our school? They will be amazed. Click on the share/forward button right now and pass on the good news about The High School.  
Remember, if you use social media, let's keep in touch:  'Like' and 'Follow' today!


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JCT Rugby Semi-Final


SCT Hockey Semi-Final


Athletics Success


Badminton Leinster Final


Dublin Champions




Debating Success




Poster Competition


Form 4 Theatre Trip


Form 4 Cultural Trip


Raffle Prize Winners 


Dates for your Diary

4 February - Form 4 parents' meeting - Leaving Certificate choices, 7.30 pm

12 February - Half term begins, 11.55am


22 February - Half term ends, 8.55 am

25 February - Form 3 parents' meeting - Transition Year programme, 7.30 pm