Curated links for people who believe in better business... No Images? Click here Meaning is part of a global community - a community of fellow travellers on the road to better business. With Shared Meaning we signpost a collection of ideas and stories to inspire you on your own journey. If you like it, please share it. If you don't, you can unsubscribe at the bottom of this email. Rethinking overthinkingIn an effort to do the right thing, we often turn to data analysis and deep exploration of available options. Are we falling into the trap of overthinking? The Zen Habits blog makes the case for cutting through indecision and getting on with it. There's a lesson here for many of us... Meet the EvergreensThe Cleveland Model is one of the big ideas that will be in the air at Meaning 2019. At the heart of Cleveland's new economic movement are the Evergreen Co-ops - thriving as part of a city-wide system that creates radical business at a local level... Leading like a womanInnovation and diversity expert Nilofer Merchant will be our host for Meaning 2019. Not one to shy away from calling out bullsh*t when she sees it, here she is on the way feminism risks falling into the generalisation trap when considering women, their roles, their skills and their contribution... Well-meaning well-beingWellness. Detox. Self-help. It all sounds good, doesn't it? Modern workplaces are increasingly saturated with distractions and gimmicks that purport to help us stay healthy. But is it time to cut the crap? Don't believe the hype... In search of a new worldview"A new class of 21st century business will not be about private value. It will be about financing common value through massive interaction points and contracting." Procuring a better worldIn a world crying out for less waste, less pollution and more ethical trade, how best can governments and corporations play their part in provoking change? There's a solid argument for 'procurement activism'. If you like something, buy it... Striking for what's rightStrikes and protests have always had a pivotal role in the history of business and industry - typically as workers campaign for better pay and working conditions. Walkouts are now having a comeback, as more of us consider the ethics of our working world, and the power we hold... It's beginning to look a lot like MeaningPreparations for Meaning are now in full swing. We already have an exciting speaker line-up, and we'll soon announce the breakout session options and a Meaning Fringe programme to complete your conference experience. Have you secured your ticket yet? |