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Please note that you may choose at any time to unsubscribe from the NEWSblog simply by clicking the button below or by sending us an email at If you have any questions about any of this, don't hesitate to send us an email at Aviation Cyber Security TrainingNEW SESSIONS AVAILABLEREGISTER NOW More details on cyber security training are available here. For any additional information please contact Adrian Cioranu at EUROCAE at RTCA Global Aviation Symposium 201812 June, Washington DC, USA This year's annual RTCA symposium took place in Crystal City, in a one-day setup. The Symposium focused on policy and technical issues relevant to RTCA committee volunteers and others in the aviation industry, and included news about the FAA legislation and NextGen activities, featuring several panels on drones, ranging from their integration to autonomous operation. EUROCAE was represented by the Secretary General, Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner, who spoke at the “Global Leadership, Global Harmonization” panel. Moderated by Richard Mac Farlane, Deputy Director at ICAO ANB, the panel explored the globalisation of standards supporting equipment that enables SESAR and NextGen operations. The discussion focused on the intersection of standards bodies, equipment manufacturers, and operators. ![]() Two other topics aside of the official agenda have been discussed at length. The first was the RTCA transition from being utilised by the FAA as a Federal Adivsory Committee (FAC) to an independent Standard Developing Organisation (SDO), something similar to the status of EUROCAE. The second was the announcement that the RTCA President, Margaret Jenny will retire after serving in this position the RTCA and therefore the aviation community for ten years. Her contribution, leadership and tireless effort for improvements and modernisation were acknowledged by the participants as she was given standing ovations when RTCA Chairman, Craig Fuller, recognised Margaret’s contribution to the success of RTCA at the annual award luncheon. EUROCAE at AEE Conference 201819-20 June, Munich, Germany EUROCAE actively participated at the Aviation Electronics Europe (AEE) conference and exhibition. EUROCAE Secretary General, Christian Schleifer-Heingärtner is a member of the organising committee of this annual event and opened the conference by giving a joint opening keynote with easyJet, informing the audience about the latest developments and activities at EUROCAE and giving an outlook of potential new areas of standards, new technologies and solutions. He was also a panel member on “Evolution of the European Institutional Framework”, debating changes over the years of how the different institutions and organisations involved operate and collaborate. The panel discussion provided some clarity on the role of each institution, what they do, what the current position of the industry is and what are the expected evolutions. EUROCAE Technical Programme Manager, Alex Engel moderated a session discussing the advances in ATM, Navigation and Surveillance as well as the importance of Human Factors in this changing environment. Airbus presented DIGITS, a project that demonstrates the implementation of trajectory management and download using ADS-C. The basis for these activities are the EUROCAE standards ED-228, ![]() ED-229, ED-230 and ED-231. These documents define the Safety, Performance and Interoperability requirements for the use of datalink for ATC purposes. The latter presentation looked at the importance of human factors in supporting the implementation of new responsibilities and tasks. In particular for shared tasks (e.g. between the ground and the flight deck), it is important that the Human Factors of both ends are taken into account in a synchronised approach to make sure that in the end all affected parties are satisfied with the results. The European GNSS Agency (GSA) described the role of the EGNOS and GALILEO projects in supporting the implementation and evolution of CNS (Communication, Navigation, Surveillance) in general and Performance Based Navigation (PBN) in particular. EUROCONTROL invited us also this year to share their booth with them, where we had extremely good response and discussions, and we offered more detailed information about EUROCAE to visitors from around the world. 14th EASCG MeetingOn 22 June, the European ATM Standardisation Coordination Group held its 14th meeting, on the EUROCAE premises in St Denis. The meeting reviewed and approved the 6th version of the ATM Rolling Development Plan, which will be shortly available on the EASCG website. In addition, the EASCG has submitted a position paper on the question of validation of standards as part of its advisory role to the EC on standardisation matters. ![]()
The position paper provides several conclusions as well as a number of recommendations, and the EASCG will continue to work on these recommendations at future meetings. EUROCAE at the EDA Aviation Cyber Seminar13 June, Brussels, BelgiumOn 13 June, the European Defence Agency (EDA) organised an Aviation Cyber Seminar. The event brought together the civil and military aviation and cyber defence communities, with the intent to develop a common understanding of current and future cyber security challenges for aviation, with a particular focus on military requirements. The event provided an overview of current and future developments in aviation and related cyber security risks and promoted cross-fertilization between aviation and cyber defence communities. Anna von Groote presented WG-72 and other EUROCAE activities, such as in particular the coordination groups (EASCG/EUSCG), which were ![]() recognised as a good vehicle to promote civil-military cooperation, resulting in tangible benefits for both sides. Complementarity of the various ongoing actions was identified to be a key factor to success, and EDA and EUROCAE are actively collaborating to facilitate the exchanges. Moreover, the event provided the forum to engage with expert representatives from relevant civil and military organisations, in view of facilitating the identification and prioritisation of opportunities for intergovernmental cooperation and dual-use approaches to cyber security in military aviation. Publication of ED-203AWG-72, in collaboration with RTCA SC-216, finalised ED-203A "Airworthiness Security Methods and Considerations". The document is technically identical with RTCA DO-356A. This document provides methods and considerations for showing compliance for airworthiness security during the aircraft life cycle. Airworthiness security is the protection of the airworthiness of an aircraft from intentional unauthorized electronic interaction. Existing safety processes have not had to consider intentional disruption. The document is a companion document to ED-202A / DO-326A "Airworthiness Security Process Specification", which addresses ![]() security aspects of aircraft certification and to ED-204 / DO-355, "Information Security Guidance for Continuing Airworthiness" which addresses airworthiness security for continued airworthiness. The methods and considerations of this document provide guidance for accomplishing the airworthiness security process activities identified in ED-202A / DO-326A. EUROCAE WG-72 is launching three new aeronautical systems security activities18-20 September, Saint-Denis, FranceIn a dynamic context of aeronautical systems security developments, EUROCAE is launching three Calls for Participation to inform interested parties about new standardisation activities and to provide the possibility to nominate project participants. These new projects, addressed by EUROCAE Working Group 72, are investigating various aspects of aeronautical systems security.
If your organisation is interested to contribute to this WG, please complete the Registration Form before 31 July 2018. EUROCAE WG-51 Call for InterestEUROCAE launched a Call for Interest to inform interested parties about the a new activity and to provide a possibility to nominate participants.EUROCAE WG-51/SG-3 will work on the following deliverables:
As all documents are joint developments, EUROCAE and RTCA also want to develop the revisions in a joint manner once the activity has been approved by the EUROCAE TAC. The actual start of this new activity within WG-51 will be announced at a later date once it has been approved by the TAC. WG-92 MeetingEUROCAE WG-92 "VDL Mode 2" met jointly with RTCA SC-214 VDLSG and the AEEC DLK from 25 to 28 June 2018 at the EUROCAE premises in St Denis. The main focus of the meeting was the resolution of comments following the Open Consultation and FRAC on ED-92C / DO-281C "Minimum Operational Performance Standard (MOPS) for an Airborne VDL Mode-2 System Operating in the Frequency Range 118-136.975 MHz" and DO-224D "Signal-In-Space Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) For Advanced Vhf Digital Data Communications Including Compatibility With Digital Voice Techniques". ![]() All documents are expected to be submitted for final approval and publication in the near future. Furthermore, the WG continued the work on the companion document to ED-92C for ground test cases and planned the future activities to update ED-92 to also cover connection-less mode. EUROCAE welcomes the following new Members: ![]() EUROCAE documentsEUROCAE recently published:
All EUROCAE publications are accessible by clicking the button: ANNUAL REPORTThe latest edition of the Annual Report covers the activity of our organisation between May 2016 and April 2017. It contains an overview of the Working Groups, the new activities we have launched, the engagement with other European and international bodies, and EUROCAE´s presence at international events. Open ConsultationSoon to be launched: ED-240A "MASPS for Remote Tower Optical Systems", prepared by WG-100 ED-77A "User Requirements for Navigation Data", prepared by WG-44 ED-62B "Minimum Operational Performance Standard for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitters", prepared by WG-98 |