Leaving Certificate Results, New Staff, Ad Astra Scholarship and so much more No images? Click here Vol 26 No 02 11 Sept 2020 Leaving Certificate Results SuccessI am delighted to report that Leaving Certificate examination results at The High School in 2020 were most encouraging. In summary, 83% of the papers taken at higher level achieved H7 or above; H8 was recorded on only 0.14% of these papers. I should like to offer my warmest congratulations to all candidates on their individual successes. There have been significant improvements in examination performance at The High School in recent years which reflects the professional excellence of our teaching staff, the determination and hard work of pupils, and the dedicated support of parents and guardians. This trend led to The High School being ranked by The Irish Times as the best-performing school in south Dublin following 100% entry to third level education in 2012. The school recorded an average of 105% entry to third level education in 2013, 2014, and 2015. In 2015, 55% of this overall cohort were admitted to undergraduate degree courses at Trinity College, Dublin and University College Dublin - the highest-ranking universities in Ireland - where recent past pupils of The High School were awarded six Entrance Exhibitions and two Entrance Scholarships, respectively. The High School recorded a 100% and 110% progression rate to third level education in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Its past pupils were awarded two Entrance Exhibitions to TCD and eight Entrance Scholarships to UCD in 2016. In 2017, past pupils of The High School were awarded three Entrance Exhibitions and three Foundation Scholarships at TCD as well as five Entrance Scholarships at UCD. In 2019, The High School recorded a 111% progression rate to third level education. I should like to congratulate all our pupils on their outstanding results and to thank my colleagues who have worked tirelessly on their behalf throughout their time at The High School. Mr G A Forrest Meet Our New StaffWe are delighted to announce the return of Ms Fallon, Mr Hilliard, and Ms Smith to their positions at The High School. We thank Ms Beamish, Ms Clarke, Mr Matthews, Ms McDermott, Ms Nicholson, and Mr O'Reilly Meehan for their excellent service and wish them all the best for the future. We offer warm congratulations and best wishes to Mr O'Brien following his retirement. A Message for the Year AheadWelcome back to HSD! It’s really nice to be back in the school after all this time. As much as everybody tried their best during lockdown, online school just wasn’t the same. Although the communal aspect of school may seem in some ways tainted, the strong sense of community remains. So, don’t be afraid to admit that you’re trying to find your feet. We’ll get used to the masks and the one-way system and all the other restrictions. We’ll learn to read facial expressions from the bridge of the nose upwards, and we’ll figure out a way to feel close to our friends without changing our proximity. There is a new sense of social responsibility that has seeped into every bit of our lives. Now that the four of us have been placed in a position of further responsibility, we have the obligation to appeal to all pupils to look after our school community. The localized community has flourished recently and we feel the influence of others more than ever before. We urge you to use your influence for good and to respect the guidelines that have been put in place. To the Form 1 pupils, we know that it’s probably even stranger for you because you wouldn’t know any different. That being said, there is a reason that Prefects are assigned to pupils at the beginning of the year - we’re here to help. Every Prefect has signed up knowing this so you should never feel bad for reaching out. To the rest of the school and teachers alike, we’re honoured to have been appointed to these positions and we will try our hardest to fulfil our roles to the best of our abilities. Since this year is going to be particularly difficult, we hope that everyone knows that they can approach us with any ideas or comments (positive or negative!) that they might have. We might be living in strange and uncertain times but in some ways we’re entering into an era of opportunity. So, we urge you to enjoy this year as much as you can because it will be what you make of it. Library NewsThere is a new way of borrowing books at the Library. Pupils can now obtain a book loan form from the Librarian during their break times while abiding by the Covid-19 related rules such as social distancing, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette. Pupils can also email the Librarian with a particular book request. Completed forms can be returned by email or in person during breaks. Books should be returned to a special collection box in the Library where they
will be quarantined upon return for 72 hours. All-Ireland Pollinator PlanOne third of our bee species are threatened with extinction from Ireland. This is because we have drastically reduced the amount of food (flowers) and safe nesting sites in our landscapes. The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is about all of us, from farmers to local authorities, to schools, gardeners, and businesses coming together to try to create an environment where pollinators can survive and thrive. At The High School, we have created a wild meadow where birds and bees can thrive and wild plants and flowers can grow which is managed for wildlife. Look out for the sign as you pass down the hill towards the hockey pitches. Lunch at The High SchoolThere is a new lunch ordering system at The High School. Pupils can fill out an order form before school. These can be found in The Reynolds Hall. Forms will require the payment lunch code and pupils should state if they are on early or late lunch. Forms 2-6 should check last year's school diaries for their code. New pupils have been given the code by their Form Teachers. There are special offers each day - those for Tuesday and Thursday are a breakfast roll for €2 or soup and a small roll for €2.50. Goujon wraps are as popular as ever and are still available. Like all items, these are wrapped. Pupils can purchase salad bowls - either vegetarian or with chicken. Fruit bowls are also available each day. Water, iced-tea, milk, and fruit juices are available and can be added to the order form or requested at the counter. The vending machine is now located in the Millennium Garden and can be operated by cash or by tapping a credit card. The High School Winter Sports Extra-Curricular Activities 2020-21 |