Emus win in the war against Australia, things parents never thought they’d have to say, a zen thought that will help you find peace, and, uh, pooping while surfing…?
Upvoted Weekly

Rainbows. Meditation. Poop.

And none of this has to do with all the great parenting-related content that bubbled up this week across reddit communities like /r/Mommit, /r/Daddit, /r/BabyBumps, /r/SingleParents, and /r/Parenting/ this week.

My sister is a nurse and yet it was /r/nursing that taught me it was Nurses Appreciation Week. These kinds of holidays normally make my eyes roll, but I’ve had enough exposure to awesome nurses that this one is worth sharing. Seriously, read the stories. They’ll inspire you to go find a nurse (if you don’t know one) just to thank them.

Did you see the redditor who came to /r/legaladvice seeking, well, legal advice, and ended up getting his life saved from carbon monoxide poisoning??

Australia also confirmed why we should take emus seriously. Please, can some Australians share more stories of their “Emu War Machine” in this issue’s post on /r/upvoted?

Alexis Ohanian, Co-founder
surfpoopthrowaway pooped in his wet suit. So did others.

I headed in and walked up behind a stand of trees. Peeled the suit down far enough to facilitate the process, and promptly shit in my hood.

No way I was unsuiting in one of those nasty outhouses they had at the time, so I started my Battan Shit March home, confident I could defy the shame and stench of failure… It was like changing my own diaper.

Halfway thru emptying my chocolate pocket, a sailboat FULL of people appears out of nowhere and cruises past me … A lot of eye contact was made as they sailed past. I’m also thankful that it happened in 2000, before camera phones, Youtube, or social media.

Comments 206 read more 411 Upvoted
Old people don’t invest in Tesla. Apple is middle-aged.
Comments 502 read more 3816 Upvoted
filmmakersbleed helps us all take a step back

This moment, this present arising, this raw non-conceptual sensory experience… Imagine absolutely nothing is lacking. You’ve made it, you’ve arrived, congratulations.

Concede that you’ll never get all your ducks in a row. Give up ducks and rows altogether. They’re not really there—merely a feeling of lack and the opportunity to let it go … Give up, then keep going.

Comments 66 read more 284 Upvoted
Take a flight over the flower fields of the Netherlands
submitted by tek0011
Comments 526 read more 5013 Upvoted
Things you never thought you’d have to say until you became a parent

reddit has a robust network of parents who can laugh about the crazy things kids say, but they also provide encouragement and advice through tough situations, whether it’s figuring out how to help an ugly child or talking about letting your kids see you naked, and whether you’re a single parent, LGBT parent, or have a baby on the way.

Comments 7 read more 110 Upvoted
MoonSpider shows off his awesome Spiderman cosplay, complete with the perfect pose
submitted by MoonSpider
Comments 137 read more 1882 Upvoted
To nurses: A message from a significant other

Every week she humbles me with her work as an ICU Nurse. Every week she leaves me speechless in the most impossibly consistent manner. She provides me a window into a world that I had no conceptions of … really a world that none of us want to see.

I’m sobbing like a child. Thank you for this. Your message is beautiful and your partner is lucky to have you in her life. Please give her a hug and tell her thank you from a fellow nurse on Reddit.

Comments 37 read more 524 Upvoted
The true size of Africa is staggering
submitted by gladelefant

Genuinely mindblown when I first saw this. There are so many different languages, customs and cultures in that enormous expanse of land, it’s completely nonsensical to think of “Africans” as one type of people.

As it turns out, other continents are also the size of several countries.

Comments 690 read more 4312 Upvoted
Sadly, this rainbow that ended in birdman1313’s yard did not have a pot of gold at the end of it
submitted by birdman1313
Comments 1048 read more 4176 Upvoted

This week we also learned about the time Australia declared war on 20,000 marauding emus—and lost. Even though they were the ones with jeep-mounted machine guns. Australia’s wildlife wins again.