Latest Austroads news, publications and upcoming webinars No Images? Click here AustroadsNews | April 2018Welcome to the April 2018 edition of AustroadsNews. If you have been forwarded this email you can subscribe here to receive future updates. Contents
![]() World Road Congress 2023Austroads has partnered with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and Business Events Sydney (BESydney) to bid to host the World Road Congress (WRC) in Sydney in 2023. The bid is also supported by other road agencies across Australia and New Zealand. Hosting the congress in 2023 gives Australia and New Zealand an opportunity to showcase some of our groundbreaking innovation in road infrastructure and technology, learn from countries who are setting the benchmark in other areas, and play an active role in shaping the future of our global industry in today’s digital, globalised world. We believe every country can apply the lessons from Australia and New Zealand’s strong partnership approach to the governance, delivery and funding of major projects. From developing nations, through to destinations with modern networks and the most advanced technology. We hope you will support Australia and New Zealand’s bid and join us on the road to Sydney in 2023! Opportunity to lead our Assets ProgramWe are looking for a full-time senior manager to lead our Assets Program. The Program works with expert teams across Australia and New Zealand to develop and maintain a rolling two-year work program addressing
The role is an opportunity to provide national leadership and collaborate on technical research and solutions to optimise Australasia's road networks. Applications close Monday 23 April 2018. Feedback now open on Guide to Temporary Traffic Management Parts 2 and 8Austroads has released Parts 2 and 8 of the Guide to Temporary Traffic Management for industry consultation. This new guide will, once completed, provide comprehensive national guidance for all practitioners operating in Temporary Traffic Management. The two draft parts released for comment are:
The drafts are available here, and comments should be included on the document review templates provided with the drafts. Comments provided on any other format may not be considered. The industry comment period closes on Monday 30 April 2018. New guidance on road construction quality assuranceAustroads has published the first edition of Guide to Project Delivery Part 5: Road Construction Quality Assurance. This Guide has been developed to address to shortcomings experienced in quality assured contracts by providing:
Systematic and effective quality control by a road construction contractor, and reliable auditable evidence of that control, provides a win-win outcome for both contractors and road agency clients. Effective quality control will enable the contractor to minimise rework and the associated cost and time over-runs. A transparent QA process with auditable evidence of compliance will enable the road agency to satisfy itself that what is built complies with specified requirements and can therefore be expected to achieve its intended life and performance at the expected whole of life cost. Roadmap to automated national bridge assessmentAustroads has released a report that extends work previously undertaken to investigate the development and implementation of a national automated bridge assessment framework. The report outlines the ongoing validation works, recommends a set of activities to assist in the deployment of the framework, and provides a roadmap to implementation. This project has built on work conducted in Austroads project TP1681, which first investigated the potential for the framework. This stage of the project included further validation work, small scale trials of the framework with state jurisdictions and identification of key factors for the implementation. Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool updatedAustroads has recently updated the Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool, designed to help Australian and New Zealand practitioners select the most appropriate type of pedestrian crossing based on walkability, safety and economic outcomes. Based on user feedback, the tool has been enhanced with more functionality including consideration of raised and flush medians, a new field for maintenance costs, a site inspection form and additional refinements to the tool. Other updates include economic values, improved save/load function, unfeasibility reasons, visual style enhancements, crossing upgrades and new option to specify existing facility. The tool was a finalist in the 2016 Golden Foot Awards 'Best Walking Initiative’ category and awarded Merit at the 2016 ACENZ awards dinner in Auckland. Webinar: Tuesday 29 May 2018 | Online, 1pm AESTThis webinar will provide you with an introduction to the tool and a demonstration on how to use it with a fully worked example. Presented by Dave Smith and Dr Stacy Rendall. No charge, but registration is essential. Can't make it to the live session? Register and we'll send you a link to the recording. Best practice in road safety infrastructure programs Austroads has released a report that provides best practice recommendations for the development of Road Safety Infrastructure Programs (RSIPs) that align with the safe system approach. For many years, investment in road safety infrastructure in Australia and New Zealand has adopted a bottom-up approach of targeting safety improvements at locations with an established safety problem. This is commonly delivered through crash reduction programs, and black-spot and black route analyses and treatments. While this approach served Australia and New Zealand well in the past, the ability to achieve safety benefits based on reactive risk assessments and treatments has become increasingly difficult. This approach does not fully align with the safe system philosophy on which Australian and New Zealand road safety strategies are based. The report’s recommendations provide practical information on ways to make greater fatal and serious casualty savings from road safety infrastructure investment by improving program design, process and implementation. When implemented by road controlling authorities this best practice approach will effectively contribute towards an enduring and safer transport system with fewer fatalities and serious injuries. Webinar: Tuesday 15 May 2018 | Online, 1pm AESTThis webinar will present best practice recommendations for the development of Road Safety Infrastructure Programs (RSIPs) that align with the safe system approach. Presented by Paul Durdin and Dave Smith. No charge, but registration is essential. Can't make it to the live session? Register and we'll send you a link to the recording. Join us for Webinar: Towards Safe System Infrastructure Thursday 10 May 2018 | Online, 1pm AESTThe Safe System is internationally regarded as the best practice approach to road safety. Although Australia and New Zealand have been early adopters of the approach since 2004, there has generally been a lack of clarity amongst practitioners on how best to integrate the approach into their daily activities. This webinar will provide an overview of the new Austroads compendium of knowledge on Safe System treatments and real world experience in the practical application of solutions that can mitigate crash severity. It will outline information covered in a series of workshops on the translation of the Safe System approach, enabling attendees to consider the application of the theories onto their own road networks. You will gain an understanding of the:
Join in a live Q&A with the presenters to ask questions about Safe System infrastructure. Presented by Dr Jeremy Woolley and Dr Blair Turner. No charge but registration is essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording. ![]() Register now for Webinar: Geopolymer Concrete and its ApplicationsTuesday 1 May 2018 | 12pm AESTIn 2017, Austroads completed a four-year research project to provide a base for the use of geopolymer concrete in structural and non-structural applications. The project consisted of a review of literature and experimental work. Join in a live Q&A with the presenters to ask questions about geopolymer concrete. Presented by Dr Ahmad Shayan and Fred Andrews-Phaedonos. No charge, but registration is essential. Can't make it to the live session? Register and we'll send you a link to the recording. Webinar: Local Road Access for High Productivity Freight Vehicles, now online This webinar, presented on 27 March, outlines the contemporary barriers to local road access for high productivity freight vehicles, and some of the options available for local road managers when considering road access. Presented by Rob Di Cristoforo. ![]() ARSC2018Sydney, 3-5 October 2018 The 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC2018) will be held in Sydney from Wednesday to Friday 3-5 October 2018. The Australasian College of Road Safety, Austroads, ARRB and Transport and Road Safety Research (TARS), UNSW are proud to support the largest road safety-dedicated conference in the Southern Hemisphere. |