No images? Click here CHALLENGES FOR EVERYONE LIVING IN MODERN SOCIETYDemands on our thinking and mental capacity have skyrocketed as a result of rapid advances in information technology. This progression has delivered wonderful new capabilities and at the same time has created new challenges for everyone living in modern society. Having unlimited access to unlimited information affects everything we do from the way we work and live to the way we rest. Information inundates our lives and requires us to consume colossal quantities of data. “Tens of thousands of words daily pulse through our beleaguered brains,” says philosopher Philip Novak, “accompanied by a massive amount of other auditory and visual stimuli. No wonder we feel burnt.” Our stretched mental capacity combined with the coronavirus pandemic and recent social unrest gives rise to mental disturbances. Corresponding emotions include anxiety, confusion, fear, and helplessness. Corresponding physical manifestations include pain, fatigue, and frequent illnesses. ![]() Photo by Fay Cornish on Unsplash QUIET MOMENTS, CONTEMPLATION, AND THINKING DEEPLY ARE NEEDEDInformation overload crowds out quiet moments and obstructs much-needed contemplation, according to David Shenk, author of Data Smog. Shenk goes on to say, “In an era in which limitless data make possible a widening pool of elaborate studies and arguments on every side of every question, political as well as scientific, more expert knowledge has, paradoxically, led to less clarity.” “Thinking deeply cannot be done,” says University of Texas psychologist Dan Gilbert. Yet quiet moments, contemplation, and thinking deeply are exactly what we need to tame the chaos that is currently ruling our lives. Remedies typically promoted include reducing media consumption by prioritizing, unsubscribing, and turning off devices which, while helpful, will not bring about the composure, mental clarity, and energy we need. ESTABLISHING A CALM INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT IS POSSIBLEWhile we may not be able to control our external environment, we have the option to purposefully engage our minds in calming activities. States of mental calmness can be created even when in the midst of chaotic external environments. Spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, re-framing thoughts, and connecting with personal meaning are methods available to all for establishing a calm internal environment. These practices are simple, durable, and easy to use; however, many are not well-known. The High Health Network makes it easy to tap into the practices that create calm minds. Start now by viewing the brief and impactful video below. Watch it daily for a week and take note of its transforming effect. Joyce M. Young, MD, MPH “It is good to tame and watch the mind, which is flighty and difficult to restrain, rushing about wherever it will, restless and difficult to perceive. A mind well watched, a mind tamed, brings happiness.” —The Dhammapada Sincerely,
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