Explore Central North Island marketing collective No images? Click here International Market Briefing for trade-ready operatorsAs part of our investment in the Explore Central North Island marketing collective, we recently supported several in-market events and meetings to engage with the international travel trade. Representatives from partner RTOs from the Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Taupō, Rotorua, Ruapahu and Tairāwhiti Gisborne attended roadshows and Tourism New Zealand Kiwilink events in cities across North America, plus Kiwilinks and ECNI meetings in London and Munich. Destination Hauraki Coromandel staff did not travel offshore to the events, but our region was ably represented by our ECNI colleagues who were briefed by us and who know our region well. We invite you to a market briefing from the ECNI team by Zoom on Friday 10 November, 11:30am - 12:15pm. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89782255011?pwd=o0g0lZcwu2fy0pzISR3G4kf0Imyvo8.1 Meeting ID: 897 8225 5011 The briefing will include: Update on general ECNI strategy and activity South East Asia eXplore Show 2024 - 29/30 April We hope that you can join us, but if you are unable to attend, please email us, and we will send you a link to the recording of the session. Nga mihi