Week ending 6/20/14
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Senator: Oil export ban 'outdated relic'

Murkowski's report shows other developed countries all ship 

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, released a report Thursday that shows America is the only advanced nation in the world that employes a ban on oil exporting. She’s calling the report, “A Ban for One: The Outdated Prohibition on U.S. Oil Exports in Global Context.” The report shows that countries like Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom are net importers of oil that also export oil for a variety of reasons, such as quality of exported oil not matching domestic demand.

Eni achieves production milestone at Alaska oil field

Eni has achieved the important production goal of 25,000 barrels of oil per day at the Nikaitchuq field, in which the company is operator with a 100% interest. The field, located offshore the North Slope of Alaska in a water depth of 3 meters, holds reserves estimated at 200 million barrels of  crude oil. Nikaitchuq production, which began in January 2011, is the first operated by Eni in the Arctic.

ENSTAR Employees Plan Strike Over Health, Pension Benefits

ENSTAR Natural Gas Company, headquartered in Anchorage and owned by Canada-based AltaGas Ltd., has been engaged in negotiations with Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 367 since January.

'Giveaway' sound bite a dangerous distraction


Compass: Much more at stake for Alaska than a $2 billion giveaway'

Over the years I've read many of the reports written for the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER). In May, ISER published the report funded by Northrim Bank and written by Dr. Scott Goldsmith entitled "Alaska's Oil Production Tax: Comparing the Old and the New," which has been placed in the center of the debate to repeal the new oil tax enacted by the passage of Senate Bill 21. His analysis is thoughtful but the title is misleading and it should be retitled "Debunking the $2 Billion Giveaway Myth." That's what the report is being used for in the public relations arena, and I believe that it's also the reason behind the report's creation.

Corps files proposal to justify CD-5 permit 

A lawsuit over a key federal permit is still in court, but ConocoPhillips isn’t slowing down on its construction of CD-5, a small satellite oil deposit near the Alpine oil field on the North Slope.

CEO: Alaska prospects improving for oil, LNG 

ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance, seen after addressing the Resource Development Council annual luncheon in Anchorage, said he’s increasingly optimistic about prospects for both increased oil production and a large LNG export project in Alaska.

ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance, seen after addressing the Resource Development Council annual luncheon in Anchorage, said he’s increasingly optimistic about prospects for both increased oil production and a large LNG export project in Alaska.


Alaska's oil tax system bets it all on a nag

Imagine walking through the stables a week before the Kentucky Derby and an old trainer pulls you into a stall to look at a decrepit old mare. The grizzled guy grunts, “This is The Prudhoe Bay. Magnificent in her day! And I can make ‘er win the derby if you gimme some money for an injection … steroids, stimulants and ferret urine. She may drop dead after the race but, by golly, she’ll win, I garoonteee!”

AJOC EDITORIAL: What’s the revenue on a barrel of nothing? 

The problem with starting a political campaign with a deception is that eventually it unravels and has to be abandoned or it has to be defended to the point of inanity.

Such is the case with the ongoing effort to repeal the oil tax reform passed in April 2013 as Senate Bill 21. The proponents of repeal and reversion to the previous regime known as ACES kicked off their petition drive and campaign asserting that SB 21 was a “$2 billion giveaway” to industry — a figure that was roughly based on the projected budget deficit for fiscal year 2014 that will end this June 30.

Sense, nonsense and the power of the Big Three on Alaska's oil patch

 U.S. House passes bill to open NPR-A

For the second time in six months, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill aimed at greater oil industry access to the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.


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