The High School Weekly Newsletter 
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Vol 21 No 19-20          2 March 2016


Ambassador's Visit 

On Monday 22 February, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Lesotho to Ireland His Excellency Mr Paramente Phamotse came to talk to Form 4 pupils and this year's Habitat for Humanity team who will be travelling to Lesotho during the Easter holidays in March. 


Parents' Association Achievement Awards

The Parents’ Association would like your views on their proposed quarterly Pupil Achievement Award -each award worth up to 500 each term,  in recognition of exceptional endeavour and results achieved by current High School pupils in their extra curricular activities across all disciplines including but not limited to academic, sport, music, drama and social awareness/contribution. 



Minor A


Senior Hockey Semi-Final





Parents' Association Donation

The Habitat for Humanity initiative has been a major event in the school calendar for ten years now. This year, on behalf of High School parents, Finola Connolly presented a contribution of €500 to the students travelling to Lesotho in March. 




World Book Day


Drama Success


Habitat Swim


Indoor Rowing


Cup Semi-Final


The Parents’ Association have upgraded their information portal.  Click here to take a look!


New School Mascot

The School, the Parents' Association and the Past Pupils' Union have come together to fund the purchase of the new 'Black Panther' School Mascot.  If you have any ideas, why not enter the "Give the Cat a Name" competition? You can also register your suggestions with Ms Wiggle in the library. 


HSD Summer Camp

The High School would like to know if you would be interested in a multi-sport activity camp on the school grounds.  


Please let us know the dates that suit you and the activities that interest you by completing this very short survey.   


Form 3 Junior Certificate Examination Levels

Each Form 3 pupil will fill in an entry form on Tuesday, 8 March for their Junior Certificate examinations.  This will include the appropriate level (Higher/Ordinary).  This photocopy will be brought home to be signed and returned on Wednesday, 9 March.  


Form 1 (2016 - 17)  Induction Evening  

Thursday 3 March, 7.30 - 8.30 p.m.
This is a reminder that the above event is to take place in The Reynolds Hall.  Parents are encouraged to bring their son/daughter entering The High School in September 2016 with them.


2H Mock Election 2016

2H held a mock general election on Tuesday, 23 February 2016 in the Demonstration Theatre. 


Dates for your Diary

3 March - Form 1 parents' meeting (incoming pupils - September 2016) 7.30 pm

9 March - Junior Play - open dress rehearsal, 2.30 pm


10 March - Junior Play, 7.30 pm
16 March - Spring term ends, 11.55 am

4 April - Summer term begins, 8.55 am


Reminder for Form 5 and 6 parents - Social Evening on Thursday 10 March at 8.30pm in the Terenure Inn