AustroadsNews | June 2018 Welcome to the June 2018 edition of AustroadsNews. If you have been forwarded this email you can subscribe here to receive future
ContentsOpportunity to lead our Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) Program Guidelines and specifications for microsurfacing updated Exploring the benefits of safety and traffic management technologies Continual improvement processes for asset management New location referencing framework proposed to support BIM Join us for Webinar: Connected and Automated Vehicles Trials Webinar: Updated Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool, now online Draft National Capital Works (NCW4) General Conditions of Contract released for feedback New national accreditation scheme for staff working with road safety barriers NTC consults on two discussion papers: HVNL fatigue issues; effluent and load restraint Australian Road Safety Conference 2018 World Road Association technical committee update Road and transport research reports Upcoming workshops + conferences
Opportunity to lead our Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) Program
Are you a leader in Connected and Automated Vehicles space? Austroads is seeking a Program Manager - Connected and Automated Vehicles. The Program Manager Connected and Automated Vehicles position leads the Austroads Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) Program. This includes providing leadership and guidance to any staff from Austroads or its member agencies that are engaged to work on the CAV Program. The role also provides technical leadership and direction to the Commonwealth’s Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities (DIRDAC), the National Transport Commission (NTC), and other key stakeholders working on
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and Automated Vehicle (AV) initiatives.
Guidelines and specifications for microsurfacing updated
Austroads has published updated guidelines and specifications for the use of microsurfacing treatments in Australia. Microsurfacing is presently the only type of bituminous slurry surfacing applied in Australia. The guidelines are based on a previous Austroads working document on microsurfacing that has gradually been updated based on practitioners’ experience gained over the last 25 years. This report consists of two components: - the guidance section presented in the main text aims to provide road asset owners or managers with information on the use of microsurfacing materials.
- the model specification primarily, presented separately in Appendix A, aims to provide a framework for national microsurfacing specification. The model could also be adopted for local use to promote consistency across their specifications.
Webinar: Thursday 14 June 2018 | 1pm AESTThis webinar will provide an overview of the updated microsurfacing guidelines and model specification. It will be particularly useful for road asset owners or managers in the use of microsurfacing materials. You will gain an understanding of the: - major changes to the microsurfacing guidelines
and specifications
- related test methods
- materials and emerging technologies.
Join in a live Q&A with our presenter to ask questions about the guidelines and specifications for microsurfacing. Presented by Steve Patrick. No charge but registration is essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the
Exploring the benefits of safety and traffic management technologies
Austroads' latest report details the results of a domestic and international review of recently-developed intelligent transport systems technologies and the costs and benefits of introducing them to Australia and New Zealand. Toward the end of the twentieth century it became apparent that building more roads was not an effective solution for improving urban mobility. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) provide a partial solution by addressing safety and congestion issues in the road transport system. A total of 70 technologies were identified across six domains: crossings, intersections, on-road, roadside, mobile/tablet and in-vehicle.
Austroads member agencies are currently using 25 of the technologies identified.
Webinar: Tuesday 19 June 2018 | 1pm AESTThis webinar will provide you with a summary of the results of the domestic and international review of recently-developed ITS technologies. You will gain an understanding of the: - technologies that were evaluated, including a qualitative indication of their costs and
- evaluation methodology that was developed to evaluate the quality of published ITS performance studies.
Join in a live Q&A with our presenter to ask questions about safety and traffic management technologies. Presented by Dr Glenn Geers. No charge but registration is essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording.
Continual improvement processes for asset management
Austroads has published a guideline document and background research report to provide asset management practitioners with an understanding of the factors that contribute to enabling and sustaining continual improvement. National, state and local governments in Australia and New Zealand are collectively responsible for over 900,000 kilometres of road, valued at more than $250 billion. Surveys have indicated road management organisations do not always have a structured continual improvement process that satisfies the requirements of ISO55001:2014 Asset management – Asset management – Management Systems - Requirements. Having a structured process in place has the potential to provide significant value to
organisations. This study suggests that at the core of every successful organisation implementing continual improvement, is a supportive and enabling environment. Once this environment is achieved, continual improvement will become second nature.
Webinar: Thursday 28 June 2018 | 1pm AESTThis webinar will provide you with an overview of a guideline that aims to provide asset management practitioners with an understanding of the factors that contribute to enabling and sustaining continual improvement. You will gain an understanding of: - the factors that contribute to achieving and
sustaining continual improvement.
- how to create an environment conducive to continual improvement
- approaches to identify, evaluation and prioritise continual improvement initiatives
- how to implement and monitor initiative to sustain and build on success.
The factors and principles that will be presented are applicable to both small and large organisations, and are intended to complement existing asset management approaches. Join
in a live Q&A with the presenters to ask questions about the guideline. Presented by Aneurin Hughes and Stephen Walker. No charge but registration is essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording.
New location referencing framework proposed to support BIM
Austroads has published a report that considers the impact of Building Information Management (BIM) technology on location referencing. It proposes a new theoretical framework as the foundation for the development of a proposed National Location Reference Hub. The location of an infrastructure asset is key information in asset information systems and registers. The way location is measured and recorded is governed by classification systems and models to ensure the information is consistently captured over the life of the asset and across a network of infrastructure. The increasing use of 3D BIM technology in
civil engineering requires new ways of capturing and recording location information.
Join us for Webinar: Connected and Automated Vehicles Trials
Tuesday 3 July 2018 | 1pm AEST The emergence of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and Automated Vehicles (AV) applications is predicted to fundamentally change our mobility and deliver a range of road safety benefits. Australasian road agencies are seeking to share knowledge and learnings so that we can accelerate toward the deployment of CAVs. This webinar will give you an overview of progress and key lessons learnt from three
major Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) trials. - Queensland’s Connected and Automated Vehicle Initiative’s C-ITS Pilot which is testing eight C-ITS use-cases on 500 vehicles on arterial and motorway roads in Ipswich.
- NSW Centre for Road Safety Cooperative Intelligent Transport Initiative’s (CITI) project which is the first large scale evaluation of C-ITS applications in heavy vehicles.
- ARRB/ConnectEast/VicRoads development of road certification criteria for partially automated
vehicles on motorways through testing of a range of vehicles equipped with traffic sign recognition, lane keeping assistance, and adaptive cruise control.
Join in a live Q&A with our expert panel to ask questions about the trials. Presented by - Chris Jones - Austroads' Project Manager - Automated Vehicles
- Dr Miranda Blogg - Director of the Cooperative and Automated Vehicle Initiative, Queensland Department
of Transport and Main Roads
- John Wall - Manager of Road Safety Technology, Transport for NSW
- Samantha Taylor - State Technical Leader (Vic/Tas), ARRB.
No charge, but registration is essential. Can't make it to the live session? Register and we'll send you a link to the recording.
Webinar: Updated Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool, now online
This webinar, presented on 29 May 2018, provides an introduction to the Pedestrian Facility Selection Tool and a demonstration on how to use it with a fully worked example. The tool is designed to help Australian and New Zealand practitioners select the most appropriate type of pedestrian crossing based on walkability, safety and economic outcomes. Presented by Dave Smith and Dr Stacy Rendall.
Draft National Capital Works (NCW4) General Conditions of Contract released for feedback
The Australasian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC) and Austroads, have released the draft National Capital Works (NCW4) General Conditions of Contract for feedback. The NCW4 has been developed by government for use by government agencies. With AS2124 outdated and its intended replacement AS11000 not being progressed, APCC and Austroads have initiated development of a new General Conditions of Contract with a focus on improving the efficiency of project delivery and reduce the potential for contractual disputes by driving greater consistency in the contractual conditions and clauses used by our members. It is important to note that NCW4 is primarily for Construct Only contracts with special conditions to be considered at the jurisdictional level. The clauses have been developed for public sector use. The closing date for feedback has been extended to COB Thursday 21 June 2018. Feedback should be emailed to
NTC consults on two discussion papers:
HVNL fatigue issues; effluent and load restraint
NTC Discussion Paper: HVNL fatigue issuesThe purpose of this paper is to seek feedback regarding possible amendments to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and the Heavy Vehicle (Fatigue Management) National Regulation (Regulation) to clarify two identified fatigue issues. These issues apply to how drivers of heavy vehicles are required to manage fatigue risk. Two specific fatigue issues relate to a lack of clarity in the law about: - work and rest time requirements when transitioning between two-up and solo driving arrangements and back again
- counting work and rest time spent outside participating jurisdictions.
Submissions close on Friday, 6 July 2018.
NTC Discussion Paper: Effluent and load restraintThe purpose of this discussion paper is to seek feedback regarding possible amendments to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) to: - clarify the application of chain of responsibility duties for parties in the livestock supply chain
- allow for minor, incidental and unavoidable (in
any practical sense) spills that do not compromise the overriding safety objectives of the load restraint provisions.
Submissions close on Friday, 6 July 2018.
ARSC2018 Sydney, 3-5 October 2018
The 2018 Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC2018) will be held in Sydney from Wednesday to Friday 3-5 October 2018. The Australasian College of Road Safety, Austroads, ARRB and Transport and Road Safety Research (TARS), UNSW are proud to support the largest road safety-dedicated conference in the Southern Hemisphere.
With a theme "Towards Zero: Making it Happen!”, ARSC2018 will showcase the regions’ outstanding researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and industry spanning the issues identified in the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety:- Road Safety Management
- Infrastructure
- Safe Vehicles
- User Behaviour
- Post-Crash Care.
World Road Association technical committee update
Austroads currently has full or corresponding representatives on 15 World Road Association technical committees.The technical committee representatives are either members of or have a close working relationship with an Austroads Taskforce or working group. Design and Operations of Safer Road InfrastructureThe Design and Operations of Safer Road Infrastructure Committee continues to focus on issues pertinent to vulnerable road users, driver distraction and fatigue, and how human factors should be considered in road design and operations. Evan Coulson, VicRoads, attended the committee meeting in April 2018.
National Road Safety Policies and ProgramsThe activities of the National Road Safety Policies and Programs Committee are divided into two working groups: - Working Group 1 aims to update and promote the PIARC Road Safety Manual.
- Working Group 2 involves the production of a new report on the
implantation of the Safe System approach including the development of performance metrics to support infrastructure safety.
Blair Turner, ARRB, attended the committee meeting in April 2018.
Road and transport research reports
The International Transport Forum reportsMay 2018
The International Transport Forum has released a report that investigates the potential for distributed ledger technologies (DLT) to support broader coordination of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in urban settings. DLTs, such as blockchain, allow agents to enter into direct relationships with each other according to a commonly agreed set of rules without having to go through a central authority. These technologies may allow decentralized applications, such as those required for MaaS deployment, to run in peer-to-peer networks. BITRE reportsReleased mid month - Latest May 2018
This bulletin contains current counts and summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes in Australia. It is produced monthly and published on BITRE's website on or around the 14th of each month. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. June 2018
This information sheet reports results of a study into the risk factors of vehicle crashes given a crash has occurred in terms of whether it results in the death of a person involved. Factors include vehicle type and age, whether a restraint or helmet was worn, nature of crash, time of day and location-specific factors such as the built-up or rural character of an area, the distance to high-care emergency medical facility and environmental conditions i.e. sunrise, sunset or night-time. May 2018
A quarterly publication tracking counts of fatal crashes that involve heavy vehicles.
Upcoming workshops + conferences
NEW Austroads Webinar: Guidelines and Specifications for Microsurfacing
14 June 2018, Online (no charge, but registration is essential) NEW Austroads Webinar: Benefits of Safety and Traffic Management Technologies
19 June 2018, Online (no charge, but registration is essential) IPWEA Emerging Technologies in Public Infrastructure Conference
14 - 15 June 2018, Sydney, New South Wales NEW Austroads Webinar: Guideline for Continual Improvement Processes for Asset Management
28 June 2018, Online (no charge, but registration is essential) NEW Austroads Webinar: Connected and Automated Vehicles Trials
3 July 2018, Online (no charge, but registration is essential) IABMAS 2018
9 - 13 July 2018, Melbourne, Victoria Australian Asphalt Pavement Association (AAPA) International Knowledge Transfer (IKT) outreach to Asia 2018
14 - 29 July 2018, South Korea, Japan and China Mobility as a Service (Maas) Seminar
18 July 2018, Sydney, New South Wales AITPM National Traffic & Transport Conference
24 - 27 July 2018, Perth, Western Australia 2WALKandCYCLE Conference
30 July - 1 August 2018, New Zealand Australian ITS Summit 2018
28 - 29 August 2018, Sydney, New South Wales Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC2018)
3 - 5 October 2018, Sydney, New South Wales 40th Australasian Transport Research Forum
30 October - 1 November 2018, Darwin, Northern Territory National Local Roads and Transport Congress 2018
20 - 22 November 2018, Alice Springs, Northern Territory