Updated Network Management Guidelines Now AvailableThe Austroads Guide to Traffic Management consists of 13 parts and provides a comprehensive coverage of traffic management guidance for practitioners involved in traffic engineering, road design and road safety. Part 4: Network Management provides guidance on traffic management at a network level. Part 4 addresses network needs of the various categories of user, the characteristics of various types of network
and, importantly, describes a planning process for balancing or prioritising the competing needs of different users. Traffic management solutions and tools used to address needs at the network level include land-use access, traffic signals, parking, and lane allocation measures. These are discussed in general terms, particularly in the context of the network management planning process. This third edition of the Guide updates the content relating to Network Operation Plans. Governments and the communities have a vision of their places, of which traffic and transport play a key role. A Network Operation Plan aims to guide the operation and development of the road/transport network towards contributing to this vision by setting out how competing priorities between transport modes and adjacent land uses are to be managed. A discussion on the use of Network Operation Plans in road design has also been included in the updated Guide.