No Images? Click here EUROCAE NEWSblogEUROCAE at the New York UAS Symposium In the scope of the New York UAS Symposium, 10-12 September, organised by the NUAIR Alliance, EUROCAE participated in a Panel discussing the current status of standards development towards the safe integration of unmanned systems into the airspace. In his introduction, Andy Thurling, the Chief Technology Officer at the NUAIR Alliance stressed the importance of standards for the performance based approach towards integration of UAS into the airspace. During his presentation, Alexander Engel, Technical Programme Manager at EUROCAE, not only presented the extensive work programme of EUROCAE WG-105 (UAS), but he stressed the importance of cooperation at European and global level. In Europe the EUSCG (European UAS Standards Coordination Group), chaired by EUROCAE, provides the forum for all Standards Developing Organisations to present and organise their work programmes to identify gaps and prevent overlaps. Transatlantic cooperation is guaranteed by the close relationship between EUROCAE and RTCA, the US Standards Developing Organisation, which was also represented on the Standards Panel. ![]() The picture shows the standards panellists (from left to right) Andy Thurling (NUAIR Alliance), Earl Lawrence (FAA), Ted Wierzbanowski (USAF-ret.), Jim McCabe (ANSI), Philip Kenul (ASTM), Alexander Engel (EUROCAE) and Al Secen (RTCA) The NUAIR Alliance (Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance) is a New York based not-for-profit coalition of more than 200 private and public entities and academic institutions working together to operate and oversee Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) testing in New York, Massachusetts and Michigan. Headquartered in Syracuse, NY, NUAIR supports the New York UAS Test Site at Griffiss International Airport in Rome, NY, one of just seven FAA-designated UAS test sites in the United States. The main objective of the NUAIR Alliance is to manage the unprecedented financial investment from New York State for Project U-SAFE focused on Beyond Visual Line of Site (BVLOS) operations to include:
New EUROCAE WG-110 HTAWSWe are pleased to inform you that EUROCAE WG-110 "Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems" has been created. The Council has approved the creation of WG-110 as recommended by the TAC last month. WG-110 scope of work is the development of a standard for Minimum Operating Performance Standard for Class A Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems for Offshore Helicopter Operations. The justification for the tasking includes:
The kick-off meeting will take place in December 2018. New WG-110 Call for ParticipationEUROCAE is launching a Call for Participation to inform interested parties about activities undertaken by WG-110 and to provide a possibility to nominate expert participants by 15 November 2018. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The objective of this new WG is to develop MOPS for Class A HTAWS for offshore helicopter operations primarily in support of the EASA operating rule mandate under Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1199 of 22 July 2016 (SPA.HOFO.160(c)). The EASA mandate currently applies only to aircraft first registered after 31 December 2018, but this may be extended to other aircraft depending on the outcome of the proposed EASA Rulemaking Task RMT.0708, ![]() Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) prevention with helicopter terrain avoidance warning systems (HTAWS). This operational requirement together with some recommendations out of accident investigations where helicopter during offshore operation have inadvertently touched the water, gives the bases to improve a safe offshore operation by using the basic modes of a Classic GPWS Modes. Full details and the Calling Notice will follow shortly. EUROCAE WG-51 "ADS-B" SG 3 "ADS-B In Applications" launches Call for ParticipationEUROCAE WG-51/SG-3 has been re-established to execute activities in order to update ED-194A, ED-195A and ED-236 jointly with Working Group 4 of RTCA SC-186. One part of the EUROCAE WG-51 activities is concerned with the development of ‘ADS-B In’ application and system standard material. This is performed within Sub-group 3 (SG-3) of WG-51, jointly with Working Group 4 RTCA SC-186. The following activities have been approved by the EUROCAE TAC on 29 August 2018 to be executed in a joint effort with RTCA. These are subject to a Call for Participation that has just been launched by EUROCAE. If you are interested in contributing to any of these developments please complete the respective registration form as linked in the following descriptions:
Please note that the deadline for registrations is 31.10.2018 In case of questions please contact the responsible Technical Programme Manager Alexander Engel at Aviation Cyber Security Training11-12 December REGISTER HERE Benefits of attending:
For any additional information please contact Adrian Cioranu at Aviation Software Safety Standards Training15-16 January 2019 REGISTER HERE Benefits of attending:
For any additional information please contact Adrian Cioranu at Call for EUROCAE TAC memberRepresentative of the European R&D Community's perspectiveThe EUROCAE Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is composed of 12 specialist members, selected in order to achieve a balanced representation of EUROCAE interests. The representative of the European R&D Community is currently open for appointment. TAC members are expected to represent the interests of the whole EUROCAE membership, and to
TAC members must be nominated by a EUROCAE Full member organisation. All TAC members are appointed by the EUROCAE Council for a 3 year renewable term. The TAC members’ duties are unpaid. Candidacies for this position should reach the EUROCAE Secretariat by 19 October 2018 and include a letter of motivation, CV and any other relevant supporting information. Early submissions are encouraged. For further information and to submit a candidacy, please contact Anna von Groote at EUROCAE welcomes the following new Members: ![]() EUROCAE documentsEUROCAE recently published:
All EUROCAE publications are accessible by clicking the button: ANNUAL REPORT newThe latest edition of the Annual Report covers the activity of our organisation between May 2017 and April 2018. It contains an overview of the Working Groups, the new activities we have launched, the engagement with other European and international bodies, and EUROCAE´s presence at international events. Open ConsultationED-194A Ch.1 "MOPS for Aircraft Surveillance Applications (ASA) System" by 22 October 2018 ED-258 "OSED for Detect & Avoid [Traffic] in Class D-G airspaces under VFR/IFR" by 22 October 2018 ED-205 "Process Standard for Security Certification and Declaration of ATM ANS Ground Systems" by 9 November 2018 Have you been forwarded this NEWSblog? |