Check your listings No images? Click here DOC announcement on Cathedral Cove expected next weekCathedral Cove is one of Aotearoa New Zealand’s iconic attractions and undoubtedly the leading attraction for Hauraki Coromandel. It is a key reason many people visit, and in fact, many are still arriving to visit, unaware that access is closed DOC recently provided this update in advance of an announcement next week:
Check your readiness for website launchWe are getting close to the launch of our new site, so now is a good time to check your listings on, as our new site will pull listings and now deals through an API. So please load any spring deals while you are there - then you will have the might of both sites working to promote your business. If you don't check and verify your listing on annually, your listing will expire, which also means it will be removed from our new site, unless you contact us and we load it manually. The good news is that if you re-activate your TNZ listing it will pop back up live on our site too. It is also a good time to check your listing on, ready for the switch. We have our biggest ever summer campaign coming up, and our collective power will be the only way to counteract some of the reputational damage our region has suffered this year (over weather and roads, not us!). So it's more important than ever that you participate in this activity, and all campaign promos will link, as usual, to pages and listings on the new Please get in touch with Megan if you have any queries. Nga mihi |