No images? Click here ![]() Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash FINDING THE LOGIC MAXIMIZED RESULTSAs we moved into a new house, I wanted a better way to create a well-functioning home; my current approach required too much effort for its modest results. I wondered about the purpose of the methods I used. Were they the best, and did I use them in the right order? What is the underlying logic for creating a well-functioning home? I stumbled upon a small book on the art of creating an organized home and thought I had found the knowledge that had been eluding me, but it was just the beginning of my journey. I read other books. Each offered a unique approach, but none offered an entire logic. Once I collected all the ideas together, a pattern emerged, and that became the logic I followed, which consisted of three actions:
When I began discarding items, I made noticeable progress. When I regularly reassessed and maintained optimal storage, things finally fell into place. Once I understood and applied the logic, challenges that had plagued me for years disappeared, and my house was transformed into an attractive, well-functioning space. Following a simple logic and consistently attaining desired results was revolutionary. It didn’t take long for me to realize how helpful the logic of building high health and well-being would be. BUILDING ENERGY BUILDS HEALTHUsing a similar approach, I began investigating the core underpinnings of high health. As a preventive medicine physician, I saw a comparable lack of clarity about the best ways to obtain high health. Like home management, common health building approaches require a lot of effort and yield only modest results. I wondered about the purpose of these methods, how to use them in the correct order, and the best way to determine success. After examining wellness programs, analyzing data, and conferring with experts, I realized that high health derives from our capacity to produce and manage personal energy. In other words, energy is the basis of health. The better we produce and manage energy, the more capacity we have for building health. The underlying logic for attaining high health—a state of being vigorous and having active strength of body and mind—is found in two principles:
For most people, high health’s logic is as obscure as the logic of home organizing was for me, though a small percentage eventually figure it out after experimenting with a variety of approaches and enduring a mixture of successes and failures. Clearly educating people on this logic is preferable to leaving them floundering and hoping they find it themselves. Knowing energy’s role in health represents a breakthrough for building it. SKILLFUL SAILING ASSURES A PROSPEROUS VOYAGEIf energy is the basis of health, shouldn’t all our health building methods be devoted to cultivating personal energy? To some extent they already are. In the physical dimension, fitness methods cultivate cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal energy, and nutrient-dense diets enhance all bodily systems. But we don’t attain higher levels of health because we fall short in cultivating non-physical energy. Building physical energy through diet and fitness is useful to be sure, but we can double, triple, or quadruple these efforts and not meet the goal of high health. Energy must be built in all dimensions of well-being to achieve results. Knowing this logic identifies the best actions to take. It provides clarity and intelligent direction on how to proceed. It facilitates wise selections, encourages skillful execution, and provides criteria for tracking progress and measuring results. As George William Curtis wrote, “It is not the ship so much as the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage.” Following an underlying logic makes building high health possible just as skillful sailing assures a successful voyage. Over the years, I along with many other professionals have endeavored to make it easier for people to build their own high health. Knowing the logic is a breakthrough; it offers a superior approach for achieving better results and greater satisfaction for all parties. This logic forms the basis of the Seven Essential Skills, a set of science-based methods for attaining states of high capacity and overall well-being. The Seven Essential Skills can be easily accessed in the High Health Network making the skillful sailing that assures the prosperous voyage to high health available to everyone. Joyce M. Young, MD, MPH Photo by Sean Stratton on Unsplash “There are few human beings who receive the truth complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellular, like a laborious mosaic.”–Anaïs Nin Sincerely, High health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |