National Diabetes Month 2019: Let’s Talk About Living Well with Diabetes
A message from FNHA Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Shannon McDonald
Recently the First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study released its findings and urged decision-makers to “address systemic problems related to food," and “support sustainable and healthy lifestyles."
The recommendations are especially important for Indigenous people in Canada, who face higher rates of diabetes than non-Indigenous people.
While decision makers at a systems level can make big changes to impact wellness, we as Indigenous people can make changes on the ground where we live, work, play and eat to have healthier lifestyles.
Read the full message here.
FNHA Signs MOU With RCCbc to Promote Rural Health Collaboration
The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCBC) have signed an agreement to work together to improve access to primary health services in rural communities through a structured process to ensure full and meaningful collaboration between the two partners.
Read the full media release here.
Average Risk Health Screening Chart
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Guidelines for common screenings and vaccinations
Who is this chart for?
This chart was created for First Nations community members, health champions, and health care providers. This chart supports important conversations between health care providers and their clients.
What do I do with this chart?
This chart can be used like a health passport, similar to the vaccine passport for kids. It informs you of the tests available to everyone in BC, when they are recommended and to which ages they apply.
Who is this chart NOT for?
Individuals who have medical conditions that change their recommended screening should consult their health care providers to ensure they are getting the appropriate testing.
An example would be that you may need more mammograms if you have a family or personal history of breast cancer; you also may need more frequent blood pressure checks if you have hypertension / heart disease.
Who made this chart?
Physicians from the First Nations Health Authority’s Chief Medical Office created this chart (Dr. Unjali Malhotra and Dr. Kelsey Louie). The chart is based on 2019 Provincial Guidelines.
We hope this chart helps navigate a sometimes-confusing health care system, and starts meaningful conversations to support your health and wellness.
Dr. Unjali and Dr. Kelsey
Medical Officers, Chief Medical Office, FNHA
Download the chart here (PDF)
The Impact of Diabetes on Families
A message for World Diabetes Day from Dr. Shannon McDonald, FNHA Deputy Chief Medical Officer
November 14 is World Diabetes Day, so I'd like to take the opportunity to talk about diabetes and its impact on families, including my own.
I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1996, and through the years I have worked to keep my blood sugars in balance. I have used diet changes, exercise, and self-care. I have been on several different medications over the years – some worked well, others did not.
Read the full post here.
BC Health Directors Reflect on Building Healthy Communities
‘Healthy is the New Wealthy’ theme grounds 2019 AGM and Conference
Health Directors from First Nation communities across BC gathered for their Annual General Meeting (AGM) which was held on the traditional territory of the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc at Skwelkwek’welt at Sun Peaks Resort from September 25-27, 2019. The First Nations Health Directors Association’s (FNHDA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference welcomed 78 individual members from across BC.
Read the full FNHDA AGM overview here!
Last Call: Adaptation Canada 2020 Bursaries Deadline is Dec. 2
Come to Vancouver to learn more about climate change and health adaptation at AC 2020 conference!
Adaptation Canada 2020 is Canada’s national conference on climate change adaptation that will take place February 19-21, 2020 in Vancouver. The conference program includes a great number of Indigenous presenters from across Canada, as well as panels and presentations relevant to First Nations health practitioners interested in learning more about climate change and health adaptation. Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Inuit, Author, and Environmental, Cultural and Human Rights Advocate, will be the keynote speaker for the closing plenary address at AC 2020. We are also arranging an Indigenous meet and greet event at the conference.
Financial support for travel
FNHA offers travel bursaries to BC First Nations health staff, health managers or council members with the health portfolio who want to participate in the Adaptation Canada 2020 conference.
The FNHA bursary will cover registration and travel for the first 20 people who register and apply for funding before December 2, 2019, during the Early Bird registration. The offer is limited to one person/community.
For further information and your bursary application form, please contact:
Paivi Abernethy
FNHA Climate Change and Health Specialist
T: 250-208-6139 | E: paivi.abernethy@fnha.ca.
You can find out more about the conference program at https://www.adaptationcanada2020.ca
FNIGC National Student Bursary Applications
The First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 9th Annual FNIGC National Student Bursary.
This year FNIGC will grant up to four $2,500 bursaries to outstanding First Nations students enrolled in a post-secondary institution (university or college) in health, social sciences, or applied sciences, or studying issues related to helping First Nations achieve data sovereignty.
The deadline for applications is Friday, November 29, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. EST.
Learn more and apply here.
FNHA Job Opportunities
Project Developer, Mental Wellness
Location: Kelowna
Deadline: Open Until Filled
Crisis Coordination Lead
Location: Interior Region
Deadline: November 20th, 2019 at 4:00pm
Mental Health & Wellness Community Team Lead
Location: Various locations within Fraser Valley
Deadline: November 20, 2019 at 4:00pm
Director, Funding Arrangements
Location: Vancouver
Deadline: November 21st 2019 @ 4:00 pm
Project Coordinator, Knowledge Exchange Corporate Office
Location: West Vancouver
Deadline: November 21st 2019 at 4:00pm
Director, Regional Engagement
Location: Prince George
Deadline: November 27th 2019 at 4pm
Manager, Regional Operations
Location: Fraser
Deadline: November 27th, 2019 at 4:00pm
Social Worker
Location: Campbell River
Deadline: November 27th at 4pm (PST)
Find all job postings on our website.
BC First Nations and Aboriginal Health Job Opportunities
Aboriginal Child & Youth Counsellor
Organization: Huli’tun Health Society
Location(s): Chemainus
Deadline: November 20, 2019
Job description
Executive Director of Legal Services
Organization: Carrier Sekani Family Services
Location(s): Prince George
Deadline: December 1, 2019
Job description
Home & Community Care Nurse
Organization: Canim Lake Band
Location(s): 100 Mile House
Deadline: Open unti filled
Job description
Nurse Practitioner
Organization: Three Corners Health Services Society
Location(s): Soda Creek, Canoe Creek and Williams Lake
Deadline: Open unti filled
Job description