a progress update about the hyn multi tenancy packages
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First of all, welcome to all new subscribers and implementers.

The past few weeks other developers and myself have placed additional effort in implementing this tenancy package for production environments.

Please note the package has updated dependancies pointing to the Hyn namespace now, the HynMe namespace is no longer supported. I highly recommend a clean installation.




Automated installer for any VM.

Having had the need of installing my package on several different occasions, it seemed obvious to create a faster and easier way to do so. Enter the installer.

A small script will turn any ubuntu 15.04 (for now) machine into a multi tenancy Laravel 5.1 LTS with:

  • Apache 2.4
  • MariaDB
  • PHP 5.6 stable
  • Beanstalk queue monitored by supervisor
  • Redis caching

In order to get this to work, just log into your new ubuntu 15.04 machine as a root or sudo user and run:

wget -O - http://hyn.me/media/installer.sh | bash

After a while three questions pop up and you're done!

In the near future I'll remove the interaction need, support Nginx and other OS'es.

Please support this project by testing out the installer - if you do - on Digital Ocean by using my affiliate link, a $ 10 credit will be available to you.



The webserver package included on this tenancy software has been a big issue, due to the fact that it's very hard to test integrating with (web)servers.

The installer has proven its functionality, additionally the coming days I will write more tests to ensure overall stability of the multi-tenant package and its dependancies.



The optional management-interface package has seen a serious overhaul. Integrating with the laraflock dashboard by Ian Olson, has allowed a faster development of the interface in managing the tenancy features.



The multi tenancy package is still under heavy development. If all goes well, a stable release can be expected within the month. At this time a feel free to run beta 3.

  • Visit Github for the complete source.
  • See the trello todo for the current backlog.
  • If you have any suggestions based on this newsletter, the package, laraflock or anything else, please let me know.
  • Contact me via a reply to this e-mail newsletter or on gitter.