If you haven't heard, it's our 'Gold Extravaganza' next Saturday night at the Commerce St Studio. We've got people dancing a mix of high-level medals, from Gold to five Oscars in all three styles
- New Vogue, Ballroom and Latin! They would love your support, so please join us for a wonderful evening of inspiring dance. Bring your dance shoes!
There'll be an opportunity for you to hit the dance floor yourself between sessions, and from about 10.30pm until midnight we'll be moving into social mode with lots of dancing for everybody to do. Doors open at 6pm, with the first medallist at 6.30pm. You can buy your tickets from either studio this week, or at the door on the night. Doors open at 6pm, Saturday 14 November
Entry: $5 per person
Please bring a small plate of your favourite finger food for supper
BYO drinks