No images? Click here “I have to get myself healthy!” a customer said as he entered our local health food store. I usually visit this store to purchase fresh produce and vitamins, but on this day, I had come to purchase bathroom tissue. We were each seeking to address our emerging needs in this age of coronavirus. ![]() THE VALUE OF HIGH HEALTH IN THE AGE OF CORONAVIRUSThe coronavirus crisis has shed new light on the value of having high health and the strong immune system that comes with it. In today’s health-depleting environment, those who are not purposefully cultivating high health for themselves are losing confidence and may even be experiencing declining health and disease. Business leaders who are not making provisions for their employees to successfully build their health and well-being are placing their companies at a significant disadvantage. HEALTH EMPOWERMENT TODAYBuilding high health goes beyond baseline diet, fitness, stress management, and screenings. It requires a new set of essential skills for attaining and sustaining health. The necessary practices are simple, durable, and easy to use; however, many are not well-known. When mastered, they produce and sustain high health and well-being among individuals and populations. At this time of health crisis, many employees have a heightened interest in building high health for themselves. However, we know from our data and years of experience in the field that without expert methods and guidance the majority of their health-improvement efforts will yield disappointing results and personal discouragement. They may feel as if they had repeated the experience of establishing and abandoning their New Year's resolutions all over again. EMPLOYEE STRATEGIES THAT WORKMost efforts to improve health and well-being fall short of expectations. This is true for companies that want to increase the wellness of their employees and for individuals who want better personal health. There is no simple solution, but certain strategies over time will make a positive difference. There is no simple solution, but certain strategies over time will make a positive difference. Offering employees something they care deeply about, providing the means for them to attain it, and measuring health rather than illness are wellness strategies that work. These strategies enhance employee health and provide a competitive edge. For those who want the best option for employee wellness programs, a favorable return on investment, and a competitive edge, the High Health Network makes it easy. Clearly the time to abandon failed business strategies has come. Joyce M. Young, MD, MPH ![]() High health is now a business imperative. Your company needs it for competitive edge. The High Health Network makes it easy. Get the one sheet. |