Team Reds Global Helps Out: I regret to share this story with you but it is very important that we understand we are never to be complacent in our company or indeed our lives. There has been an accident that was not involving Reds Global apart from, in my opinion, some very brave individuals that assisted. Last Friday afternoon an incident occurred on site. Marty Qaqish and Billy Tsolakis led the charge to assist in the emergency response to ensure that this individual made it to care within a very short time. From my understanding, they acted without hesitation to assist a very brave female safety officer at the coalface. We are extremely proud of these individuals and also of the team for their wonderful calmness in a tense situation. Our thoughts go out to this individual and his family. ![]() Carter Street - First Crane Erected: We have just erected the first of 6 cranes on the Meriton project in Carter Street, Homebush. This brings a total of 6 new CTL 430 Terex 24T machines. We purchased 2 super reinforced tower sections per crane for this project. These super reinforced tower sections will provide Meriton and our future clients with the following:
Team Reds Global successfully completed the Port Macquarie 70.3 (Half Ironman) under the Slogan of: “WE “R” READY” To provide you with some detail it is a 1.9 km swim, 90 km bike and 21 km run. Representing Team Reds Global was:
All of the team were first timers to these distances and they all “smashed it” nerves and all. Completing within cut off time and going over the finish line together. David Brown, where do I start? Never attempted one, let alone completed a triathlon prior to this. It did not show!! What an athlete, with minimal training to boot, in his typical style smiled and kept moving. The conditions were testing; hectic swim leg, followed by a sunny ride and a romantic run that tares at your mind the whole way saying “STOP” this is crazy. Yet through all of this he smiled and kept going. Well done to Dave and the Team. When we undertook this journey it reminded me of the human spirit at its best, people big and little (children) cheering on the side lines. It takes a little to say nice words and it means a lot to an exhausted person both mentally and physically, as they were all strangers but passed on good will that we all needed, particularly myself (: . Please remember that if in doubt pass words of encouragement around to anybody you meet or deal with. You may never know how much your words and actions impact their lives. We welcome Andy Thompson’s new granddaughter, Miah Marie, born 27th April 2017. All the best Andy, with you around, what a fantastic start to life! ![]() Welcome 'Iron' Mike Taylor: You will get to meet Mike over the next few weeks. He is a man backed by experience in Human Resources and coupled with a Safety degree. Mike has joined us as our loved Peter Hafey moves to balance his life and work. We give massive credit to Peter Hafey “Crocodile” as he has been instrumental in bringing around safety and change in our business. You just have to take one look at our depot and on our shirts to see the positive change in our business. We wish the Croc all the best and note that Peter will be around to assist in any form that we may require. Glen Pears: where do I start? This man has had a massive impact on the Reds Global business and the safety day that we have just held at Reds Global HQ with the safety team of Richard Crookes. This day would not have happened without Mr Pears. You’re an absolute star Glen. You give so much knowledge and we are extremely grateful for your passion and drive. Safety and Health: Team we have to push that extra 10% on safety as it is the part that differentiates Reds Global. Think, plan, and ensure that safety is the outcome FIRST AND LAST. Be accountable for your actions. Remember your loved ones on every decision you make. Take care of your body, take care of your mind and run your body clean. P.S. please get on board with your photos for the new Instagram account! A WORD FROM DAVE BROWN Welcome to our latest edition to the Reds Global newsletter. We hope you enjoy its contents.
It should always be OK to talk about improvements that can be made to safety whilst at work and at home. There is no reason why you cannot implement safety at home with medication, hot water and whilst cooking. There is no reason why you cannot implement safety in your sheds or garages with chemicals and fuels. These are everyday items that we may not think about. Safety should be the first and last thing that you think about when conducting your work or working at home. Safety is the top priority for Reds Global. We “R” safety. Reds Global will be conducting audits on all of our sites as we continue with improvements to our safe systems of operation as part of the requirement of our ISO certification. We will be visiting your site regularly to review all site documentation, conduct inspections on lifting equipment and ensuring compliance to our WHS responsibilities. These audits will ensure that we are continuing our improvements to safety and also to ensure that each of you have the correct PPE and equipment available to complete your job roles safely. We look forward to seeing everyone on site in the coming weeks and if there are improvements or equipment required please advise Rachel 0430 168 875 in our office so we can bring this to site with us. Please remember that Reds Global are the first choice in materials handling solutions and by giving that extra 10%, together we will strive for success. Also congratulations to our team members that have been selected for our monthly awards, it is a fantastic way to say thank you for doing such a wonderful job. Thank you and see you all in the coming weeks and keep up the fantastic work. A WORD ABOUT JASON REDMAN Good Afternoon All, 1991 presents both of us with new opportunities. Staying close to my country routes, I started studying to become a wool classer. Lindores Rigging Pty Ltd, a tower and mobile crane company based on the Gold Coast has a position available for someone young and keen. The interview process would be pretty simple. You had to be available for work on any day that ended in the letter Y, secondly you would never be late. So like a perfect marriage Jason began working for Lindores Rigging. Armed full of enthusiasm Jason took to the construction industry like a duck to water. Only problem is you need to have a Dogman, Riggers or a Crane Operator ticket before you can get onto site. The only tickets he had where the non-winners from the last Saint Patricks Fete at St. George. Not deterred he started in the yard repairing damaged block cages, cleaning bolts, painting tower sections. Two nights a week he would travel to Southport where he would study to obtain his Riggers ticket. April brought much celebration with Jason turning 18 with the support of all of his mates from the Burleigh Bears Rugby League Football Club, family and friends. The scene had been set for this great occasion. I’m not sure if the neighbours complained about the noise or Jason was just a little tired. He took liberty into his own hands and tried to close the party down early by going to bed before the speeches were made. By the year end Jason had obtained enough tickets that would get you a prize on any lucky dip. From Tower crane installations, climbs and dismantles. Mobile crane set-ups, hydraulic and pin jibs. Steel erection and precast panels Jason had a pretty good induction into the crane industry. He had also acquired the taste for change, so it was with a heavy heart the old Holden Ute, was put out to the greener pasture and replaced with an XF Falcon Ute. Michael Hutchence has been shown the gate, now Bono is screaming from inside the car ‘even better than the real thing’. In the summer of 1992 I got a call from Jason “hey mate how about you come down here and get a job with Lindores Rigging?” “That would be great “ I replied. The only thing I new about cranes, Jason was working for a crane company. Not one to be easily lead I said “ see you in two weeks”. On my arrival to the Coast I moved in with Jason. It wasn’t long before we were at it again to see who was better than the other. Whether we were at working, running, swimming what ever it was, no one would take second. To make it a little more interesting we would put a little wager on it. During one tennis match, after a couple of heavy losses we would say double or nothing. By this stage the prize had jack potted to two weeks wages! I’ve since learnt testosterone, tennis and temper is not a good mix. To keep things amicable we decided all bets were off. From now on the looser is to cook, clean, do all the washing and keep the house tidy. Not one to boast but if you look around Reds Global, Jason likes things to be kept neat as a pin. Jason always liked to know where he stood with his opposition. While playing for the Burleigh Bears against Tweed Heads he said to our Captain Bazza "make sure you kick the ball to that big bloke down there". As soon as the ball had left the ground, Jason charged down there like everything depended on it. It was a dual to say the least, neither man giving an inch. Week by week you could grantee that he would test himself against the biggest on the opposing team. By the seasons end Jason was named Burleigh Bears Best and Fairest in the under 19s. It is now December 1992 we are parked at 5th Avenue, Burleigh Heads, Bono still has pole position in the CD stacker. Staring out at the Pacific Ocean thinking how lucky are we. ![]() ![]() TEAM MEMBERS OF THE MONTHRob Chapman We have changed up the 'Team of the Month' to be the 'Team Members of the Month' as we have had a few crew changes due to different jobs starting and finishing. Enjoy your Gold Class movie vouchers guys, and thank you again for your dedication to our team! Dave Brown RECENT WORKSCritical works were successfully undertaken on projects by Reds Global this month. These included: DISMANTLE PHOTO COMPLuke Close has won the prize for April with 21 likes for his picture from the Hutchinson site at Ultimo. Congratulations Luke, the team at Reds Global are happy to present you with a Kathmandu gift voucher. Got a photo to share? Enter our monthly photography competition for the chance win a $100 gift voucher. Entries will be featured on the Reds Global Facebook Page. Send your picture along with a brief description, your name, the date and location of the photo to Rach either via email: rachel@redsglobal.com or text: 0430 168
875. Hello, Welcome to another winter. Please all be reminded that with the shorter daylight hours you make safe tower crane operation the forefront of your work practicies at all times. Completion of all daily and weekly documentation will help us all in achieving a much safer work environment as assists with safe daily operations. Regards REDS GLOBAL UPDATESReds Global is looking for a qualified plant mechanic to join the team at Somersby. The advertisement is below. Please pass this on if you know anyone who would be interested. We now have an Instagram account. Please follow us on: redsglobalcranesandpersonnel. It is with a heavy heart that we say farewell Pete Hafey. His approach towards safer and more efficient practices is second to none. Peter had to depart unexcpectidly but, was good enough to assist in finding our new WHS & HR Manager. We give a big welcome to Mike Taylor in joining our team. Mike will be around to visit each site as soon as possible. Please welcome him. If anyone has any news they would like to share in the Newsletter please feel free to contact me either via text: 0430 168 875 or email: rachel@redsglobal.com. This could be anything from the birth of a child or news that someone is expecting to a holiday / trip you have planned. Even if you know of some news regarding another team member that they would be happy to share please let me know. ![]() ![]() Support Team GoodtimesReds Global have donated $3,000 in support of Joel and Hoppo for their rally team Goodtimes. Congratulations to you both on the amazing fundraising you are doing for the Cancer Council research. Its people like you who make a difference in this world. All team members can help make a difference. Please donate to this amazing cause by going to the above website. There has also been a link added to the Reds Global Facebook page. FIRST CHOICE IN MATERIALS HANDLINGSend your staff news, announcements and messages for inclusion in the next newsletter. Email to ![]() ![]() First Choice in Materials Handling ![]() ![]() |