Three Things we Want You to Know

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Dear Friend of Camp Greenwood,

First, your pledge will help send a strong message that there are many people committed to Christian Education, environmental education and the life changing experiences that Camp Greenwood provides.  Greenwood is a treasure that needs to be preserved for the next generation – not turned into a development purely for the money it will bring in. Please join the 74 people and churches who have already committed $55,000 as of today. 

Secondly, Greenwood Ministries Association (GMA) was created to be an official conduit for you to run Camp Greenwood. As a member of GMA you get a voice and a vote in the annual and called meetings. You get to vote for who is on the board of directors (maybe even yourself?) and you get to decide the future of the camp!

Finally, what we need now are your prayers and pledges of support for this new organization. We need the GMA proposal to pass a Presbytery Leadership Team vote on October 27th that would put it before the Presbytery of Lake Michigan for a vote on December 6th. Please make a pledge today! If you are on Facebook please like and share Greenwood Ministries Association. 

Together, we can do this!


If you need another reason to support Greenwood, just take a look at what happened this summer

Summer 2016 Highlights Video