Hey hey,

Learning from others is a massive component of any progression and it's played a particularly important part in my own journey (and success) as an entrepreneur.

I'm always reminded of those early days when I started WooThemes and what my environment looked like:

  • I was young, inexperienced and incredibly naive.
  • I was based in Cape Town, South Africa, where I was the outlier with the ambition of working on a tech startup, which meant there was nobody to help me.
  • I had no mentors who'd be able to guide me on this rollercoaster.

One thing I had though was access to so much knowledge of tech, startups & entrepreneurship online. So I did what any naive youngster would do: I tried to consume as much of this content as possible.

And I learnt this way. A lot.

This mindset has helped me throughout the years and I wouldn't be as successful as I am today if I didn't learn from others' expertise and experience.

BUT... These days I have a new challenge and that's staying up-to-date with all of the valuable content out there. I also have to spend so much of my time just filtering through the average stuff to finally get to the best stuff. This is effectively time that I don't always have... :(

So with this problem in mind, I set out to create a new product to help me identify & read only the best content that would continue to make me a better entrepreneur.

24 hours later and I'm happy to announce the launch of SummaList, the easiest way to get only the best content in your inbox (instead of subscribing to hundreds of e-mail newsletters).

Check out SummaList now!

I'm super-excited about pushing this live, because this is the first product that I've built in its entirety for more than 5 years. So it's quite a milestone for me. :)

I'd love for you to sign up, try it and let me know what you think! In my newsletter next week, I'll be sending you a report of how I built SummaList within 24 hours and how this launch has gone.



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