NWTD News - March 2024 The North West Transmission Developments (NWTD), being progressed by TasNetworks, include 240 km of new and upgraded transmission lines and other energy infrastructure that will increase the capacity of Tasmania's electricity network. The developments will enable Tasmania to become a world-leading renewable energy provider and support the decarbonisation of Australia. Watch explainer video ![]() Engaging with our landholdersTasNetworks recently held a series of landholder drop-in sessions for the proposed North West Transmission Developments project, with fifty landholders taking the opportunity to attend. They were welcomed by a range of TasNetworks subject matter experts, including engineers and land agents, who were on hand to listen, support and address questions and concerns. TasNetworks was also joined by representatives from Rural Alive and Well and TasFarmers. Feedback from these sessions will contribute to our overall understanding of landholder concerns, highlighting the topics that continue to be important to landholders and what they want to know more about. Specific feedback was also sought from landholders regarding TasNetworks’ proposed options for a Strategic Benefit Payment. The Strategic Benefit Payment is intended to recognise the ongoing impact to landholders who host new major infrastructure needed to support the delivery of a modern electricity grid for Tasmania. The Strategic Benefit Payment is separate and in addition to compensation payable to landholders under the Land Acquisition Act (1993). ![]() Eagle Nest SurveyingEarlier this month, TasNetworks conducted aerial inspections along the proposed NWTD route to identify the location of wedge-tailed eagle and white-bellied sea eagle nests. The survey was completed well ahead of schedule and any new eagle nests located will be registered in the Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas database. These checks, conducted annually, are crucial for gathering information as part of the environmental and social impact assessment process for the NWTD project. Eagle nest surveying activity is scheduled to recommence in late 2024. For more information, please visit the eagle nest survey FAQs page. ![]() Taste of the North WestNWTD Project team members recently attended the Taste of the North West, an annual event held in Sheffield to showcase some of NW Tasmania's finest food and beverages. It was a pleasure engaging with local community members about the proposed project. Our team appreciated the genuine interest expressed by those who stopped by to ask questions or have a chat. TasNetworks is proud to have been a gold sponsor of this event. ![]() Easter Egg Hunt - Rural Alive and WellThe Bracknell community recently came together for a day of fun with family and friends at the Rural Alive and Well (RAW) Easter Egg Hunt. The NWTD project partnered with RAW for this wonderful inaugural event aimed at promoting social connection and building resilient communities. There were smiles all-round as eggs were collected, with some kids using their TasNetworks toy helmet as a makeshift basket. The kids also loved trying out the renewable electricity bike activity, pedalling as fast as they could to illuminate a map of Tasmania’s transmission network. Thanks to RAW for putting on an eggcellent event! ![]() New fact sheetsTo ensure landholders and community members are well informed, we continue to update and develop new fact sheets. What's new: ![]() Upcoming EngagementYou can catch us at a number of events across the North West region in the coming months. We welcome any questions you may have and would like to hear your thoughts on the project: Upcoming events:
If you can't make it to one of our upcoming Engagement events, feel free to reach out to us with any questions about the projects. We're here to keep the conversation going. Email nwtd@tasnetworks.com.au ![]() Got feedback? We're listeningYour feedback helps us to understand what is important to you and what we need to consider to achieve the best possible outcomes for the environment, landholders and the community. ![]() For more information, visit our website |