Wishing you a safe and busy Summer No images? Click here Thames sunset. Credit Brent CourtneyWishing you a safe and prosperous festive season!After already enduring a few tough years, 2023 was one for the books. Fair play to all those in the tourism industry, hospitality and retail included, for enduring the toughest of times. With roads open and the sun shining there's plenty to get excited about. While it's a bit of fun, The Coromandel Cure is a legitimate claim. If you get a moment to down tools and connect with whatever is #goodforyoursoul, do that. This campaign activity will taper during the peak and go up a gear as we push for and endless summer. Thanks to the many people and agencies that provided support to Hauraki Coromandel in 2023. Tourism Export Council NZ, Tourism Industry Aotearoa, Tourism New Zealand, Regions Tourism NZ and so many more. As the sun sets on 2023 our team will take a break. DHC will be back on deck on the 8th of January. Wishing you and your families all the best. Ngā mihi nui The team at Destination Hauraki Coromandel |