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Create Your Life

At the beginning of May I set an intention for what I wanted the theme of this newsletter to be. Throughout the next few weeks I kept coming across articles and tidbits that not only gave me inspiration, but that were so powerful I quoted them directly.

Call it what you will - chance, coincidence, god? I call it creating and manifesting my future. I have said it before, but I truly believe we have the power to create the paths we walk down. One reason I believe this is because I have been watching it happen in my own life. Another reason (and perhaps the initial motivation) is that with the profession I have chosen, if I don't feel like I have control over SOME aspect of my life, I'll simply go mad.

Tune In

I took this photo as I got off the subway in Brooklyn!

This month's Acting Updates section is dedicated to my cousin Gabe and the show he co-wrote "Night Shift". It aired May 27th and will be on every Tuesday at 10PM. I had the pleasure of viewing the pilot episode almost a year ago, and I'm so happy to be officially announcing it. May it have a long run and awesome reviews!

A Different Approach

My main focus this year has been on building a solid network of actors, artists, industry people and other like-minded individuals. Finding myself less interested in gigs that give me a one-time paycheck that leads to nothing else, I'm instead more focused on developing relationships with people who are involved in bigger projects with the potential to create real change in the world.

This mindset and knowledge of what I want initially began as something much different.  When I was in LA I truly began to realize the importance of "it's who you know" as opposed to "what you know". This cliche always sounded awful and cheap to me, but now I understand why it's so true.

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Show Up

I read an article that quoted Woody Allen saying "90 percent of success is showing up".

I think that makes sense, but I don't think it means simply showing up physically. It means showing up by submitting for projects, going to open calls, putting yourself in situations where you can meet people, then following up and keeping a correspondence with them. I can't tell you how many stories there are (a few of them my own) where months to years later someone gets a phone call or bumps into a person they once worked with and it turns into a job.

If you're in this (or any business) for the long haul, then you need to get into the mindset that the seeds you sow today may not poke out of the ground for another year. They may not even come up and bear fruit for another 5, but you still have to keep sowing. As my mother always says "It's a numbers game". Another friend of mine loves "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take".

Follow your dream, do what you love and keep showing up.

My Rant About Energy

"Nearly 100 years ago, Albert Einstein was awarded a Nobel Prize for revealing that energy and matter are interconvertible and transferrable.  Einstein awakened the world to the fact that energy creates matter, and that everything - people, pets, plants, food and even thought - is created by, and generates energy.  Nevertheless, nearly a century has passed, and we Westerners continue to struggle with the concept of an energy-based reality."

While there will always be things which are simply out of our hands, I truly think we have the power to attract certain energies and situations into our lives. At the molecular level we are all made up of protons, neutrons, electrons, etc. The crazy thing is NOTHING IS ACTUALLY TOUCHING. It is mostly space and energy and there is no actual contact. That means "energy" is pretty powerful. So what if our thoughts are also energy? What if the words we speak are energy? We cannot hear a dog whistle because it is a higher frequency than our human ears can perceive. Why does the idea of different and unheard frequencies only have to apply to sound? We have 4 other senses....Think about that.


This newsletter is heavily dedicated to the late and beautiful Maya Angelou   "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."