No Images? Click here EUROCAE NEWSblog2019 EUROCAE Symposium and 56th General Assembly25-26 April 2019 | Toulouse, France
AGENDA The 2019 EUROCAE Symposium will feature some of the most topical developments in aviation, grouped under six dynamic sessions:
Follow all the developments on the EUROCAE website SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The EUROCAE Symposium is only possible with the support of our sponsors. EUROCAE Symposium 2019 Sponsors: ![]() EUROCAE 56th General Assembly25 April 2019, Toulouse, France After the end of Session 3 of the Symposium on Day 1, starting with 17:00, EUROCAE will be organising its 56th General Assembly meeting.
![]() Take advantage of this opportunity and benefit from the participation at both events by clicking the button below! EUROCAE at the 2019 World ATM Congress Under the theme “Europe for Aviation” the European aviation organisations working to implement the Single European Sky, namely the European Commission, EUROCONTROL, SESAR Joint Undertaking, SESAR Deployment Manager, European Aviation Safety Agency, European Defence Agency, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, and EUROCAE, were represented at the World ATM Congress. In doing so, the organisations showed how between them they cover the full project management cycle from policy and funding to research and deployment. As the European leader in the development of worldwide recognised industry standards for aviation, EUROCAE was able to brief visitors on the latest standardisation developments and how we work together with industry and institutions, in Europe and beyond, to contribute to global interoperability. EUROCAE Secretary General Christian Schleifer participated in several sessions and discussion panels. A special focus was dedicated on standardisation activities directly supporting the Single European Sky and analysis of the effects and contribution of international standards in support to the deployment of innovative solutions. Based on the example of Remote and Virtual Tower we described the success story of transferring the R&D achievements of the SESAR programme towards implementation and deployment of this solution by the industry, supported by open and consensus-based standardisation. WG-100 and ED-240A were in the centre of this discussion and the EUROCAE standard is growing globally as the main reference standard for remote tower deployment. The panel discussion clearly showcased the fact that delivering a complete package of R&D, standards and regulation enables effective deployment of innovative technology and enhances the competitiveness of the European industry. The “Europe for Aviation” stand and theatre hosted a wide range of debates, presentations and guided walking tours, as well as the Single European Sky Awards, and illustrated the collaboration in action between European aviation organisations working to implement SES. The WAC was again an excellent opportunity to meet with stakeholders, obtain information on latest industry trends and in turn inform about EUROCAE’s activities and perspectives. EUROCAE at the Avionics-Expo Munich EUROCAE participated to the Avionics Expo annual event in Munich on 12 and 13 March 2019, speaking at two conference sessions and sharing a booth with EUROCONTROL. EUROCAE moderated the session on current European and ICAO equipage mandates (i.e. Surveillance Performance and Interoperability Regulation, Datalink Services Regulation, Performance Based Navigation Regulation and the ICAO Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System). ![]() EUROCAE also presented the excellent progress of the activities of WG-72 on aeronautical systems security at the session on Big data and cyber security. For any additional information please contact Anna Guegan at WG-111 Call for participation * EUROCAE requires membership to participate in the activities subject to this Call for Participation. A-CDM is a concept aiming at improving operational performance at airports which involves not only the airport operators but also other stakeholders such as: ANSPs, aircraft operators, ground handlers, de-icing companies and supporting services. Many airports have already implemented A-CDM and efficiently benefit from it. It is not a new topic for EUROCAE as it has addressed previously this topic with the first A-CDM standards delivered back in 2008. Since then the Airport CDM community continued to update A-CDM procedures and system features. They published further guidance material and released several updates of the main reference material, the EUROCONTROL Airport CDM Implementation Manual (currently Version 5.0, 2017). This functional evolution of A-CDM as well as requirements derived from the PCP or other domains with close connection to A-CDM (such as A-SMGCS with regard to dynamic taxi times) triggered the necessity to update the existing EUROCAE documents in this domain. The EUROCAE Council on 26 February 2019 has approved the creation of this new Working Group to address this topic. The WG-111 shall address in particular the PCP which requires an A-SMGCS routing service to be implemented in airports with the necessary interface with A-CDM and the second topic is the SWIM A-CDM Service definition, providing requirements for the interoperability between the ATM and Airport domain. ![]() In line with the approved Terms of Reference (ToR), to update the existing ED’s on A-CDM and take into account requirements on A-CDM from the PCP and put A-CDM in the appropriate context of A-SMGCS and SWIM, WG-111 is tasked to develop:
To maximize the chances of success, EUROCAE WG-111 is inviting experts in particular from the following domains:
If you are interested in this activity and would like to contribute to the WG-111 activities, please complete the Registration form by 30 April 2019. For any additional information please contact Sergiu Marzac at Aviation Software StandardsWith airborne and ground-based aviation systems increasingly interconnected, the landscape for critical systems software is changing.Whether you are an ANSP specifying or accepting a system, the person responsible for system maintenance, or a supplier at the cutting edge of software product development, you will need to understand the standards options available to you, how to apply them, and the impact on costs. Join our next training session of Aviation Software Standards based on your availability and experience a practical and interactive approach to the subject matter, drawing on the trainers’ extensive experience in both aviation safety and critical systems software development. The course outline is available here. The next sessions are planned as follows: For any additional information please contact Adrian Cioranu at Aviation Cybersecurity TrainingBenefits of attending
The next sessions are planned as follows: The course outline is available here. For any additional information please contact Adrian Cioranu at EUROCAE welcomes the following new Members: ![]() EUROCAE documentsThe following EUROCAE documents were recently published: ED-253 "OSED for Automation and Emergency Recovery", prepared by WG-105, Sub-Group-53. All EUROCAE publications are accessible by clicking the button: ANNUAL REPORTThe latest edition of the Annual Report covers the activity of our organisation between May 2017 and April 2018. It contains an overview of the Working Groups, the new activities we have launched, the engagement with other European and international bodies, and EUROCAE´s presence at international events. Open ConsultationDraft ED-114B "MOPS For Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment To Support Precision Approach and Landing", by 5 May Have you been forwarded this NEWSblog? |