Vol 21 No 7 20 October 2015
HSD Boys Head to All Ireland Hockey Tournament
Due to the success of the Senior Boys' Hockey team last year, this year's players have qualified for the All Ireland Schoolboys' Tournament in Ulster. The tournament begins on 21 October and the final is on the 23.
In our group, we have the Ulster Champions, Sullivan Upper School, the Munster champions, Bandon Grammar School and the third ranked team in Ulster, Cookstown High School. We have a very strong team and are looking forward to putting in a good performance, hopefully challenging for the title.
By Peter Lynch
Leinster Team Selection - Hockey Success Congratulations to Andrew Canning, Alistair Empey, Harry Lynch, and Jake Pillow who have been selected to represent The High School on the Leinster U16 hockey team. We extend best wishes to all our pupils as they compete for interprovincial success at this age grade in November.
Mr P Fitzpatrick
Halloween at The High School Dublin
We are almost half-way through Christmas term already; much has been achieved. Over the last nine weeks we enjoyed the success of our Junior Certificate results, the Outdoor TY trip, the Form 1 Outing to Larch Hill, a very productive Staff Training Day, our Open Evening plus much, much more. We hope that everyone has a restful midterm break, and we will see you all again, bright and early on Monday, 2 November, to begin all over again!
Ms Bergin, from the Home Economics department, is preparing pumpkins with her Form 2 pupils this week. They will be used to decorate the foyer coming up to midterm. Click on the video above to learn how to carve a pumpkin yourself!
Always be aware of the dangers of burning candles left unattended. Young people are most likely to be injured at incidents involving fireworks and bonfires over the Halloween period. For more information on keeping safe over the Halloween period, click here.
Looking for some chilling Halloween reading suggestions to keep you and yours occupied over midterm? Just click on the image above for a list of suitably spooking reads and enjoy!
Celebration of Pupil Achievement
This year's annual Parents' Evening and Prize Distribution event takes place this Wednesday, 21 October. The guest speaker will be Mr Rory Montgomery (HSD 1971-77) Second Secretary- General Department of the Taoiseach. Festivities begin at 8.00pm, but please be seated by 7.50pm. You should have already received your invitations. Please RSVP to the school office as soon as possible, by phone (01-4922611) or email: office@highschooldublin.com. We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate The High School's hard-working, dedicated pupils.
Remembering Not to Forget - The Crocus Project
The Crocus Project is a programme in which the Holocaust Education Trust Ireland distributes flower bulbs to schools across the country. On the 7 October, Form 4D planted a brown paper envelope full of bulbs outside the school, as a conclusion to our history module on Auschwitz, taught by Mrs Hutchinson Edgar. The bulbs will grow into flowers, and by late January, the front of our school will be dotted with yellow crocuses, just in time for Holocaust Memorial Month.