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Monthly Newsletter | March 2016

Ted Talk Video


Sri Shamasunder delivers a powerful TED Talk, entitled "Whose Suffering Matters Less and Why?"

Kara Bischoff

Meet Kara Bischoff

Assistant Clinical Professor


Other News

Phuoc Le participates in a UCSF teach-in panel on injustice and health.


Wendy Anderson, Margaret Fang, James HarrisonCindy Lai, Lynnea Mills, Chris MoriatesSirisha Narayana, Brad Sharpe, and Rachel Weiss received the 2016-2017 Education Innovations Grants from the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators, UCSF Program in Interprofessional Education, and the UCSF Library & Center for Knowledge Management. 

Here are the awarded proposals that are expected to make significant contributions to educational excellence at UCSF:

Patients Teaching Providers: Using Videotaped Patient Narratives to Train Empathic, Patient-centered Providers
Principal Investigator: Rachel Weiss, MD, working with Cindy Lai, MD; Margaret Fang, MD, MPH; James Harrison, PhD; Wendy Anderson, MD

Improving Adherence with Relationship-centered Communication for Diverse and Vulnerable Populations
Principal Investigators: Lynnea Mills, MD and Elizabeth Imbert, MD, MPH, working with Anna Chang, MD; Amin Azzam, MD, MA; Calvin Chou, MD, PhD; Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, MD, PhD, MAS; George Saba, PhD

Standardizing Learning for Advanced Medical Students Through a Comprehensive Toolkit for the Creation of Supplemental Electronic Curricula
Principal Investigator: Emily Abdoler, MD, working with Christian Burke, BA; Patricia Cornett, MD; Jenny Crawford, MA, MPH; Christopher Moriates, MD; Karen Hauer, MD, PhD; Health Professions Pathway Learners; Brian Schwartz, MD

Bridging the Gap: Using Hypothesis-Driven Physical Exam to Mold the 21st Century Physician
Principal Investigator: Sirisha Narayana, MD, working with Heather Nye, MD, PhD; Anna Chang, MD

Building a Toolkit for Excellence in Oral Presentations: Exemplars across the Spectrum of Specialties
Principal Investigator: Dan Ciccarone, MD, MPH, working with Brad Sharpe, MD; Health Professions Pathway Learner


In his March 3rd State of the Department of Medicine Address, Interim Chair Bob Wachter 
highlighted the extraordinary accomplishments of the department, but also touched on the concerns of many faculty and staff. A related blog post is here



Sara Murray and colleagues investigate the incidence of infections among hospitalized patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.


Featured Project

Rachel Weiss, Sasha Morduchowicz, Diane Sliwka, and Michelle Mourad boost patient experience by displaying patients' photographs at their bedside.


The DHM Quality Post

Quality Post

Kathy Woo

Kathy Woo

"Kathy is a lifesaver. She takes on last-minute requests with so much grace and stride. She's a wonderful addition to the division!"

- Nancy, Kat, Maria, Rose, Bob, and essentially everyone who works with Kathy!


Steve Ludwin

"Very impressive! Dr. Ludwin spent a lot of time with me & explained new med problem in detail. If I didn't have such a great PCP, I would switch to him as he's very, very good - thorough and outstanding."

- UCSF patient