No Images? Click here EUROCAE NEWSblog![]() EUROCAE offices will be closed over the winter holidays from 24 December 2018 - 1 January 2019 incl. Please take this into account to ensure we can provide you with EUROCAE visits EUROCAE actively pursued its engagement with our international stakeholders during a visit to Japan in late November / early December 2018. This visit was a prime opportunity to meet our Japanese members as well as to raise awareness for international standardisation. It also helped to understand the specific Japanese context, priorities and challenges for aviation. During a dedicated workshop at the Japan International Aerospace Exhibition 2018 Tokyo (JA2018), Christian Schleifer, EUROCAE Secretary General, addressed more than 80 interested participants to the European perspective for future aviation and standardisation activities within EUROCAE. This was complemented by 2 further presentations on standardisation activities in CARATS, by Mr. Shuji Takahashi, Director Air Traffic International Affairs Office, JCAB, and examples of Japanese contributions to standardisation of avionics on TCAS, by Shigeru Ozeki, ENRI Director General. ![]() A further meeting with ENRI, JCAB and JRANSA provided in-depth insights into the work they are performing in support of the Japanese ATM modernisation programme CARATS. A specific focus was on remote tower, an area where ENRI has been actively engaged in the past years within EUROCAE WG-100, and is conducting important R&D work. It was also a great opportunity to better understand the Japanese priorities and particular challenges faced here, e.g. in the area of GNSS, and to discuss standardisation trends and EUROCAE’s relationship with other SDOs and contributions to ICAO. EUROCAE also took the opportunity of the ISO/TC 20 SC16 meeting taking place in Tokyo at the same time to present and discuss our activities in the area of UTM, as well as to meet with the Society of Japanese Aerospace Companies (SJAC). Anna von Groote, EUROCAE, gave a presentation to an audience of more than 150 participants at the ENRI conference held on 3 December, to explain the EUROCAE process and raise awareness for ongoing and planned standardisation activities and note the importance of a truly global approach to standardisation through the involvement of all interested stakeholders. ![]() The visit closed with a meeting with the Tokyo University Aviation Innovation Study Group, under the leadership of Prof. Shinji Suzuki on 3 December. This group of high-level representatives of the Japanese aerospace industry was created already in 2008 as an informal discussion group. EUROCAE’s presentation was received with great interest and led to a good discussion about international standardisation work. ![]() Developing and nurturing strong relations with industrial members and partners from countries and regions around the world is a firm objective for EUROCAE in support of international harmonisation and global interoperability. For any additional information please contact Anna von Groote at EUROCAE celebrates with the international aviation community International Civil Aviation Day was established in 1994 by ICAO to mark the 50th anniversary of the Organisation, which was created on 7 December 1944. In 1996, pursuant to an ICAO initiative and with the assistance of the Canadian Government, the United Nations General Assembly by resolution officially recognised 7 December as International Civil Aviation Day and listed it as an official UN day. ![]() The purpose of the global celebration is to generate and reinforce worldwide awareness of the importance of international civil aviation in the social and economic development of States, and of the role of ICAO in promoting the safety, efficiency and regularity of international air transport. EUSCG updates the RDP 13 December 2018, Brussels The 7th EUSCG meeting took place on 13 December in Brussels hosted by DG MOVE. EUSCG participants used this opportunity to exchange on the recent updates to their work programmes and on further actions related to the UAS standardisation activities, including the global coordination. ![]() It was emphasised that with the publication of EU regulation on drones planned for Q2 2019, the SDOs need to synchronise more on producing timely standards to complement the regulatory frame. The RDP v3.0 should be published beginning of February 2019, after the approval by correspondence and WG-110 kick off meeting The kick-off meeting of WG-110 "Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems" took place on 13-14 December at EUROCAE premises. Experts from the regulators (EASA, UK CAA) and the industry (Airbus Helicopters, Bell, Collins Aerospace, Elbit Systems, Honeywell, IANS, Lufthansa Systems, Sikorsky, Thales Avionics) gathered to launch this new WG. WG-110's scope of work is the development of a Minimum Operating Performance Standard for Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems for offshore helicopter operations. The
justification for the tasking includes: ![]() The MOPS are required to form the basis of a technical standard to support the air operating rule mandate. - It has been demonstrated that HTAWS provided with the “Classic Modes” defined in UK CAA CAP 1519 can provide a significant (four major accidents in UK operations alone could have been avoided) and very cost-effective improvement in the safety of offshore helicopter operations, and would address a number of UK AAIB Safety Recommendations. The MOPS will promote and facilitate the introduction of appropriate HTAWS. More information on the WG-110 is available here. For any additional information please contact Anna Guegan at EUROCAE WG-76 and RTCA SC-206 restart joint activitiesWorking Group 76 is tasked to develop Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for AIS (Aeronautical Information Service) and MET (meteorological) Datalink Services. After developing descriptions for 17 services in this domain and in order to facilitate the globally harmonised implementation of these services, it was agreed to join forces with RTCA SC-206 and to finalise the specifications in a joint activity. It is planned to add these service specification to the already existing RTCA MASPS DO-364 () and to publish the revised standard as a joint document. In order to launch this joint activity, members of EUROCAE WG-76 joined SC-206 for their meeting on 3 to 7 December 2018 hosted by the Harris Corporation in Melbourne, Florida. During the meeting both groups performed a detailed review of the ![]() existing service descriptions and formed sub-groups in order to speed up the work with parallel development of the AIS and MET related services. The group agreed on a schedule until the end of 2020 when the final version of the document shall be available for submission to the Open Consultation/Final Comment and Review phases. Face to face meetings will take place every three months alternating between Europe and the United States. They will be supported by regular Webex meetings to progress the work. EUROCAE and RTCA are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation. For further information please contact Alexander Engel at EUROCAE WG-62 in support of GALILEOWG-62 was created in 2002 in the context of Galileo definition phase and of GPS modernisation plans. Since then, the group has kept abreast with the developments to accommodate the changes in the planning of Galileo satellite deployment and GPS modernisation. WG-62 is working to support the earliest introduction of Galileo based services for aviation through the production of MOPS documents. It is also the best venue to share technical concerns between aviation SBAS users and service providers. RTCA SC-159, particularly WG-2 SBAS is the natural counterpart of the WG-62. In the recent years SC-159 members have closely collaborated with WG-62 to the production of the initial version of the Minimum Operational ![]() Performance Standard for Galileo / Global Positioning System / Satellite-Based Augmentation System Airborne Equipment. This MOPS has been released for open consultation in October 2018 (ED-259). As agreed to between the two organisations, the next issue of this MOPS will be a joint WG-62/SC-159 document. The administrative details of this cooperation will be discussed early 2019. EUROCAE acknowledging its WG participants For the third time EUROCAE will recognise the excellent performance of its Working Group members with the 2019 EUROCAE Awards, presented during the EUROCAE Symposium on 25 and 26 April in Toulouse. Standards development within EUROCAE is performed by volunteers who dedicate their time and effort in the production of high quality documents. Every year this dedication is recognised by EUROCAE by presenting the EUROCAE Awards in the scope of the yearly Symposium. In 2019 the Award Night will be held on 25 April. The nomination for the Awards is organised via the Working Group Chairpersons and Secretaries. They have been invited to inform all Working Group members about the ongoing nomination period and to submit to the Secretariat the names of those who in their opinion deserve to receive an Award. The Selection Board will consist of members of the Council, the TAC and the Secretariat. To select the winner of the Global Harmonisation Award a representative of RTCA will join the Selection Board since this particular Award will be presented to a member of a joint Working Group. ![]() In 2019, Awards will be handed out in the following categories: Lifetime Achievement Award – to a contributor who has shown his dedication to the EUROCAE activities over an extended period of time Working Group Leadership – to a Working Group Chairperson which has proven to be a successful and efficient leader. Global Harmonisation – to a Working Group member that has contributed in an outstanding manner to a joint Working Group with RTCA or SAE Best Contribution – to recognise a single contribution that goes beyond what can normally be expected from a WG Member. International Award – to a non-European member of a EUROCAE only Working Group The Awards process will start soon and will find its highlight in the Awards ceremony during the 2019 EUROCAE Symposium. For more details please contact Alexander Engel at Aviation Software StandardsWith airborne and ground-based aviation systems increasingly interconnected, the landscape for critical systems software is changing.Whether you are an ANSP specifying or accepting a system, the person responsible for system maintenance, or a supplier at the cutting edge of software product development, you will need to understand the standards options available to you, how to apply them, and the impact on costs. Join our next training session of Aviation Software Standards based on your availability and experience a practical and interactive approach to the subject matter, drawing on the trainers’ extensive experience in both aviation safety and critical systems software development. The course outline is available here. The next sessions are planned as follows: For any additional information please contact Adrian Cioranu at Aviation Cybersecurity TrainingBenefits of attending
The next sessions are planned as follows: The course outline is available here. For any additional information please contact Adrian Cioranu at EUROCAE welcomes the following new Members: ![]() EUROCAE documentsThe following EUROCAE documents were recently published: ED-62B "MOPS for Aircraft Emergency Locator Transmitters 406 MHz". All EUROCAE publications are accessible by clicking the button: ANNUAL REPORTThe latest edition of the Annual Report covers the activity of our organisation between May 2017 and April 2018. It contains an overview of the Working Groups, the new activities we have launched, the engagement with other European and international bodies, and EUROCAE´s presence at international events. Open ConsultationED-253 "OSED for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Automation and Emergency Recovery (A&ER) Functions", by 2 January 2019 ED-242A "MASPS for AMS(R)S Data and Voice Communications Supporting Required Communications Performance (RCP) and Required Surveillance Performance (RSP)", by 11 January 2019 ED-243A "MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS)", by 11 January 2019 Have you been forwarded this NEWSblog? |