![]() RoadWatch: Roundup May 2020 Welcome to our monthly Austroads RoadWatch: Roundup for May. Discover our latest news, published reports, Guide updates, webinars and events. ![]() Updated Guide to Traffic Management contains latest research and focuses on pedestrian access and safetyAustroads’ Guide to Traffic Management (AGTM) has been updated based on findings from multiple Austroads research projects to reflect current practice and emerging innovation. There is also an additional focus on improving pedestrian safety, access and health. “We have not substantially updated pedestrian design guidance since 1995, when traffic management mainly dealt with maximising use of private vehicles,” said Richard Delplace, Austroads Program Manager Network. “Lack of guidance has made it difficult for planners and engineers working in state and local government agencies to introduce safe and attractive pedestrian facilities. The result is that walking rates are static or declining, and pedestrian fatalities and injuries haven’t declined much in the last 10 years. In contrast, the safety of vehicle occupants has significantly improved. Updating and harmonising Australian and New Zealand guidance on pedestrian planning and design means more attractive and safe walking environments. It will not only save lives and reduce serious injuries – it will also improve the liveability of our cities and neighbourhoods”. Join us for three webinars on various new aspects of the updated Guide to Traffic Management:
No charge but registration essential. Can't make the live session? Register and we'll send you a link to the recording. ![]() Measuring the particulate rubber content of crumb rubber modified bindersAustroads has published a standalone test method on measuring the particulate rubber content of crumb rubber modified binders. “AGPT-T142 Rubber Content of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen: Soxhlet Method replaces the old test method which was published in 2006 and used a trichlor bath method,” said Ross Guppy, Austroads Assets Program Manager. “The chemical trichloroethylene in the old method is no longer used due to health, safety and environmental issues associated with its use. This new test method explains exact methods of weighing and treating a crumb rubber binder sample using Soxhlet extraction, and then calculating the rubber content of the binder. It will be a useful addition to Austroads’ comprehensive suite of technical specifications and test methods on pavement construction and maintenance.” The test method goes into details on the procedure to be used for preparing a sample, elution by solvent reflux using Soxhlet extraction, determining the rubber recovery factor and calculating the rubber content of the crumb rubber binder. “Practitioners will find the notes and calculation equations particularly useful,” said Robert Urquhart, author. ”There is also guidance on equipment and its dimensions, which includes information about the type of commercially available equipment which can be used to perform the test.” Download AGPT-T142-20: Rubber Content of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen: Soxhlet Method ![]() New technical specification and test method on improving the surface of bituminous pavementsAustroads has published a new technical specification on treatments that improve the surface of bituminous pavements, accompanied by a test method detailing the procedure for determining the degree of stripping of a single coat sprayed seal. “Austroads Technical Specification ATS-3480-20 and accompanying Test Method AGPT-T254-20 are part of the suite of specifications Austroads is producing for road and bridge construction,” said Ross Guppy, Austroads Program Manager Assets. “The technical specification contains information on improving the surface texture of sprayed seals by safely removing excess binder and unwanted materials such as petrol, oil, grease, lichen and other grime from road surfaces,” says Richard Edwards, author. “It provides detailed information for contractors on all elements of retexturing and surface cleaning, including preparing quality management plans, standards for waterblasting equipment, tests and trial methods and providing accurate records. “The test method provides details of the equipment and procedures needed to measure the degree of aggregate stripping from sprayed seals.” “These documents will provide valuable guidance for jurisdictions and supplement other technical specifications and test methods dealing with treatments of bituminous pavements,” said Ross Guppy, Austroads Program Manager Assets. Download: ![]() New technical specification for bituminous pavement crack sealingAustroads has published a new technical specification on the requirements for supply of sealant and the sealing of cracks in asphalt and spray seal pavements using hot placed elastomeric and crumb rubber sealants. These prevent water from seeping into the pavement material. “Austroads Technical Specification ATS 3470 includes information on quality system requirements, materials, pavement surface preparation, application of sealant, performance requirements and records,” says Ross Guppy, Austroads Program Manager. “It’s part of the comprehensive suite of specifications Austroads is producing for road and bridge construction. These standardised specifications will save time and money in the long term as industry adopts consistent contemporary practice on construction projects.” The specification is accompanied by six new test methods providing detailed instructions on:
“These test methods provide precise information on safety precautions, equipment, preparation, procedures and reporting,” says Richard Edwards, author. “They are derived from existing Transport for NSW test methods which in turn are sometimes derived from American Society for Testing Materials Designations.” Seven other specifications have already been published on supply of precast concrete pipes, polymer modified binders and geopolymer concrete, and on the repair and strengthening of concrete structures. Download:
![]() New webinars: Identifying cost-effective and sustainable materials for sealed and unsealed roadsSelecting the most appropriate materials for road construction or maintenance means assessing their performance, life-cycle costs and sustainability. With increasing shortages of quality quarried materials and natural gravels, road agencies are considering using locally sourced marginal and non‑standard materials. “Road asset managers need to understand the mechanisms behind material performance to select and tailor materials for a range of different applications on both sealed and unsealed roads,” said Ross Guppy, Austroads Program Manager Assets. To extend practitioners’ understanding of what influences material performance, Austroads is running three webinars based on the reports Sustainable Roads Through Fit-for-purpose Use of Available Materials: Evaluation Tool and User Guide and Sustainable Roads Through Fit-for-purpose Use of Available Materials: Technical Basis. These are:
No charge but registration is essential. Register and find out more by clicking on the links to each webinar. Survey: Road asset data collection technologyAustroads Assets Task Force is managing a project to identify road asset data collection technologies and evaluate these against criteria including cost, accuracy and accessibility. We will then provide a guide to Austroads members and other users wishing to adopt the technology. To ensure most emerging data collection technologies have been identified, we are asking road authorities, local government agencies, industry organisations and technology vendors from across Australia and New Zealand to complete a short survey on data technologies you are trialling, have heard about or want to explore. We are also keen to hear about data sources you may be aware of that offer data sets you can correlate with your own data. The survey will take 1-2 minutes to complete and can be found at https://bit.ly/2K2w8R9 Vendors can complete an additional more detailed survey by including your contact details in your response to allow us to send a link. This additional survey would take 10-15 minutes to complete. Please complete the survey by COB Friday 29 May For more information or questions, email susan.chamberlain@cardno.com.au. Upcoming Austroads webinarsCharting Changes in Austroads Guide to Traffic Management Pedestrian Planning Concepts Introduction to the Materials Assessment Framework and its Application in Resource Assessment Measuring Pedestrians – Survey and Audit Methods Introduction to the Life-Cycle Costing Framework and its Application to Sealed Roads Introduction to the Life-Cycle Costing Framework and its Application to Unsealed Roads ![]() Latest webinar recordingsInvestigation and Development of Bridge Formulae for Inclusion in the Performance-based Standards Bridge Assessment Beyond the AS5100 Deterministic Methodology Education and Training for Drivers of Assisted and Automated Vehicles View all our past webinars online www.austroads.com.au/webinars. Austroads business continuity during COVID-19The rates of coronavirus infection are now dramatically lower. The ability to trace contact with an infected person has substantially improved. The availability of testing has increased significantly. These improvements have resulted in the National Cabinet and the NSW Government proposing a gradual easing of restrictions. While we have been successfully working remotely, Austroads is consulting with staff on a gradual transition to return to work in the office in line with the National Cabinet's three step framework. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on transport and we will be considering whether our future research program needs to be adjusted to help our member agencies fully understand and respond to changes in customer behaviour and the impact this has on transport modelling and infrastructure delivery. For NEVDIS enquiries please email nevdis@nevdis.com.au For Austroads enquiries please email austroads@austroads.com.au ![]() CPEE short courses go onlineThe Centre for Pavement Engineering Education (CPEE) will continue to provide quality training during the COVID-19 pandemic by delivering its short courses via online webinars. Face-to-face short courses have been postponed until at least October. The online courses will have the same expert presenter, full set of printed notes, course program and question and answer section as the face-to-face sessions. In addition:
Attend an IPWEAQ mini-conferenceThe Institute for Public Works Engineering Australasia (Queensland) is offering 18 online mini-conferences from respected industry experts for anyone in the public works sector, on topics as diverse as bridge management, digital engineering, infrastructure law and practice and road network management. Each mini conference is approximately 90 minutes long and includes video presentations and supporting material. You can earn 1.5 CPD hours per session in your own time and at your own pace. Recent researchBITRE: Road deaths Australia - monthly bulletinsThis monthly bulletin contains current counts and summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes in Australia. It is published on BITRE's website on or around the 14th of each month. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. NZTA: New report - Travel demand management: strategies and outcomesThis report provides insight into the methods being used internationally to manage travel demand, and investigate their level of success. Understanding the approach taken to travel demand management internationally can provide key and critical insights of potential value for New Zealand. ![]() ![]() Upcoming conferencesConference organisers are carefully reviewing their arrangements to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please be aware that details may change at short notice. NEW BuildingSMART Virtual Summit Webinars, online, May 2020 2020 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, 16-18 September 2020 Safer Roads 2020, Virginia, USA, November 2020 Australasian Tunnelling Conference, Melbourne, 29 November-3 December, 2020 IABSE Congress, Christchurch, 3-5 February, 2021 NEW 17th ITS Asia Pacific Forum, Brisbane, 12-15 April 2021 Austroads Bridge Conference, Adelaide, 11-14 May 2021 AITPM National Traffic and Transport Conference, Brisbane, 27-30 July 2021 NEW 19th AAPA International Flexible Pavements Conference 2021, Brisbane, 16-18 August 2021 Deadline extended: Scholarships of up to $5,000 for women in leadershipWomen and Leadership Australia (WLA) is offering grants of $2,000 to $5,000 to women working in the transport and traffic sectors to help them build their leadership careers. WLA works with Australian industry to enable women to participate in career development programs through fee discounts, partial scholarships and interest-free study loans. Visit https://www.wla.edu.au/transportlogistics.html and complete the Expression of Interest form before 5 pm, Friday 19 June 2020 |