Working to protect peak holiday season No images? Click here Councils' funding boost for summer marketingA summer season campaign will be vital for the region’s recovery this
year. TCDC, HDC and DHC have been working together on a plan for marketing activity that will boost summer visitation. Last week Thames-Coromandel District Council received funds for regional promotion from MBIE as part of their cyclone recovery efforts; and Hauraki District Council have also committed additional funds to help shore up business resilience over summer. The new summer campaign will kick off in October, in time for planning for the main tourism season, and will build momentum through the peak holiday period to boost effects into the Autumn shoulder. This 7-month period is when visitors spend the most money in the region, which is why our strategy is to target this period. We will build an inclusive campaign that allows for and invites participation from our towns and businesses. Once we have campaign specifics confirmed we will set a date for an industry Zoom to present further detail. DHC support activities continueAs previously outlined DHC has followed a simple response strategy - Support for Business, Marketing and Roading. This included working closely with other agencies, in particular TCDC. Visitor safety was our immediate priority while working with the Visitor Sector Emergency Agency Group (VSEAG). Business: TCDC took on the significant task of administering the Cyclone Recovery Grant for businesses in Waikato. DHC Chair John Sandford was on the panel.
As we progress further through this Support stage we will resume our work with the DMP which speaks to the very challenges and opportunities that have been exposed by these weather events. We must acknowledge the extremely tough environment that business owners in Hauraki Coromandel continue to endure and the detrimental effects on the wellbeing of all people in our communities. We are still fielding more communications than usual and we apologise for any response delays as we work through them. Please don't let that stop you from getting in touch! |