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January 29, 2015

Somehow January seems to have almost gone with February just around the corner. And that means ADM Congress time. For more on the event on February 10 at the Hyatt in Canberra please click here.
We’ve got a range of coverage this week including an update on how the
Tiger remediation program is going, TAE’s contribution on the JSF and a look at how New Zealand handles their Defence industry policy. And a few more articles thrown in for good measure. I hope you’re enjoying the new Defence Week Premium format. Any and all feedback is more than welcome!


Katherine Ziesing
M. 0419 014 308
T. 02 6203 9535

Smart aluminium technology from TAE on JSF

A walk around a Joint Strike Fighter will reveal at least two physical characteristics that set it apart from earlier aircraft.  more»

Tiger sustainment remediation deed signed

The remediation of Army’s Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter program achieved a major milestone in late December, with the singing of an agreement aimed at restructuring the existing through life support contract.  more»

How NZ does Defence planning

In a nation with less than five million people the incentive to optimise every industry that employs citizens is apparent, and immediate.  more»

Pentagon testers: JLTV hinders marine amphibious assault operations

Pentagon testers have found that Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) prototypes are slow to deploy from ship to shore and, therefore, leaves US Marine Corps (USMC) units “vulnerable to threats”.  more»

Australian FMS announcement for M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles

The US State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia for M88A2 Hercules Heavy Recovery Vehicles and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for an estimated cost of US$47 million.  more»

Aviation Innovation Awards shortlist announced

Aerospace Australia Limited has announced the finalists in its prestigious Industry Innovation Awards for 2015.  more»

Defence Week Premium 333 PDF version

The full version of Defence Week Premium no.333 of 29 January 2015 can be downloaded here as a PDF. A separate PDF of the latest Defence tenders can also be downloaded here.  more»







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