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Command Corner

I’m delighted to have the opportunity to address or “communicate” with you all again, and I hope that many of you recently took the opportunity to enjoy some well-earned leave and quality family time as we now look to the challenges and demands of the busy year ahead and chart a path through the NATO Response Force (NRF) certification process towards command of NRF 17.

For all of us here at JFC Naples, the Golden Lion is but one form of communication to be able to inform, spread the word (messages), and through all of our activities, influence opinion and perception in one way or another. Many of you will read the Golden Lion, but I invite you to join us at, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Flickr. You might be amazed as to the extent of the activities that are undertaken by this Headquarters, and the amount of information that we communicate.

Ultimately, all that we say or do, all of our military activities, and everything that we publicise contributes to informing audiences and the wider Strategic Communication effect that we seek to achieve. And it is this Strategic Communication (or STRATCOM as it is known) effect that is such an important part of our mission - even this Foreword and the Golden Lion itself plays a small part in our overall STRATCOM effort. In this sense, STRATCOM is everyone’s business.

In today’s uncertain world with all of the security challenges and threats that we face to our values and way of life, communication, with malevolent manipulation of the information environment by those who would wish us harm or spread propaganda or opposing ideology, is the new medium to wage information campaigns, and in some respects, even replace the traditional forms of military warfare. In a globalised world where the internet and social media platforms offer so much opportunity, we shouldn’t forget how they can equally be harnessed and manipulated by nationalist agendas or terrorist organisations such as ISIL/Daesh who have been particularly successful with their information campaigns.

It is for that reason that the information environment has become an extremely complex domain, and why as a modern dimension of warfare, it has become so important that we as we seek to influence the perceptions and will of intended audiences – whether friendly, neutral, or adversary alike. We all have a responsibility to communicate the values and good deeds of our community, JFC Naples, and NATO, and at the most basic level, the Golden Lion and our webpages provide opportunities to keep our community informed, as well as provide engagement opportunities for wider audiences. I look to you all to assist in seeking ways to promote the great work of this Headquarters, and to embrace the challenging year ahead. Through your hard work and endeavour, I know we will succeed.



Canadian Forces Lieutenant General Alain Parent



Deputy Commander JFC Naples



Download the official Allied Joint Force Command Naples staff photo at the JFC Naples Flickr page: or share the photo from the JFC Naples Facebook page:



Allied Command Counterintelligence – Beware of Phishing

Phishing email messages, websites, and phone calls are designed to steal money or information. Cybercriminals can do this by installing malicious software on your computer or stealing personal information off of your computer.

Cybercriminals also use social engineering to convince you to install malicious software or hand over your personal information under false pretenses. They might email you, call you on the phone, or convince you to download something off of a website.


Cybercriminals are not known for their grammar and spelling. Professional companies or organizations usually have a staff of copy editors that will not allow a mass email like this to go out to its users. If you notice mistakes in an email, it might be a scam.

If you see a link in a suspicious email message, don't click on it. Rest your mouse (but don't click) on the link to see if the address matches the link that was typed in the message. In the example below the link reveals the real web address, as shown in the box with the yellow background. The string of cryptic numbers looks nothing like the company's web address. Links might also lead you to .exe files. These kinds of file are known to spread malicious software.


Cybercriminals use graphics in email that appear to be connected to legitimate websites (i.e. Facebook, Amazon, and etc.) but actually take you to phony scam sites or legitimate-looking pop-up windows. Cybercriminals also use web addresses that resemble the names of well-known companies but are slightly altered.  Remember legitimate institutions will never ask for your private information over unsecure channels including the telephone or email.  A good practice is to always verify by calling the institution directly (i.e. bank or company) before providing any private information.   It is always to better to remain suspicious then to have our Advisories or Cybercriminals to get our information.



Naples community celebrates Children’s Festival,  Miguel de Cervantes & King’s Day


Event Calendar and NATO Holidays

2016—JFC Naples Fitness Center Schedule

June 2—NATO Holiday / Italian Republic Anniversary

July 8 - NATO Ball

Aug. 15— NATO Holiday / Feast of Assumption

Sept. 16—JFC Naples International Food Fest

Oct. 7 — JFC Naples Oktoberfest

Oct. 24—Nov. 2 / Trident Juncture 16 Exercise

Dec. 2—JFC Naples Holiday Tree lighting

Dec. 8 — NATO Holiday / Immaculate Conception

Dec. 26 — NATO Holiday / Granted Day for Christmas Day