Saws that can sense flesh, beer-soaked sweet potato fries, ask the transgender community anything, drunk Swedish etymology, and more.
Upvoted Weekly

The button ended this week.

After 1,008,316 presses, the experiment is over. It started as a simple April Fool’s prank, but it turned into something far bigger than any of us could have imagined. We interviewed two of the members of team reddit who were behind this massive phenomenon, and you’ll hear them in an upcoming episode of the Upvoted podcast.

There was a lot more going on this week (as you’ll see below), but one of my favorites was a photo of this “canopy formation” from the r/skydiving community. If you’re counting, that’s 81 people making art while falling down to earth.

We even learned about a new community called r/AmItheAsshole, for all those times when you needed to be sure that you weren’t being an asshole, or to get the perspective of the other person. Great pick, r/subredditoftheday (also a great place to discover new reddit communities).

Basically, humans can be pretty awesome. (Unless you’re one of those non-pressers. 59s for life!)

In fact, one redditor, I_Lase_You, created a modified hair straightener so that another redditor, who’s a quadriplegic, could straighten her hair again. Yet another kind gesture from one stranger to another, made possible by the internet.

These are the things that make us proud to work at reddit. And as we approach our 10-year anniversary, one of the ways we’d like to look back is by hearing from you, dear redditor, about what your favorite thing is about reddit.

Alexis Ohanian, Co-founder
This saw can sense when it hits flesh and react
submitted by unknown_name

davidsoor also posted this gallery of 28 fascinating images on all different topics that we found, well, pretty damn interesting.

Comments 237 read more 2043 Upvoted
This is how emperors and c-sections got hopelessly mixed up in Swedish

New running segment: drunk Swedish etymology. I’d read it.

Comments 46 read more 155 Upvoted
Definitely going to try making these beer-soaked sweet potato fries with chipotle mayo VERY soon
submitted by amuseyourbouche
Comments 4 read more 59 Upvoted
awzc gives a brilliant summary of India’s vast history and explains why theirs is the most fascinating of them all

“have any of you guys read any Hindu mythology? Seriously, it’s as good if not better then the ancient Greek stuff

Dear lord yes, I’d rate The Mahabharata alongside Game of Thrones

Comments 1385 read more 980 Upvoted
A homeless man spits some truth to skeeterou
submitted by skeeterou
Comments 3138 read more 5278 Upvoted
The button has ended.

It started as an April Fool’s prank, but it became so much more than that. In fact, the button helped one redditor with MS get a wheelchair, helped another get engaged, and helped another get sober.

There’s also a slight chance it may have destroyed a marriage.

It also spawned a huge number of religions, sects, militaristic and political affiliations, and more—and even wars between the various factions. [Editor’s note, not Alexis: HAIL, ALL YE NON-PRESSERS! We have won at last!] Around 200 subreddits were created based on The Button, as well as dozens of apps, extensions, and analytical tools.

And now it’s over.

What does it all mean? What were these last two months for? r/theoryofreddit shares their final thoughts.

Comments 505 read more 4405 Upvoted
Daniel Radcliffe has been found using the time turner to take photos as a woman in the past

You’re a woman, Harry!

Comments 194 read more 1866 Upvoted
We love these single-sentence stories
Comments 13 read more 172 Upvoted
A passenger plane fights a terrifyingly strong crosswind
submitted by PandaGoggles

This gif is especially excruciating to watch. So glad this community always has a happy ending.

Comments 335 read more 3286 Upvoted
Have questions about the transgender community? There’s a great place to get answers.

With Caitlyn Jenner’s debut on the cover of Vanity Fair this week, transgender issues have been brought to the forefront again, so we decided this was a great time to highlight some of our great transgender communities on reddit.

r/asktransgender is a place where anyone can ask anything about the being transgender, from advice on how to proceed with dating a girl you just found out is transgender or helping your FtM child come out to their siblings to hearing their reactions to Caitlyn Jenner’s cover photo. It’s also a great place for people who are transitioning to connect with other people who’ve been there before them and ask questions, like this person who did an AMA after gender reassignment surgery.

Comments 68 read more 78 Upvoted
This photo posted to reddit connected the families of two best friends from the Army in the 50s
submitted by JustGimmeSomeTruth

When JustGimmeSomeTruth posted a photo he had found of his grandfather to r/OldSchoolCool, he didn’t expect he would get to learn all about his grandfather, whom he had never actually known, from the grandchild of his grandfather’s best friend, as well as receive tons more pictures of him.

Dude. DUDE. I just got off the phone with my grandfather, and both of our heads are exploding. My grandfather (WO Mays) and your grandfather (WO Northcutt) were best friends. My grandfather accompanied your grandfather’s body back to Illinois.

This is going to make my mom’s day/week/year. She never knew her father and barely even had a picture of him for years.

Comments 342 read more 3320 Upvoted

In case you’re in search of your new favorite TV show, r/askreddit recently talked about the best shows that had them hooked right from the pilot. And one of the writers of Better Off Ted even showed up to join in the conversation.