Dear colleague, Interim communications to trusts for year three of the maternity incentive scheme Following on from communication issued in March 2020, this is an update on year three of the maternity incentive scheme (MIS). While the reporting requirements were paused, trusts were asked to
continue to apply the principles of the 10 safety actions, given that the aim of the MIS is to support the delivery of safer maternity care. Update - The current plan is to relaunch the scheme in line with Maternity Transformation Programme (MTP) planning for programme recovery by working closely with the MTP policy team. The MIS
safety actions are currently being reviewed by members of the Collaborative Advisory Group.
General - The review/submission dates for the year three maternity safety actions initially
planned from March 2020 onwards are being revised and will be updated. As there have been specific requests from trusts regarding training requirements, we have provided early indications for training within this document.
- The timeline for the MIS will also be revised and the submission date for the board declaration form will be deferred to 2021 (submission date TBC).
- The trust declarations will be required to be submitted six months after the launch date of
the scheme.
- There will be additional elements within some safety actions to ensure that learning from important, emerging Covid-19 themes is rapidly implemented by maternity services. In particular, safety action eight has been affected by Covid-19 (see below).
- If contact details have changed for your nominated MIS lead please update them.
- For any queries related to the MIS please contact
Finance - We plan to operate the financial arrangements on the same basis as before, i.e. to uplift the maternity element of contributions by 10% with a view to returning all of those funds to the trusts that meet all of the ten maternity safety actions. Trusts that have not achieved all ten safety actions may be eligible for a small amount of funding to support progress. The maternity contribution will collected in the financial year starting in April 2021.
Safety action two – maternity service data set - Item 14 on the Maternity Record Standard has been removed from action two and will be progressed separately by NHSX. NHS Digital announced on 1 April 2020 that the Digital Maternity Record Standard (DMRS) compliance date had been delayed from Monday 30 November 2020 to Sunday 28 February 2021.
- For any queries related to the maternity record standard, please email
- The mailbox for any queries on items 1-13 of safety action two remains
Safety action six – saving babies lives care bundle (SBLCB)
- During the Covid-19 pandemic it has been difficult to implement some elements of SBLCB and in particular element one as carbon monoxide testing has been suspended. Compliance with element 1 will therefore require an audit based on the percentage of women asked whether they smoke at booking and at 36 weeks gestation.
Safety action eight – multi-disciplinary
training - NHS Resolution appreciates that local face-to-face, multi-professional training has not been possible during the emergency response due to Covid-19. When it is possible to resume training, social distancing/Covid-19 precautions will still affect the ability of units to provide face-to-face training.
- As an interim arrangement, we are planning to amend the
requirements of safety action eight, as we recognise that traditional ‘hands-on’ drills and skills/in situ simulations may not be possible or practical for the immediate future.
- The interim arrangements will include local multidisciplinary training being provided as a local, half-day virtual/on-line training package as an alternative option for local MIS training requirements.
- If any ‘hands-on’ training is undertaken, or training is held in one room, as
with clinical work, teams should follow the current guidance in relation to infection prevention control procedures, social distancing and personal protective equipment requirements, to ensure staff safety.
- We will provide more information on the content of this local on-line training and signposting for possible resources in the next few weeks.
Yours faithfully, NHS Resolution MIS team
The NHS Litigation Authority is the operating name of NHS Resolution. Our services have a shared goal of reaching a resolution, whether that is around a claim, a concern about performance or a dispute between an NHS contractor and provider. Our main services are: Claims Management providing indemnity schemes for the NHS in England and resolving compensation claims fairly; Practitioner Performance
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