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November 6, 2014

Defence’s annual report has hit the streets, DSTO has released their new guiding document and the furore over Defence pay and conditions continues, leaving a bad taste in the mouths of many. It would be good to see some coherent reasoning behind the effective pay cut to Defence personnel but I fear I might suffocate if I hold my breath waiting.
If you're headed to the SIA conference next week in Fremantle, be sure to catch up with Julian Kerr who will be on deck for ADM.

I'll be at MilCIS along with David Jones to make sure we have all our bases covered. Stop by the stand to say hi.
To help us make the ADM products better, we've put together a short survey to get your thoughts on our various offerings. Click here to take part in this quick anonymous survey to have your say.
Hope to see you round the traps.


Katherine Ziesing
M. 0419 014 308
T. 02 6203 9535

DSTO release Forward 2035

Chief Defence Scientist Dr Alex Zelinksy launched Forward 2035, DSTO's forward planning document, on 31 October.  more»

New technologies hosted at Army Innovation Day

Some of the latest in tactical intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) technologies were showcased by members of defence industry at the inaugural Army Innovation Day held at the Special Forces Training Facility in Sydney on September 30.  more»

RAN Patrol boat fire's aftermath

According to the Courier Mail, the fire which gutted a $54 million Australian Navy patrol boat has been blamed for the demise of a Brisbane-based boat manufacturing and servicing company.  more»

Tough decisions ahead for Defence

Tough decisions will be required to better align Australia's Defence funding and capability, the secretary of the DoD has warned in the DoD's 2013-14 annual report.  more»

$2 million boost for Victorian Defence Science Institute

Victorian Minister for Manufacturing David Hodgett has announced that the Napthine Government will provide $2 million funding for the continued operation of the DSI.  more»

New processing technology for Defence ration packs

The DSTO is to investigate the use of a new processing technology to produce high-quality, long-life, shelf-stable foods for Defence ration packs.  more»

Call for tactical cyber control

Tactical cyberspace control is rapidly becoming central to dominating the information environment and thus will emerge as paramount for forces campaigning in the information age.  more»

Last NH90 now in RNZAF service

The RNZAF has received into service the last of eight operational NHIndustries NH90 TTHs it ordered in 2006, the defence force announced on October 31.  more»

Cuts to red tape to save DHA approximately $15 million

DHA has welcomed key changes to the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme, which will allow the developer to save approximately $15 million across a 12-month period.  more»

People on the move

The latest in defence appointments.  more»

ADM Online: Weekly Summary

A summary of the latest news and views in the defence industry, locally and overseas. Check out our webpage for daily news updates on the ADM home page and make sure you bookmark/RSS this for a regular visit.  more»

Call for firewall performance trade-offs to be exposed

Too many decisions about firewalls were being driven by budget constraints, laying open an organisation to attacks down the line according to Neil Campbell, group general manager security, Dimension Data.  more»

USN platforms under cyber assessment

A US Navy task force is conducting assessments on a number of ship platforms to create an enduring framework the Navy can use to analyse and defend against future cybersecurity threats.  more»

Defence Week Premium 325 PDF versions

The full version of Defence Week Premium no.325 of 6 November 2014 can be downloaded here as a PDF. A separate PDF of the latest Defence tenders can also be downloaded here.  more»










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