Austroads' monthly newsletter ![]() RoadWatch: Roundup March 2019 Welcome to Austroads RoadWatch: Roundup for March. This is our monthly newsletter which includes links to our latest reports, webinars and Guide updates. ![]() Road safety audits guidance updatedAustroads has published a new Guide to Road Safety Part 6: Managing Road Safety Audits. The Guide provides guidance on the procurement, management and conduct of road safety audits. It aims to:
Join us for a webinar on Thursday 21 March 2019, 1pm AEDT for an overview of the Guide by Paul Hillier, Kenn Beer and Joseph Le. No charge but registration essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording. ![]() Stabilised materials guidance updatedAustroads has published an updated edition of the Guide to Pavement Technology Part 4D: Stabilised Materials. The Guide describes in detail the:
This Guide is a complete revision of edition 1.0 originally published in 2006 and includes restructuring the Guide based on stabilisation materials; editorial changes and minor technical changes throughout; and major technical changes to the guidance relating to cementitiously stabilised materials and foamed bitumen stabilised materials. Join us for a webinar on Thursday 11 April 2019, 1pm AEDT for an overview of the key changes to the Guide by Geoff Jameson. No charge but registration essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording. ![]() ![]() Traffic management guidance updated with Safe System contentAustroads has released updated editions of six Parts of the Guide to Traffic Management (AGTM) following a Safe System review. In January, Austroads released the report Embedding Safe System in the Guide to Traffic Management. The new and revised content recommended in this report for AGTM Parts 1, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12 has been incorporated into the series. The publication of the six updated editions addresses the priority gaps identified in the review and presents an opportunity to better integrate Safe System into traffic engineering and management activities. Guide to Traffic Management Part 6: Intersections, Interchanges and Crossings is also currently under review and is expected to be published with new safe system content by April. ![]() Road tunnels pavement guidance updatedAustroads has released an updated edition of Guide to Road Tunnels Part 2: Planning, Design and Commissioning with expanded pavement design guidance. Part 2 sets out the Austroads expectations regarding appropriate design for road tunnels. It discusses all aspects of planning, design and commissioning of road tunnels including structural and geotechnical requirements, fire and life safety, ventilation, lighting, traffic monitoring and control, plant monitoring and control, electrical power supply and the requirements for associated building structures. The new edition of the Guide includes significantly expanded pavement design guidance in Section 5 and updated references to Austroads Guides throughout. Join us for a webinar on Thursday 30 April 2019, 1pm AEST for an overview of the key changes to the Guide by the author George Vorobieff. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording. ![]() New fire data set for major Australian road tunnels![]() Austroads has released a report detailing fire incidents in 11 major road tunnels in Australia . The tunnels which form the basis of the study are all more than 1km in length, have high traffic volumes, are in an urban location, and are monitored and controlled through a continuously staffed control centre. The high-quality data set captures extensive information about 78 fire incidents in Australian road tunnels. The data capture extends from the opening date of the Sydney Harbour Tunnel which opened in August 1992, to include subsequently opened major tunnels and their operation up to and including June 2016. The study identified a need for a consistent method of reporting fire incidents using pre-determined terminology and the report provides a simplified fire incident questionnaire, to enable future incidents to be easily added to the base data set. It is envisaged that the data will be periodically updated to reflect the continued operation of the existing eleven major tunnels. Future versions will also include road tunnels opened after July 2016 such as the Waterview Tunnel in Auckland. A national approach to measuring non-fatal crash outcomes![]() Austroads has released a report documenting the first stage of a pilot project to improve the measurement and reporting of serious injury road crashes by matching police crash data and hospital data. Road transport agencies recognise that linking hospital and police data is integral to future reporting, as demonstrated by the results of the NSW linked data study conducted by Transport for NSW in 2017. The Austroads study was designed to provide a proof of concept for a national approach to source and analyse data related to non-fatal hospitalised road injuries. Join us for a webinar on Thursday 4 April 2019, 1pm AEDT for an overview of the study by the report authors James Harrison and Dr Angela Watson. No charge but registration essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording. ![]() ![]() New road risk assessment tool to assist with speed managementAustroads has launched a new tool and report on Infrastructure Risk Rating (IRR), a simple road assessment methodology designed to assess road safety risk at a network level, primarily as an input to the speed limit setting process. Inappropriate or excessive speed is a major road safety issue. Effective speed management is fundamental and critical to reducing speed-related road trauma. Speed limit setting is at the core of speed management. Speed limits need to be set at a safe and appropriate level, considering the function, design and safety of the road. The report explores the application of IRR in Australia, with particular emphasis on how it may be used by State and local governments to inform speed management on their road networks. Join us for a webinar on Tuesday 26 March 2019, 1pm AEDT for an overview of this study by the report authors Haris Zia and Dale Harris. No charge but registration essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording. ![]() ![]() Foamed bitumen stabilised materials showing good deformation performanceAustroads has released a report detailing the findings from the first phase of a project to evaluate the deformation performance of foamed bitumen stabilised materials. Foamed bitumen stabilisation involves insitu or plant mix stabilisation of pavement materials with bitumen as the primary binder. The process is used to improve the strength of granular materials while retaining a flexible pavement. Austroads project TT2046 is assessing the field performance of in situ foamed bitumen stabilised materials under full-scale accelerated loading and consists of two phases. This first phase included:
Upcoming Austroads webinarsGuide to Road Safety Part 6: Managing Road Safety Audits 21 March 2019, 1pm AEDT Road Risk Assessment, Case Studies and Engagement Guidance for Speed Management 26 March 2019, 1pm AEDT A National Approach to Measuring Non-fatal Crash Outcomes 4 April 2019, 1pm AEDT Guide to Pavement Technology Part 4D: Stabilised Materials 11 April 2019, 1pm AEDT Updated Guidance for the Design of New Pavement for Road Tunnels 30 April 2019, 1pm AEST No charge but registration is essential. Can’t make the live session? Register and we’ll send you a link to the recording. ![]() ![]() Latest webinar recordingsDeveloping the Data to Support Heavy Vehicle Road Reforms Long-Term Pavement Performance Study Passing Lanes: Safety and Performance Improving Driver Licensing Programs for Indigenous Road Users and Transitioning Learnings to Other User Groups View all our past webinars online ![]() Vehicles as a Workplace: Launch & ForumIn early March Austroads joined with the Heads of Workplace Safety Authorities (HWSA) in Brisbane to launch a new work health and safety guide Vehicles as a Workplace. Following endorsement by HWSA, the guide was published jointly by Austroads and Workplace Health and Safety regulators from Queensland, NSW, Tasmania, South Australia, Northern Territory, ACT and the Commonwealth. Austroads Chair, Neil Scales, commended the collaborative effort to date and said that Austroads would continue to provide technical support as the Guide is rolled out over the next six months. Latest NZTA resources Through its Research Programme, the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) invests in innovative and relevant research which plays a critical role in contributing to the government's goals for transport. The Pedestrian Experience literature reviewThis literature review brings together some of the findings from the disparate literature on pedestrian experience to inform planning or service delivery within the NZTA. A better understanding of pedestrian needs will inform efforts to promote the use of walking as an Performance benefits of polymer modified bitumen binders for thin surfacingsThe aim of this research was to try to identify field data from New Zealand and overseas that supported Appointment of Professor Phil Evans for CPEE academic boardThe Centre for Pavement Engineering Education (CPEE) has further enhanced its Academic Board with the appointment of Professor Phil Evans, Consultant and Professor of Law, faculty of Law at Notre Dame University, Fremantle WA. The Academic Board supervises development of CPEE's academic activities including the maintenance of academic quality, integrity and standards. ![]() Latest BITRE resourcesRoad Deaths Australia—Monthly BulletinsThis bulletin contains current counts and summaries of road crash deaths and fatal road crashes in Australia. It is produced monthly and published on BITRE's website on or around the 14th of each month. Data are sourced from the road traffic or police authorities in each jurisdiction. Download the February 2019 report Fatal Heavy Vehicle Crashes Australia—Quarterly BulletinsThis quarterly publication tracking counts of fatal crashes that involve heavy vehicles. Download the December quarter 2018 report Bi-annual road trauma data tables for the Australian Trauma RegistryThis Excel sheet provides national summary tables of severe injury cases (admitted patients with an Injury Severity Score > 12) added to the Australian Trauma Registry. These tables were produced under a joint funding agreement between the Australian Government Department of Health and the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities. Download the 1 January to 30 June 2018 report Road Trauma Involving Heavy Vehicles—Annual SummariesThis report presents counts and rates of fatal crashes, fatalities and hospitalised injuries from road traffic crashes in which one or more heavy vehicles were involved. Upcoming conferencesInternational Street Lighting + Smart Controls Conference, Sydney, 2-4 April 2019 Victorian Transport Infrastructure Conference, Melbourne, 1-2 May 2019 Mobility as a Service | MaaS 2019, Melbourne, 2 May 2019 IPWEA Public Works Conference, Melbourne, 9-10 May 2019 Roads Australia Transport Summit, Sydney, 30-31 May 2019 National Electronic Tolling and Charging Worldwide Conference, Brisbane, 4-6 June 2019 Transport Innovation Study Tour, The Netherlands, 16-21 June Queensland Transport Infrastructure Conference, Brisbane, 18-19 June 2019 National Traffic & Transport Conference, Adelaide, 30 July-2 August 2019 AAPA International Flexible Pavements Conference, Sydney, 18-21 August 2019 LGA Roads and Works Conference, Renmark, 14-16 August 2019 7th Australian ITS Summit, Melbourne, 28-29 August 2019 The National Roads & Traffic Expo, Melbourne, 17-18 September 2019 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Adelaide, 25-27 September 2019 PIARC World Road Congress, Abu Dhabi, 6-10 October 2019 European Transport Conference, Ireland, 9-11 October 2019 ITS World Congress, Singapore, 21-25 October 2019 International Cycling Safety Conference, Brisbane, 18-20 November 2019 ITS Asia Pacific Forum, Brisbane, 25-28 May 2020 |