Expanding Our Views: One Month at a Time vol. 16 No Images? Click here

Decide in December:

Does your life happen to you, or do you happen to your life? 

Align your goals with your truth and you WILL be successful


The focus for November was looking inward, asking which voice was truly yours and really listening for the answer. December is now about using that voice to manifest your future. Sounds powerful, doesn't it? It is. You are.


"We have the ability to create circumstances and opportunities in our lives by setting clear intentions and by committing to and living in alignment with these intentions."


A Game to Play

I wrote the November newsletter because that's what was present in my life at the time and I thought maybe others could relate. Interestingly enough, the November 22nd New Moon just happened to be about finding your true voice, and trusting that if you "align your goals with your truth you will be successful." That quote, as well as the following two, are from the amazing site I talked about last month, Mystic Mamma. She had this to say about the Sagittarius New Moon in November:

"This is a time of aligning with our deepest truth and having the courage to move, create and express from our center."  

"It's about being loyal to your own sense of what's true."

With that in mind, my desire for the coming month is to focus on setting intentions which align with the voice I have found inside (or am in the process of discovering). I invite you to join me in the following exercise:

- Be specific and write down or imagine what you want your life to look like. Think of what is missing, the addition of which would make you feel complete. (What kind of people do you want to be surrounded by? What kind of place do you want to live in? Do you need more financial security? Wish you were happier at work? Want someone to share your journey with? What would you love to spend your days doing?)

- Now, what would need to happen in order for that image or idea to become a reality? (Do you need to make more money? Become more grounded and confident, open and available? To put yourself in situations where you could meet someone? Do you need an investor who is interested in your idea? Do you need to hone in on what you are passionate about?)

With these lists, you might be able to see spots where there is potential to create the reality you desire. It's like putting all the pieces of a puzzle out in front of you. When everything is laid out, it becomes easier to see which pieces might fit together and where you can start to build connections.

Try it out, knowing that the hardest part is sitting down to actually do it. Instead of hoping on Facebook tonight, get out a piece of paper or make a note on your phone and begin your lists.


Can Being Grateful Change the World?

Gratitude and being kind. I think these two things are game changers, so when a friend told me about The Kindness Challenge I jumped right on board. In their words:

Small consistent actions performed over 21 days can create a significant impact in our personal lives. When these actions are done by groups of people the impact ripples out even further.

Therefore on December 1st for 21 days I will perform one act of kindness a day, "a fun way to make a difference and spread happiness."  

How does it make you feel when you do something nice for someone? Personally, I feel pretty good. Can you imagine what the world would look like if every single person participated in this challenge? Oh my.


Partially Science, Partially My Opinion: A Rant About Astrology

Astrology has always intrigued me and the more I learn about it the more fascinated I become. There are a lot of skeptics out there, and rightfully so, but think about it. The moon is a big magnet that has the power to create shifts in the water which covers just over 70% of our planet. Isn't it possible that it also has the power to create shifts in our emotions? (A point of interest: our 2nd Chakra is the seat of our emotions and also ruled by the element of water. Coincidence?)

The planets in our solar system also have magnetic properties. So when the magnetic moon is passing over a magnetic planet, isn't it even slightly possible that they can create a certain shift here on earth? Furthermore, what if the planets each were to have their own specific characteristics? These questions, along with knowing the moon can potentially effect my emotions and therefore reality, has led me to pay more attention to the moon cycles and which planet it happens to be passing through. While I do not have an astrology bible, or live life according to which position the planets are in, I certainly enjoy being aware of what might be influencing the world around me.

An anecdote: In February I met a girl who is a few years older than me.  I was drawn to her immediately and soon after discovered that we had the same birthday. Several months later I met another woman who I was instantly mesmerized by and later found out that her and I shared the same birthday as well. Both women are the exact same age and were born in the same city. We all share the same moon sign, sun sign and a few other planets/signs. What's so interesting, though, is that we all look the same and have a VERY similar energy. The two women in particular share many similar qualities and characteristics (to the point where it blows my mind a little). So, yes, perhaps it's just a really crazy coincidence. But then again, maybe it's not.


Full moons are perfect for purging and releasing things from our lives that no longer serve our higher self. The bright light of the sun throws a spotlight on our subconscious to illuminate any issues that have been festering there since the new moon. Often the full moon is a time where we can see the fruit blossom from the seeds we planted at the new Moon. We can also choose to release people or bad habits, as old routines and ties we established years ago can be thrown into the lunar fire.

                     The December full moon will take place on the 6th  :)


The two things to take-away from this month's newsletter:


Set some intentions

As we near the end of this calendar year, take some time to think about what you want your life to look like and what would bring you the most joy. It's even stronger if you write these ideas down.

The simple act of "setting intentions" is incredibly powerful. It begins a shift in your thinking which, after a time, creates new habit patterns in the brain. This is proven.


Join me in the kindness challenge!!!

This will obviously benefit whomever you perform an act of kindness toward, but it will also have a positive impact on YOURSELF. Follow this link and have fun making yourself feel good!

Check out these other links too:

Smile Deck

Join an existing challenge

Start your own challenge