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Number 350 14 July 2016



Hello  ACORNS subscriber,

This fortnight it's all about statistics and evaluation. A number of interesting reports and findings have been released recently, so whether you are looking for serious summer reading (or are enjoying the southern hemisphere winter and want an excuse to stay indoors) we have ideas for your reading list. If you would like to contribute the world of statistics and evaluation, we would be grateful for your input into our latest research project on cultural leadership. Complete our short sector survey here, and feel free to forward the details to your networks.

Last week the European Commission published the third edition of Culture Statistics, which looks at a range of indicators that relate to culture, including employment, expenditure, international trade, enterprise and participation. The full report is available on their web site, but if you’re pressed for time, the Network of European Museum Organisations has a good summary of interesting results. In the same week, the Asia-Europe Foundation published their two-volume ASEF Outlook Report, Connectivity: Facts and Perspectives, which was released in line with the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting. The report addresses connectivity between the regions in relation to various factors including economics, sustainable development, culture and media, and education. Meanwhile in Mexico, the Secretary of Culture and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography have presented a snapshot of the role of culture in the national economy. The findings show that more than one million people are now employed in the sector, which contributes 2.8% of the country’s GDP. If you want to explore your reading options futher, you can always browse our online catalogue of cultural policy publications.

No doubt there have been other interesting reads from the past fortnight, so if you have news or publications that you would like us to share, please contact us at news@ifacca.org

Le recordamos que continuamos entregando noticias del espacio iberoamericano tanto de los países miembros como artículos en prensa en general de la región.  Al final de cada edición de ACORNS encontrará la sección de ACORNS Iberoamericano.  Asimismo, nuestro sitio web cuenta con una variedad de noticias en español a su disposición.



On Cultural Leadership: tell us what you think

We are conducting a series of surveys to find out what cultural leadership means to the sector. The results will inform the World Summit discussion paper, which will in turn inform D’Art 52: Cultural leadership in the 21st century. This is an important issue for the sector, and even if you can't join us at the Summit - though we hope you can - we’d like your voice to be heard. Share your perspective: complete the survey here

Vous pouvez complet l'enquete en français ici.

Liderazgo Cultural: denos su opinión

La FICAAC está desarrollando una serie de cuestionarios acerca de concepto de liderazgo cultural y su rol en el sector.  Los resultados informarán el documento de debate para la 7ª Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura, el cual post Cumbre se publicará como Informe D’Art 52: Liderazgo Cultural en el siglo XXI (en inglés, español y francés). Reconocemos que este tema es muy importante para el sector artístico cultural.  Si no puede participar en la Cumbre en Malta, de esta manera tendrá voz en los contenidos a ser desarrollados y debatidos. Acceda al cuestionario aquí.

5th IFACCA Researchers Meeting
35 July 2016, IFACCA and Arts Council of Korea, Seoul, South Korea

The 5th IFACCA Researchers Meeting was co-hosted by the Arts Council of Korea and took place in Seoul, South Korea, on 35 July. The meeting was attended by 14 researchers from eight countries. The meeting coincided with the International Conference of Cultural Policy Research, and its objectives were to share information on current research priorities, project and methods; discuss the role of arts policy research and its connection to cultural policies; provide feedback on IFACCA’s research activities and upcoming research projects and discuss research topics. 

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National Arts Agency News

Colombia launches new tax guide for artists and creators
Ministerio de Cultura, Colombia, 08 July 2016, Colombia

Colombia's Ministry of Culture and Office of Tax and Customs have collaborated to create a new online tool for artists and creative professionals  'Taxes for Artists' – which outlines the taxes that apply to the cultural sector.

Swedish Arts Council commissioned to counter stereotypes
Statens Kulturråd - Swedish Arts Council, 06 July 2016, Sweden

The national government has commissioned the Swedish Arts Council to increase knowledge and counter negative stereotypes through arts and culture via talks, seminars and other information activities, with the aim to contribute to a more open society.

Tunisian prison performance part of plan to promote cultural rights
Ministry of Culture, Tunisia, 03 July 2016, Tunisia

Tunisia's Minister of Culture and Heritage Preservation and Minister of Justice have attended a performance at the civil prison Palmrnaqah, which was part pf a joint action plan aimed at enhancing cultural work in prisons, promoting cultural rights and encouraging reform and rehabilitation through participation.

Viet Nam to address intellectual property rights enforcement
Viet Nam News, 02 July 2016, Viet Nam

The enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights is high on the Government’s agenda as part of its efforts to uphold international IP commitments, especially those in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement, according to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

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International News

A new digital platform for Pacific storytelling 
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning , 11 July 2016

The Pacific Storytellers Cooperative is a new internet platform where stories from the Pacific Islands can be shared with a global audience. The Cooperative aims to encourage younger generations to tell their stories, while utilising greater levels of connectivity and improved technical capacity.

German Parliament passes a new law to protect cultural heritage
Art Newspaper, 08 July 2016, Germany

The German upper house of parliament has passed the Cultural Property Protection Law to tackle illegal trafficking in looted antiquities and protect German national heritage. The law requires that cultural goods above a certain value and age only be exported with permission from authorities, and has faced opposition from art dealers and collectors.

India: Ministry of Culture seeks partners for Festivals of India
Ministry of Culture, India, 08 July 2016, India

The Ministry of Culture in India is seeking proposals from prospective partners for its Festivals of India abroad. The programme is part of the Ministry's strategy to strengthen international cultural relations and enhance the country's soft power.

Government reports continued boom for UK's creative industries
Department for Culture, Media & Sport, 04 July 2016, United Kingdom

A new report from the DCMS has shown that the creative industries contribute over £84 billion a year to the UK's ecomony. The report also notes that the number of jobs in the creative industries has increased three times faster than the UK average, and that diversity in the workplace is up by almost 45 per cent - more than double that of the wider jobs market.

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Culture Statistics 2016 edition
European Commission, 06 July 2016

The third edition of Culture Statistics presents a selection of indicators on culture pertaining to the following topics: cultural employment, international trade in cultural goods, cultural enterprises, cultural participation, use of internet for cultural purposes and private cultural expenditure.

Create Together
The Creative Industries, 05 July 2016, United Kingdom

Create Together is a growth strategy for the UK creative industries, developed for industry and by industry with support from government. It represents a shared vision and is action-orientated to support the growth of the creative industries for the next five years.

ASEF Outlook Report 2016/2017, Connectivity: Facts and Perspectives
Asia-Europe Foundation, 30 June 2016, International

As connectivity gains importance at national, regional, inter-regional, and global spheres, it has also emerged as an area for cooperation and collaboration, in particular for Asia and Europe. But how and to what extent are Asia and Europe connected? This report offers statistical and qualitative analyses on the status of Asia-Europe connectivity.

Creation and Displacement. New Narratives Around Migration
IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, 25 June 2016, International

The International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts – IETM – has released "Creation and Displacement. Developing New Narratives Around Migration", which presents some of the artistic projects taking place in Europe and internationally that have a focus on support, solidarity and engagement with refugees and migrants.


Mincultura y DIAN lanzan nueva guía de impuestos para artistas y creadores
Ministerio de Cultura, Colombia, 08 July 2016, Colombia

Como resultado del trabajo interinstitucional entre la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales –DIAN- y el Ministerio de Cultura, se lanza hoy el sitio web “Impuestos para artistas'.

Aumentaron los empleos en el sector cultural a más de un millón 25 mil puestos de trabajo
Secretaría de Cultura, 05 July 2016, Mexico

De acuerdo con información de la Cuenta Satélite de Cultura de México los puestos de trabajo del sector ascendieron en 2014 a un millón 25 mil, considerando además que esta base productiva generó el 2.8 por ciento del Producto Interno Bruto en el periodo medido, lo cual representó 450 mil millones de pesos. Esto demuestra la importancia de la cultura en la economía nacional. .

Ministro de Cultura Inauguró Encuentro Nacional de Diseñadores, Técnicos y Realizadores Escénicos
Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, Chile, 04 July 2016, Chile

Esta mañana, en el Centro NAVE, el Ministro de Cultura Ernesto Ottone asistió a la primera jornada del Encuentro Nacional de Diseñadores, Técnicos y Realizadores Escénicos, iniciativa que busca consolidar la relación entre las distintas disciplinas técnicas de las artes escénicas. El encuentro se realizará en NAVE este lunes 4 y mañana en Matucana 100.

Política Cultural del país se destaca en informe Presidencial 2016
Secretaría Nacional de Cultura, Presidencia de la República, Paraguay, 01 July 2016, Paraguay

Por mandato constitucional, el presidente de la República, Horacio Cartes, brindó su informe anual ante el pleno del Congreso Nacional, autoridades gubernamentales, representaciones diplomáticas e invitados especiales.

Pablo Avelluto: "Como en la política, en la Cultura promovemos la renovación generacional"
Infobae, 10 July 2016, Argentina

El ministro de Cultura habló con Infobae de los prejuicios que sufre el macrismo, y de su confianza en poder en revertirlos. Además asegura que a este Gobierno “no le importa a quién votan los artistas”.

Vuelve Abel Prieto al Ministerio de Cultura de Cuba
Martí Noticias, 08 July 2016, Cuba

El ex ministro de Cultura de Cuba, Abel Prieto Jiménez, se ha vuelto a hacer cargo del ministerio que dirigió desde 1997, bajo el gobierno de Fidel Castro, hasta marzo de 2012, cuando fue designado asesor del sucesor Raúl Castro.

Actividad cultural, 2,8% del PIB en México en 2014
El Universal, 05 July 2016, Mexico

La cifra representa 450 mil 683 millones de pesos a la economía del país.

Ley de Cultura plantea régimen de seguridad social para los artistas
Diario Opinión , 05 July 2016, Ecuador

La Ley Orgánica de Cultura, que se encuentra en trámite en la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador, plantea por primera vez un régimen de seguridad social en favor de los artistas, destacó el ministro Raúl Vallejo Corral en entrevista con ANDES.

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Phone: +61 2 9215 9018
Email us: info@ifacca.org
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