We need your immediate help to keep our animals safe and watered...

With temperatures already soaring to triple digits and a long, hot, dry summer still ahead for Wildlife Waystation, we've had an unexpected, expensive setback. Our large water truck tank has rusted, is in disrepair and is leaking terribly. This water tank is a critical piece of equipment for keeping our rescued animals watered and cool. We need to get a new one quickly but we really need your help. A new water tank costs $20k, a price we cannot pay at this time.

Our water trucks are critical to every day operations and care of the animals. We need water for the animal's pools and misters to keep them cool and water also keeps our enclosures and facility clean. It's also absolutely necessary to have a water truck tank ready and full should our worst nightmare happen, a fire... it could be the difference between life and death in that case. This is a very important tool that we simply cannot do without.

Please make a donation today which will help us keep our animals safe.

                                           Every little bit helps!

Your support will help us be prepared for unexpected expenses and continue to provide the excellent care that our over 400 rescued animals deserve.                  p. (818) 899-5201