No images? Click here June 15, 2021 Dear Industry Partner, Since the pandemic began, TIANS has been working diligently to secure provincial and federal supports for the Tourism Industry. The TIANS/Ministerial Stabilization and Recovery Working Group has been focused on a series of pillars of support as part of this work and today, the Provincial Government announced a Tourism Recovery Activation Program valued at $18 Million. The three elements of the program will support tourism businesses across the province, including many who have been ineligible for prior funding supports. DETAILS HERE. Accommodation operators will have access to a grant based on room numbers. The program will encourage packaging, season extension, and provide flexibility to operators who are HST registered businesses and those registered in TARA. TIANS pushed for this to support those smaller operators that have been left out of past programs. This injection of liquidity will greatly support cash reserves for accommodation providers all over all Nova Scotia. There is no revenue loss threshold and the government has committed to swift approval process. As part of the program, the Province is committing an incremental investment of $3 Million in marketing for Tourism Nova Scotia campaigns in Ontario/Quebec for this year. According to Destination Canada, the best opportunity for economic growth is to leverage the domestic market in Canada. In 2019, $28 billion was spent by Canadians outside of Canada; the latest research indicates Canadians want to explore at home this year, in particular destinations with quality outdoor experiences. The TIANS Travel and Incentive Committee has focused on this as a key priority to ensure we can compete for the domestic market. The program will also provide a Tourism Business Re-opening Grant - $5000 available to businesses from all 5 sectors, and will not penalize those who were not specifically mandated to close. For accommodation businesses, this will include small operators but they must be HST registered and registered on TARA. Those operators who previously have been ineligible will have access to this fund. TIANS has strongly pushed for this as it has been a major area of concern for the sectors who could not access general re-opening grant. ALSO announced today, by Premier Rankin, Nova Scotia is lifting its border restrictions and opening to the rest of Atlantic Canada on June 23, and on track for rest of Canada by no later than July 14. VIEW MEDIA RELEASE The TIANS Board and staff have worked hard on your behalf to get these programs in place. The infusion of liquidity into Nova Scotia’s hardest hit industry is a crucial first step towards getting every main street across the province moving again. This is a positive announcement by government, but we know there is still significant work ahead. We are pushing for consistent Maritime guidelines for the travel trade which is crucial for selling packages, extending CEWS and CERS to the end of December and championing other issues that will enable a robust rebuild of the Industry. As details on the Tourism Recovery Activation Program are released, we will share them on Tourism Strong and our social channels to ensure you have the most efficient access to these important supports. We continue to be here for you. Please contact our helpdesk for any assistance you may need at 902.423.4480 or Your TIANS TEAM GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS - JUNE 15TH ANNOUNCEMENTADVOCACY![]() Protected Wilderness Area Designation UpdateTIANS has been a long time advocate for the Protected Areas Network in our Province. Last month we wrote to government requesting they consider additional areas be designated - which they now have. We applaud the June 10th announcement by the Nova Scotia Department of Environment, proposing the addition of the Ingram River Wilderness Area to Nova Scotia’s Protected Areas Network. Public consultations begin July 12th - you are encouraged to lend your voice and support. Tourist Accommodations Registry Act Update (TARA)TIANS has been receiving questions from Industry regarding the Tourist Accommodation Registry and on the Tourism NS partnership with AirBnB. and the status of the new Tourist Accommodations Registry Act (TARA). TIANS reached out to Tourism Nova Scotia and they, along with the Nova Scotia Department of Inclusive Economic Growth, have responded to the Questions posed by Industry 1. What safeguards are in place that required online booking systems to Register on TARA? 2. What has been done to ensure businesses listed on online portals are registered on TARA? 3. What enforcement is in place to ensure compliance by the Online Portals? 4. Who is responsible for the oversight of online portals such as AirBNB? TIANS also continues to seek a resolution to other issues related to TARA. During the development of the new registry. TIANS and the camping sector supported the addition of campground registrations into the system and It was understood this adjustment would take place once the initial system was implemented. TIANS continues to push for this and is in discussions with government around a solution. TIANS is also seeking open access to the data available through the portal to support transparency and inform potential business and policy planning. TOURISM NOVA SCOTIAMarketing and Confidence Campaigns Launched As travel begins to resume through the summer of 2021, Tourism Nova Scotia is ready with marketing campaigns to encourage as much tourism activity as safely possible. Rediscover Nova Scotia, Do More In Nova Scotia and Shine On Campaign information is available for viewing on their website. On June 10th, TNS hosted an information Webinar, providing viewers with Marketing Plans, Tools, Resources and More. The Recorded Webinar is now available online. Simply register here, and a ZOOM link will be emailed to you. As well, a summary of data presented can be downloaded - Tourism Nova Scotia - 2021 Marketing Plans Overview. Industry Marketing Tools for Rediscover Nova Scotia & Do More in Nova ScotiaThe 2021 Marketing Toolkit developed by Tourism Nova Scotia can help your region or business embrace the 2021 campaigns to help make them bigger and better. Incorporate the logos in your marketing materials, use the campaign hashtags, and update your business and package listings on to align your marketing efforts with the provincial campaigns. CALL FOR PARTICIPATIONDo You Have a Red Seal Cook or Baker on Staff?TIANS/NSTHRC are currently seeking restaurants within HRM who have a Red Seal cook or baker to consider participating in Serve it Up! - a culinary career exploration program which connects high school co-op students with industry mentors; the intent of which is to increase the number of youth apprentices in the culinary trade and to provide the sector with skilled and professional workers. With Phase 2 of the COVID-19 reopening plan fast upon us, and the hope for a busy 2021 summer season ahead, now is the perfect time to gain that additional set of hands while providing an invaluable opportunity to a new generation of cooks and chefs. For more information or to discuss the program, contact or call (902) 300-7286.
Labour Market and Accessibility Survey - REMINDERIt's not too late! TIANS is working with Narrative Research - an independent research firm - to conduct a business survey designed to identify strategies to address current labour market shortages and accessibility. Survey Deadline: June 19, 2021 Your opinion matters. ![]() Survey Opportunity for Destination Marketing OrganizationsOn behalf of Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University you are invited to take part in a Survey being conducted to better understand DMO's access to reliable, current and valid data, in order to make data based decisions. If you have any questions about this research, please feel free to contact: / TOURISM HR CANADA RECOGNITIONCongratulations to Philip Mondor, President and CEO, and his entire team at Tourism HR Canada.As Chair of Tourism HR Canada, Darlene Grant Fiander, together with TIANS/NSTHRC Board and Staff, congratulate our national partners from Tourism HR Canada on being named as the inaugural recipient of the Canada's LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce Champion Award. Tourism HR Canada has been a longtime champion and pioneer of training, resources and tools to foster an inclusive and diverse tourism workforce. The Canada's LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce awards recognize the contributions of suppliers, entrepreneurs and allies who are advancing the state of LGBT+ entrepreneurship in Canada and expanding supplier diversity efforts. TRAININGCornell University - Online Portal ![]() ![]() Service Excellence & emerit Certification INDUSTRY SUPPORTSWe provide ongoing resources and updates for tourism operators through the Tourism Strong digital hub. Use Tourism Strong as your source for timely and relevant Industry news, government supports, research, health & wellness, and rebuilding into the future. We want to hear from you. Join the FB conversation at the TIANS Together Discussion Group CLEAN IT RIGHT - Helping Rebuild Consumer Confidence for the Tourism IndustrySign up now to earn your CIR business designation and gain the competitive edge while providing a safe environment for your visitors and staff. Online registration is quick and easy - simply fill in your contact information and select from the three training modules: 1. Hotels, Motels, Bed & Breakfasts; 2. Restaurants and Food Services; 3. Retail Businesses |