No images? Click here Vol 25 No 22 08 May 2020 The New NormalThe High School is a familiar and caring place for pupils and we are now working to replicate that sense of belonging from a distance. Schools are not only providing teaching and learning for all pupils but also emotional support and stability in turbulent times. While we all stay at home, teachers have worked hard to create a sense of continuity for their charges. We have all found the lack of proper human interaction very difficult to get used to. A school day is now much more intense for everyone. Teachers are providing lessons online, working via video and powerpoint. Messages and emails requesting help and support come in thick and fast all day long. Sometimes pupils drop in for a few minutes looking for
a chat with teachers. We offer reassurance, check on the vulnerable, and generally provide the friendly face of continuity. There is no normal anymore: we are all working our way through this the best we can. Some days we might be able to do more than others. It is not easy, but every one is trying their best and we will succeed in the end. Hearts for Frontline WorkersPupils past and current, parents and staff have come together to participate in an Art project, to create Hearts for Frontline Workers and to show our support for the work that they are doing. Here are just a few samples of pieces that Ms Rogers has collected. If you would like to create a heart of your own, please email Ms Rogers directly here. The deadline is 8 May 2020. Inspiring WordsEarlier this week, pupils from Form 6 were treated to an inspiring message from past pupil, International Hockey player and Olympian, Shane O'Donoghue, (HSD, 2008-2011) who encouraged them to stay focused during this difficult and not to worry about things they have no control over. Shane is a rising star in the world of sport and we are very proud to list him among our past pupils. Click here to hear his inspiring message. Library CompetitionThe winners of the Spring Short Story Competition are Ben Conn and Christian Walsh. Congratulations to Ben and Christian for a great story and well done on your achievement. Teaching and LearningPupils have been very busy at home completing essays, assignments and projects, and engaging positively in teaching and learning. Here is a broad sample of work that they have been producing. Whether investigating inherited conditions in Ireland, studying reproduction in plants, learning about rockets in Science, doing Physics experiments, recreating Roman Art and Architecture and famous Classics scenes, creating a visual response to literary texts in English class, or designing fact file tourism leaflets for CSPE our pupils have been adapting to learning in their home environments and are producing very worthwhile work. Well done, everyone! High School MemoriesHear High School past pupil Senator David Norris speak warmly of High School in conversation with Carrie Crowley on the Limelight chat show Assessment TimetableStaying in TouchDon't miss out on important communication from The High School. Ensure that you receive our digital newsletter each week by adding us to your e-mail address book or safe senders list. |