Research: Medical ProvidersWe're also pleased to share the following survey being conducted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Hunter College. They are seeking input from medical providers about how early intervention services could possibly be used by families and providers learning about a prenatal diagnosis such as Down syndrome. Please see the following letter from the researchers:
___________________________________________________ Dear Medical Professional, You are invited to participate in a research study, Prenatal Early Intervention: Medical Professionals’ Perspectives that is being conducted jointly by faculty at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Hunter College. The purpose of this research is to increase the knowledge of the developmental and
medical fields around the role Part C early intervention (EI) could play in prenatal supports for families who, once the baby is born, will be automatically eligible for Part C early intervention. A full explanation of the research study is available in the survey, and the survey link is provided below. Please click on the link below in order to participate in this brief survey: If you are having difficulty opening the survey link provided, you may copy and paste the link into your web browser. Voluntary participation in the study consists of a brief 10-15 minute survey, and is strictly anonymous. We hope you will choose to participate in this survey! Thank you in advance for your information and time! Sincerely, Jane Diane Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
(704) 562-7681 Bonnie Keilty, Ed.D.
Associate Professor
Hunter College
(212) 772-4709