Expanding Our Views: One Month at a Time vol. 19
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Every moment in life we have a choice whether to enter life's waters and float, or to try to swim upstream. When this card appears in a reading it is an indication that you are able to float now, trusting that life will support you in your relaxation and take you exactly where it wants you to go. Allow this feeling of trust and relaxation to grow more and more; everything is happening exactly as it should.                                  ~OSHO


Going With The Flow


Trusting that the Universe Can Hear Your Heart


The more you release, the easier it comes. What if life were like breath? We don't need to try to breath. If we hold our breath we'll actually just pass out and start breathing again. We don't need to do anything, really. It happens naturally.

What if life were similar to breath in the sense that if we intentionally let go and stopped trying so hard, things would flow even more freely? This is a scary concept to put into practice, because it means there will be moments of being completely unsure of how things will turn out. However, what I have found is that the more I let go and trust, the more it becomes a habit in my body. My default, then, is slowly becoming one of ease and trust rather than immediately thinking the worst.

Now, I don't mean we should all just stop working and hang out and assume money will fall from the sky. When you're driving a car you still need to keep your eyes open to watch the road, you just don't need to spend the entire ride so tense and terrified that you can't even enjoy it.


Quoted from "transformational comedian" Kyle Cease


"When something just sits still and does nothing, you can’t not evolve.  A caterpillar literally has to do jack sh*t, and then eventually it can f*cking fly.  We’re trying to fix things that aren’t broken all the time, and we’re getting in the way of our massive abilities.

It’s our resistance to how we feel that’s the problem versus just that we feel that way.  It’s not the thing that’s happening that’s the problem, but how we feel toward that thing."


An Epiphany of Easy


What I've come to realize over the last several months is that the less I resist the easier things get. A few months ago I wrote about getting quite sick in September and being told it was from exhaustion. After that experience I put a lot of intention into releasing my grip on life and letting go of the ideas I had around how things "should" look. 

As I did this work something interesting happened. Life got easier and things simply started falling into place.


Not only did the world NOT end if I waited until I got home to check my phone, or if I took a full day off without doing any work, but it was quite the opposite. I started to feel more at ease and less tense. I actually became more effective in my communications and the way I interacted with people. And most magical of all, opportunities seemed to be showing up in ways they never had before.

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An Article For Women, But Words We Can ALL Benefit From


This was from a set of articles to "empower your inner goddess" but I think it's valuable for human beings in general.

Women are excellent at playing multiple roles on the stage of life. Sometimes it seems as though the more we do, the more we think we’re showing the world around us how strong, responsible, complete, and capable we are at handling anything you can throw our way. As true as that may be, we suffer. We put ourselves aside over and over again. How many times have you said to yourself, “When this is done, I will have more me time?” But we all know that before “this” is done you’ll create a whole new list of “that” to do. 

Read the full article from Mellisa Carver Ph.D. here


One More Thing


I included a lot of other people's words in the newsletter this month. I actually think that goes quite well with the theme. So here's one more to close it out. Unfortunately, though, I don't remember where this one came from. Sorry...

Quantum Physics tells us that the very act of observing something changes it. And the Butterfly Effect of Chaos Theory shows how even the tiniest flap of a wing can eventually produce a hurricane.

Upon examining my own life, I can see how the slightest shifts of direction have led me down some very divergent paths and presented me with infinitely strange and beautiful experiences.

But the most satisfying and successful of these experiences have come when I was going with the flow of time and determinism.