No images? Click here ![]() ![]() November 9, 2020 In this issue:
COVID-19 UPDATESNew Ministry of Health policy on masks Many doctors and divisions are contacting Doctors of BC asking for additional information on the new Ministry of Health policy on masks. Doctors of BC is following up with the Ministry to get answers to your questions, and will send an update as soon as possible. For doctors who need to order additional masks due to the increased demand as a result of the policy change, an updated contact list can be found here. Physicians will receive PPE at no cost when they are connected to a new centralized distribution system. Watch for an update from the Ministry on projected timelines and implementation work in the near future. TECHNOLOGYVirtual health visit survey: Physician, staff, and patient feedback needed The Doctors Technology Office (DTO) and the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) Office of Virtual Health (OVH) are surveying physicians, administrative staff, and patients to improve the user experience for virtual health visits. Even people who are not hosting or participating in virtual health visits are encouraged to participate as this feedback will help identify potential barriers. Doctors are encouraged to share the survey link with patients. Note: Those participating in Zoom for Virtual Health Visits will automatically be prompted to complete the survey after their appointment. The survey deadline is November 30. Results will help improve user experience for virtual health visits. Results will be available on the Office of Virtual Health website in January 2021. For questions, please contact the PRIMARY CARE NETWORKSUpdate: Pharmacists in PCN implementation A few weeks ago, the GPSC hosted a webinar with the Ministry of Health and the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences to provide an update on the implementation of pharmacists into PCNs. Over the next two years, 50 primary care clinical pharmacists will be added to communities (20 in 2020/21 and 30 in 2021/22). To support this, UBC is prioritizing onboarding clinical pharmacists among PCN communities in year two of implementation (i.e. Wave 1). If your PCN community is prepared to onboard a primary care clinical pharmacist before the end the 2020/21 fiscal year (March 31, 2021), please connect directly with your Ministry PCN regional manager/liaison. There may be opportunities to support integrating clinical pharmacists in PCN communities in year one of implementation (i.e. Wave 2). Your ministry PCN regional manager/liaison will work with you to assess readiness. For more information about the Pharmacists in PCN Program, including the provincial job description, read Q&A: Integrating Primary Care Clinical Pharmacists into PCNs. For further questions please connect with your Ministry Regional Manager or GPSC Transformation Partner. JOINT COLLABORATIVE COMMITTEESParticipate in national physician leadership forum The Specialist Services and Shared Care Committees will sponsor 100 specialists and 100 family physicians in BC, respectively, via their Physician Leadership Scholarship fund, to participate virtually in the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) National Forum (December 6-9). Doctors can register by emailing by Friday, November 13, with their full name, MSP number, family physician/specialist, specialty (if applicable), and health authority. Webinar: Physician advocates for youth mental health in BC Resident physicians are invited to join the Child & Youth Mental Health & Substance Use (CYMHSU) Community of Practice for a webinar: Advocating for youth mental health care in BC through a Community of Practice - Thursday, November 19 from 5-6 p.m. PST. Facilitated by psychiatrist Dr Matthew Chow with a panel of physician leaders and residents engaged in the work, participants will learn about the key activities and advocacy of Shared Care’s CYMHSU Community of Practice (CoP), and how to get involved. The CoP’s 250+ members work across multiple child-focused medical specialties, towards seamless mental health and substance use care for children, youth, and families in BC. RUNNING YOUR PRACTICEList your practice on the Pathways Medical Care Directory Approximately two-thirds of family doctors in BC have already signed up to list their profiles on the Pathways Medical Care Directory (previously called the Pathways Virtual Care Directory). Pathways is a free online directory that helps patients access information about their family doctor, including updates about flu shots and COVID-19 testing. Patients can look up their doctor to find out how they provide virtual or in-person care, and view instructions for setting up an appointment. The directory listing can serve as a clinic website for doctors without one, while doctors who have websites can link them to their Pathways page. The goal is to offer a one-stop source of physician office information, and support doctors in keeping it updated. Please look at your listing to see if there is anything you would like to add by clicking the link at the bottom of your listing page. Doctors are encouraged to add their practice to the Pathways Medical Care Directory by filling out the Pathways Medical Care Directory form. ![]() Organize clinic workflow with the quality improvement facilitation cycle To streamline clinic processes and reduce workloads for her and her staff, Dr Ruth Demian reached out to the Practice Support Program (PSP) for help with a quality improvement (QI) facilitation cycle. Read the story and watch the short video about the QI process Dr Demian completed to create a plan for practice improvements and for saving time in her day. PSP supports can help you to make measurable improvements to your workflow and patient care. For more information visit the GPSC website. HEALTH CARE PARTNERSType 2 diabetes online event. November 18/19. An upcoming two-day virtual event hosted by the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council (BCPSQC) and Institute for Health System Transformation and Sustainability will use a mix of presentations and active participation to investigate leading practices and promote dialogue towards action on type 2 diabetes prevention, management, and reversal. There is no cost for attending the session, which takes place November 18-19. See the event website for full agenda and registration information: Type 2 Diabetes Dialogue: Creating Connections for Change. PHSA course highlights pediatric COVID-19 collection resources A Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) course covers saline gargle and nasopharyngeal (NP) swab testing, and a presentation on positioning and holding a child for an NP swab. For more information visit Pediatric COVID-19 Collection Resources or contact MATERNITY CAREReport highlights impact of collaborative Maternity Network in BC A short report on the Shared Care’s Maternity Spread Network from 2017-2020 – "Fostering Collaboration for Collective Impact" – highlights the accomplishments of communities, providers, and stakeholders to improve interprofessional collaboration within the complex environment of maternity care. Efforts will focus on building on this foundational work as the Network transitions to a resilient, productive Community of Practice. The Maternity Spread Network, which involves 22 communities, is one of five Shared Care Spread Networks linking divisions and communities to spread success and improve care for priority populations. Read the report: Maternity Spread Network 2017-2020: Fostering Collaboration for Collective Impact. Rural doctors providing maternity care: Share your experiences with virtual care What are the barriers to providing virtual maternity care in rural and remote communities, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic? Doctors providing these services are encouraged to participate in a focus group to help gain insight into this and other questions relating to virtual care. The research is led by the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Centre for Rural Health Research, as part of the MObile Maternity (MOM) project project funded by the Specialist Services Committee. Results will inform the development of an optimal platform to meet the needs of patients and practitioners in a rural context. Participants will be compensated for their time based on the Doctors of BC payment schedule. DIVISIONS IN THE NEWSClick here to read the latest news about Divisions of Family Practice in the media. The provincial communications team produces a twice-monthly newsletter designed to keep divisions up-to-date with the Divisions initiative. It is sent to local division executive directors, administration, physician leads, and board members. In order to minimize emails being sent these groups, we try to include as much in these newsletters as possible. We encourage you to share it with your division members at large. If you have a story you would like to submit for consideration, please contact Jeff Chan at Media coverage is monitored by the Divisions of Family Practice provincial communications team and compiled on the Divisions in the News page. This issue can also be found on the Divisions of Family Practice website. |