Expanding Our Views: One Month at a Time vol. 15
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Tune In

As the weather gets colder and winter approaches, there is a natural tendency to get introspective while we prepare for hibernation. 

The focus for October was slowing down, but now it's time to use those moments to our advantage.


I dedicate November to turning inward, tuning into who we really are, and realizing what we truly want.


“I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me. My story isn’t pleasant, it’s not sweet and harmonious like the invented stories; it tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want to lie to themselves.”

                                                                                             ~Hermann Hesse


Perceived Obligations

How often do we pursue things because we think it's what we should be doing or because other people want us to do it? Have you ever tried to figure out what your passion was or what you truly wanted to pursue, only to realize you had no idea? Listening to your inner voice can prove difficult when you can't figure out which voice is authentically yours.

continue reading...


"What if it's all ok, and it's all part of the dance and what we're meant to do is ground it, experience it, express it and then find a way to expand the wisdom we see and receive from it, into a deeper connection with everyone."                                                                                                                                   ~Gabrielle Roth


There's Science

Behind It


“When cells are caught in the same field of resonance, they are all dancing to the same music.

Studies show that when we’re thinking creatively, or when we are feeling peaceful, or when we’re feeling love, those emotions generate a very coherent electromagnetic field. And that electromagnetic field is broadcast to the rest of your body.

It also creates a field of resonance where the cells of the body lock in with each other. Every cell knows what every other cell is doing because they’re all doing the same thing, while still expressing their unique functions efficiently…


There are many emotions that can cause a disruption of the electromagnetic field in the heart, but the ones that have been most precisely documented are anger and hostility.

Once this synchronization is disrupted, your body starts to behave in a fragmented manner.

The immune system gets suppressed, which leads to other problems, such as increased susceptibility to cancer, infections, and accelerated aging.

The effect is so strong that animals can pick it up. If a dog sees a person who is harboring hostility, it will bark and act ferocious. Wherever you go, you are broadcasting who you are at this very intimate level.”

~ Deepak Chopra from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire: Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence 

~ Excerpt found at Mystic Mamma


What If.....

I was chatting with a girlfriend and she came up with an interesting idea. How would the world be different, how would we be different, if instead of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the National Anthem at the beginning of each school day we had 5 - 10 minutes of meditation or used that time to set an intention for the day?

Then I thought: wow, what if over time we saw those intentions manifest? How long would it take for us to stop calling it "just coincidence" and realize that we were actually creating our reality? The Law of Attraction says that by bringing ideas to the forefront of our conscious mind, we attract and create opportunities simply by being aware of them. We see things we wouldn't necessarily have noticed before, and therefore unleash the possibility to act on them. How would that have shaped how we live?

I know this can start to sound ethereal. Unless you've experienced something, it can be difficult to believe in it. However, there is no shortage of hard evidence about the effects of meditation and intention. It's powerful stuff, and I talk about it so much because since I've been doing it, I've genuinely watched my life unfold before my eyes. Of course I still have doubts, ups and downs and off days. The waves, however, are no longer as extreme and it's become much easier to steady them when they begin to get out of hand.

*Next time you find yourself on the subway, waiting in line or slightly bored, simply focus on your breath in and out, in and out. Think of something in your life that's no longer serving you that you want to release OR think of something you are lacking and would like to have more of. (This will become your intention). Make sure to put a positive spin on it like "I will take more time for myself" instead of "I will stop saying yes to others"or "I will put my own needs first" instead of "I will stop taking on other people's problems".

It only takes a moment to make small changes but after a while they add up to big ones. Do this exercise for fun, just to experiment with how it makes you feel. It certainly won't hurt you.


If our brain is racing, it is difficult to know what to do next or how to do it for that matter. When we are relaxed and focused, ideas flow to us naturally and we embrace their meaning.

                                                                                            ~ This Website


A Call To My Ladies

(But I don't want to leave out the men, you should pay attention to this as well)

I'll end on a more serious note, and something I will speak at length about in another newsletter or blog.

There is intense healing that still needs to be done around the globe in terms of gender equality and respect toward women. But make no mistake, there is a "palpable feminine power on the rise" which is only getting stronger. I came across this incredible site, and believe all women in particular should give it a click.

We are far from the love for all, which existed so long ago it only seems a fairytale now. It is imperative to bring awareness to the atrocities and injustices that are committed, so that we can understand what still needs to be worked on. However, it is equally if not more important to honor the steps that have been taken. As we move further toward balance, there will always be those who are so full of fear they will even give their lives to tip the scales back in the other direction. We have come too far though, and become too enlightened to go more than a few steps back for every leap forward. We must remember this.

A few sites to take note of:






Happy November