Plus: GoPros in Space, Scotch with Glacier Ice, and "$ave Dat Money"!
Upvoted Weekly

Happy Sunday,

This was a good week for redemption stories on Reddit. A photo of 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed in handcuffs (after bringing a clock to class) went viral on r/pics, and within hours he was getting offers to visit The White House and an internship at Reddit, and eventually an apology from his local police department.

The mystery of a friend’s lost phone was solved, and although that guy didn’t get his phone back, a random redditor now has to eat 30 mayonnaise bananas—so there’s that.

And finally, the brave soul who took pictures of all the exposed butt-cracks at a ‘Magic: The Gathering’ tournament (and got banned for it!) just got reinstated. To quote user Sgt_Scruff in that very thread: “What a time to be alive.” Yes indeed, Sgt_Scruff, what a time to be alive. Huzzah.

We also interviewed the man handing out resumes in front of Busch Stadium (the one that front-paged last week) to learn more about his story and just what lengths he’ll go to to support his family. And we released Volume 8 of our Ask an Admin column, titled “Porn and Positivity.”

We’re creating more and more original content on r/upvoted, so please subscribe and let us know how we’re doing and what we should report on next!

Alexis Ohanian, Co-founder
One Small Step for GoPro-Kind
submitted by trexarmsss

In June 2013, user trexarmsss sent a GoPro into space via weather balloon. Two years later, an AT&T rep spotted it on a hike and reunited the camera with its owners. Read about this GoPro’s strange odyssey and watch the launch video here.

Comments 1294 read more 7418 Upvoted
(NSFW) How Gamers Play…With Themselves
submitted by razorbeamz

Popular uh, “video sharing” website YouPorn released a fascinating series of infographics that break down what types of porn are most popular with gamers. See where “gloryhole” ranked for Xbox users and what Playstation users’ disturbing #1 pick was.

Oh, and while you’re at it, you might as well check out the most shameful thing redditors have masturbated to. (Ay, Dios mío)

Comments 34 read more 104 Upvoted
Former Hell’s Angels President Gives Inside look at Their Notorious Biker Gang

On Wednesday, former Hell’s Angels President George Christie sat down for an AMA to talk about Sons of Anarchy, his biggest regret, and riding around with Jerry Garcia and texting Mickey Rourke.

Comments 162 read more 250 Upvoted
One Jump Ahead of the Competition
submitted by QuickStopRandal

Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith. This gif comes to us from the community at r/EAF (short for “epic as f***,” obviously), which seems to feature a lot of hyperbolic jumps into bodies of water

Comments 23 read more 309 Upvoted
A Week-Long Trip to the Northernmost City on Earth
submitted by jetpks

User jetpks was backpacking through Norway when he decided to visit a tiny city called Longyearbyen (y’know: on the west coast of Spitsbergen?). Check out his full gallery to see “polar bear safe zones,” beer from the world’s northernmost brewery, and what whale steak looks like.

Very, very cool man. That glacier ice with scotch sounds like a dream.

Comments 147 read more 1099 Upvoted
Cable TV Cordcutters Share Secrets on How to Get Your Pro Football Fix
submitted by dontspamjay

Catching all your favorite live sports games is one of the hardest parts about cutting the cord—but the amazing football fans at r/cordcutters are here to help. Check out their 2015-2016 guide to catching all your favorite games.


Comments 320 read more 254 Upvoted
Redditor’s Trip to Estate Sale Unearths WWII-Era First Aid Kit
submitted by Lostfiniel

User Lostfiniel found a dusty box at a Southern California estate sale. The owner thought it was “just some old bandages,” but it turned out to be a first aid kit from World War II. Not bad for $5.

Comments 687 read more 5142 Upvoted
The Answer to All of Life’s Questions

A particularly educational community called r/theydidthef***you is solving life’s mysteries left and right—from Knock, knock. Who’s there?” to “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Be sure to read the rest of the community’s posts if you want to keep learning!

Comments 1 read more 6 Upvoted
Are You Ready for Your Close-up?
submitted by thenickdude, etcetcawkwardfacts, & beefjakey

r/MacroPorn is a place to celebrate all the little things—with really big pictures. Get a bug’s eye view of a Zippo lighter, a cat’s eye, a house centipede, a $20 bill, and a spider making lunch.

Comments 2 read more 41 Upvoted
A Would-You-Rather for the Ages

User martifo posed this head-scratching “would you rather,” and redditors answered decisively. They also pondered another tough choice: being fluent in every human language vs. being able to speak to animals. (User lordolxinator explained how they’d use their power to get rid of Donald Trump and help pandas make love.)

Comments 69 read more 92 Upvoted
The War of the Mudskippers
submitted by killerbunnyfamily

These mudskippin’ cuties just can’t get along. Speaking of animals having a territorial dispute, check out this inter-species battle over a coveted dog bed. (Poor pup.)

Comments 20 read more 516 Upvoted

This was another busy week for celebrity redditors, too: Chewbacca praised a fan in r/StarWars, Bill Gates showed up in r/infographics, and Lil Dicky returned in the comments of an r/Music thread about his new video “$ave Dat Money.”