It's been a busy week for industry (and the ADM team) at the largest-ever Land Forces conference in Adelaide. 15,000 attendances were registered to see 624 companies from 26 countries, including 328 SMEs. Big displays included contenders for Land 400 Phase 3 on the trade show floor alongside a range of seminars, symposia, and conferences.
In other news, we cover last week's Scindicate conference in Melbourne, the Russians mount assault rifles on underwater drones, TAE Aerospace buys Victorian-based KADA, the Innovation Hub spells out its strategic priorities, and Schiebel opens up shop in the Shoalhaven.
And the house announcements: Forms for this year's Top 40 Defence Contractors survey will be sent out shortly, as will Expressions of Interest for the next round of the Essington Lewis awards. Register now for ADM's Defence Estate and Base Services Summit, to be held on September 19th in Canberra.
Ewen Levick
Online Editor
0447 961 544
02 9213 8249